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  • File : 1294103314.jpg-(161 KB, 640x640, lizard.jpg)
    161 KB Lizard Quest Part 3 Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:08 No.13389925  

    ^ Parts 1 and 2
    I'm just going to copy the last post from part 2.


    "Of course I know how, but there's no way I'm going to help this human worm gain access to the power that is rightfully mine! I can only access a fraction of it in my current state, but as soon as we find an artificer and build my new body, I can take back my rightful place as supreme ruler and complete my miss- And rule."
    Your tail flicks and a bolt of green lightning consumes Henry. He dies before he can make a sound.
    "Come," Ouroboros says. "We need to leave this town now, and make our way to a larger city. News has already spread, so they should know of your good deeds, but if we don't leave soon we won't get there before word of your involvement in this mage's death spreads."
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)20:20 No.13390063
    oh damn! plot twists ahoy!
    on to the next town then!
    is douggle still with us?
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:27 No.13390113
    Douggle is indeed riding on your shoulder. It clucks its tongue and mutters about stupid dragons and their stupid magic. Ouroboros either fails to hear Douggle, or chooses to ignore the insults.
    You head out toward the next town, but soon realize that you don't actually know which direction the closest large town is in.
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)20:30 No.13390150
    in that case, where is the closest river?
    is there one nearby?
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:32 No.13390168
    There is a decent-sized stream flowing by the cave entrance. It flows toward the east.
    >> Tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)20:34 No.13390179
    well then, let's follow the stream!
    it must lead to a town eventually
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:38 No.13390228
    You follow the stream for an hour and a half, until it joins a larger river. This river flows toward the south east.
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)20:40 No.13390249
    use our tongue to see if we can detect anything nearby
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:41 No.13390262
    THE GREAT POTATO LIZARD has returned!

    Alright, lets swim down the stream, crocodile style.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:43 No.13390288
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:44 No.13390305
    Nothing but the smell of grass and the animals that live there.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)20:45 No.13390321
    derp well then i second this
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:46 No.13390322
    Do the animals smell delicious? What kind of animals are they?

    If there are deer/deerlike animals or boar we are soooooo going hunt them.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:49 No.13390353
    You plunge into the water, and although your tail is not designed for propulsion through water, you are quickly able to figure out a whole-body undulation that allows you to move quite swiftly downriver.
    Several hours pass, and you taste smoke on the air. Your best guess would be that you are approaching a large town, maybe even a city, that has a large smithy.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)20:51 No.13390379
    You mostly smell mice, rabbits, and other tiny critters. There are traces of deer or deer-like animals on the breeze, but any that were nearby would have long since detected your presence and fled. You're not exactly built to be a stealthy hunter. Not on open grassland, anyway.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:53 No.13390395
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    Time to get ourselves some jaws of steel.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)20:54 No.13390405
    Error. Unrecognized command. Please check wording and try again.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:56 No.13390435
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    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)20:59 No.13390467
    Also, we might get some parts from this guy.
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)21:02 No.13390505
    well continue swimming until we reach town.
    when we do though, emerge from the water slowly and cautiously. we dont want to be seen just yet until we can make some friends for sure like last time
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)21:14 No.13390628
    Bumping for the sake of bumping
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:22 No.13390710
    You swim for another half hour or so and soon you see a large wheel in the water. It looks much like a wheel that you might find connected to a mill, but it is, huge, made of black stone, and covered with glowing runes, which Ouroboros informs you are to hold it together. He says that the runes may have a secondary effect, but it is very hard to predict the effects of a runic spell unless you have encountered the spell before.

    To give you an idea of the scale, the wheel's diameter is about 2 1/2-3 city blocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:26 No.13390754
    approach the wheel with caution and inspect the runes closer. ask ouroboros if he recognizes any of them and what they might do together
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)21:27 No.13390761
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    Dwarf Fortress ahoy!

