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01/07/11(Fri)23:04 No.13437596 File1294459476.jpg-(52 KB, 419x333, 1262187934857_ib4f (1).jpg)
 >>13437447 The day started like any other. I was excited for what character this guy had cooked up, as he had finally begun to mature in the character creation process. After our last D&D campaign, in which he had actually made a mature character, well, I had high hopes, since he was such a great roleplayer. When he handed me his backstory for Esther, however, I began to deflate, and my face gradually became that of pic related.
Esther is a girl that was raised in an orphanage in Russia, in which she was violently abused due to her countless disabilities. I started to wince as I began to realize that he had given his characters seven syndromes. One that stood out was the fact that she SHIT herself. Another, less disturbing one was that she bit herself, and as such, she constantly kept a mouthguard on her. I didn't probe him for questions about the other syndromes.
The character was simply abducted by a Fae one day, and kept in a realm where she was doted on. This Fae realized that Esther had a potential for painting, and she allowed her to paint to her heart's content. Esther was happy here, and she concealed her symptoms from her adoptive Fae mother. Eventually, on Esther's twelfth birthday, Esther's player felt it was important that I know that her Fae "mother" gave her pullup diapers. I'm sure I was supposed to feel, uh, touched? Yeah.
Well, after this affair, the next big event in Esther's life is that her "mother" started adopting children! Not just any children, black children! The black children apparently abused Esther, and this explains her racism later in life. The best part? Guess what the skin color of the other player's character is? |