    Surely, we can find craftsdwarfs here to construct a glorious robodragon.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:30 No.13390812
    You approach the wheel and swim alongside it to avoid being scratched by the sharp protrusions. Ouroboros moves your tail out to examine the runes as the wheel turns, but he cannot determine anything useful. "These runes were clearly designed by humans. They seem to have pieced together the scripts for several ancient draconic spells, along with some symbols that I believe are of their own invention. No dragon would use as clumsy a sign as *that*" he mutters, indicating a rough circle.
    Douggle seems fascinated by the wheel. "Nonono blackbig thing gonna break! Magic slippy, seams too loose, gonna fall and crash! Stupid yoo-muns doing magic everything. Douggle should unzip the magic!"
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:33 No.13390832
    make sure douggle doesnt undo it, that sounds dangerous and we really dont need to make any enemies right now
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:34 No.13390852
    You move away from the wheel just as Douggle reaches out to grab it. With a squeak of surprise, Douggle falls into the river and is pulled away downstream!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:36 No.13390880
    aaaaaw shit douggle
    well let's go fetch him
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)21:37 No.13390887
    After him!
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:47 No.13391033
    You chase after Douggle, but he's moving too quickly. Just as you're about to lose track of him, a huge cage, made out of the same black stone as the wheel, rises out of the water and traps both you and Douggle. As the water pulls Douggle toward a gap in the bars, the cage shifts and new bars grow until there are no gaps large enough for Douggle to get through. Douggle catches onto the bars and uses them to hold its head above water until you swim closer and Douggle is able to climb onto your head.
    You are now trapped in a cage in the water.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:48 No.13391064
    look for runes so Douggle can unzip them
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:50 No.13391080
    Every surface of the stone is covered with shifting silver runes. Douggle's eyes begin to glow red with excitement, and it asks if it can unzip the silly magic now.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)21:50 No.13391086
    failing that, WRECK SHIT
    >> Angry CEO !BtpAzs17lk 01/03/11(Mon)21:51 No.13391099
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    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:52 No.13391113
    Fuck you, Southern Italy
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:53 No.13391122
    Good times, good times. Sage for not contributing.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)21:54 No.13391138
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    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:54 No.13391141
    how high up are we if we are still above water go crazy
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:55 No.13391156
    About half of the cage is above water, half below. You are currently floating.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)21:55 No.13391164
    Derp, I keep forgettin' mah name!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:57 No.13391187
    repercussions are for losers lets go crazy (unless someone else wants to chime in seriously I got last 3)
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)21:58 No.13391202
    fuck it im not sticking around to see who built the damn thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:59 No.13391213
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:04 No.13391272
    Douggle smiles, and its eyes flash a red light so bright that you are momentarily blinded. When you can see again, you see the cage dissolving around you. Most of it disappears into wisps of fog, but some parts simply turn into rusty metal. Around you, the water froths and the flow of the river reverses. As the water speeds up, you notice it turning orange, and you can make out hundreds of rusty metal bars being dragged along underwater. As you pass by the giant wheel, it sags and falls into the water, causing a huge splash and wave that throws you out of the water and onto the riverbank. Douggle managed to hold onto you, and seems uninjured, but on the far side of the river you can see the swirling water and broken metal tearing rocks loose from the city wall, which looks less and less stable by the second.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:05 No.13391294
    OH SHIT!!!

    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:06 No.13391303
    I guess we needed a voice of reason where did you go
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:07 No.13391323
    It seemed like a good idea to me....
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:09 No.13391354
    oh well we shall move on maybe find a new continent since if anyone saw us we will likely be viewed as horrifyingly malicious
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:11 No.13391369
    See, now this is an ACTUAL good idea.....
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:14 No.13391404
    After several minutes, the water slows and eventually returns to its original course. The wall looks damaged, but it will probably continue to stand. There is a large hole where the wheel was attached to the wall, and you are surprised to see a swarm of people pushing and shoving, fighting to get through the hole, ignoring the huge drop into the water in their desperation to get out of the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:15 No.13391427
    Well we didn't detect anyone around. We can split and hope for the best. Plead ignorance and all that. Also remember: IT ATTACKED US FIRST!
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)22:15 No.13391430
    so theyre trying to escape? go over and help some of them. if they are, pretend you did it on purpose
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:15 No.13391432
    Phew........yeah, we definitely meant to free those people, didn't we?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:18 No.13391477
    There probably prisoners of some kind best not interfere
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:19 No.13391478
    You jump into the water, and are momentarily stunned. It is hot, almost hot enough to scald flesh. It doesn't hurt you, but how the water could have heated up this quickly is beyond your comprehension. You quickly swim over to where the humanoids are landing in the water. Some of them scream and swim away from you, but most are so desperate to get out of the hot water that they climb up your legs and onto your back. In moments, you feel the weight beginning to pull you lower in the water. You can still swim, but if too many more climb on you, you'll sink. And there doesn't seem to be an end to the humanoids throwing themselves into the water from the wall.
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:21 No.13391505
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:24 No.13391551
    head toward shore with the ones we have now and go back for as many as we can tell the ones jumping in to wait so they don't drown before we can get to them
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:25 No.13391562
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:25 No.13391565
    You swim back to the opposite shore and the humonoids on you drop off and crawl up onto land. You turn to look at the wall just as a loud whistling fills the air. Suddenly, the flow of humans out of the wall and into the water slows. You see something metallic moving in the opening, but you can't make out what it is. In only a few moments, the hole is blocked by huge amounts of mud. The whistling continues, and suddenly a dozen metallic humanoids appear from underwater. They are large, at least 3 times the height of a normal human. They have more arms than you can count from this distance, and they immediately begin grabbing the helpless humanoids in the water and pushing them into ever-expanding cages not unlike the one you were trapped in earlier.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:28 No.13391593



    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:30 No.13391637
    ya this city is freaking me out although it likely has good artificers considering everything
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:31 No.13391653
    As gentlemen how can we not help these people. people who would jump to their deaths instead of living in what is most likely hell.. I say we charge in and save these people.
    >> tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)22:32 No.13391658
    inquire politely of the humanoids as to the quality, ratio, and inhabitants of this city
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:32 No.13391659

    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:38 No.13391741
    Decide what you're going to do. Come to some agreement or another.
    >> not tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)22:39 No.13391753
    second >.>'
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)22:40 No.13391774
    What's this? You look familiar... I could have sworn you just posted a suggestion. Ah well, you wouldn't lie to me about something as serious as your identity, now would you?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:41 No.13391791
    Ask the humans what's going on, who those metal things are, etc. Then we can plan the next action.
    >> not tyedoris 01/03/11(Mon)22:41 No.13391794
    never! identity is a very serious thing.
    i simply support tyedoris' ideas and think that they could be well implimented!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:44 No.13391832
    A couple things are quite obvious to me those people are here against there and there willing to die to get out I say we help for better or worse
    >> Naggarothian !!0S4L3hs2lkr 01/03/11(Mon)22:46 No.13391855
    Nevertheless, asking the humans WTF is going on seems a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:47 No.13391868
    I'm with this guy
    use magicks to asplode a bigger hole in the wall, then focus on blowing up the robot people

    and don't forget to promote ourselves
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:58 No.13392008
    before we do anything we should talk to the people we have on shore with us
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:09 No.13392148
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    LIVE!!!!!!!!! DAM YOU LIVE!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:12 No.13392186
    This town does have powerful artificers though. Perhaps we should kidnap one.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:18 No.13392264
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    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)23:20 No.13392306
    Sorry about the wait, but I'm back now.
    The general agreement seems to be to ask the people first.

    You turn to one of the humanoids you rescued and ask what goes on inside the walls.
    "The metal creatures! They've enslaved us! We build constructs for the-"
    While you were talking, one of the metallic humanoids turned and saw you, and now the whistling reaches a new high.
    The humanoid you were talking to collapses in mid sentence, clutching it's ears in pain.
    Four of the metallic humanoids begin to move in your direction, propelled through the water by an unknown force.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:30 No.13392409

    Are they magic?
    Does Ouroboros know what they are?

    At any event, get out of the water and fight them on solid ground, if you have to.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)23:33 No.13392435
    "Constructs!" This is the first time you have heard Ouroboros sound excited. "Let us gauge their power by destroying these ones, then we can enter the city and see who is making these elves build constructs!"

    You are already on dry land, on the far side of the river from the walls of the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:38 No.13392512
    so first lets see how they deal with magic since we don;t want a spell to damage Ouroboros when he casts
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/03/11(Mon)23:41 No.13392554
    You wait for a minute as the construct finishes crossing the river. It ignores you entirely and begins to grab the helpless elves and shove them into an expanding magical cage.
    Your tail twitches and a green lightning bolt strikes the construct. It explodes in a ball of yellow fire, and shrapnel litters the ground. Ouroboros was able to deflect most of it away from you, but was either unable or unwilling to protect the elves in the same way. They are all dead or dying.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:50 No.13392642
    Damnit tail.
    REND AND TEAR! SMITE AND CLEAVE! Save as many as possible before tail decides to shoot more lightning.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/04/11(Tue)00:05 No.13392771
    You rush into the water and quickly swim across the river. The constructs seem to notice you now, but are clearly not designed for combat, and you sever their heads and arms with ease. The river has cooled some, but the elves have all been paralyzed by the whistling and most have drowned by the time you finish off the last construct. There is clearly an underwater entrance to the city, as you remember seeing the constructs emerge from underwater, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find it quickly. You could probably climb the wall and dig through the mud filling the hole, especially if these constructs are any indication of the city's security.
    >> Lizard Quest GM 01/04/11(Tue)00:22 No.13392959
    Well, since it looks like no one's left playing, I'll archive this and go to bed.
    Same time tomorrow, 1:00 AM GMT (8:00 PM EST)

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