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01/11/11(Tue)22:35 No.13487901 File1294803312.jpg-(321 KB, 667x1000, Alana__s_Fight_Club_9_by_Trist(...).jpg)
 In the early, chaotic days of Florida Island Prison, there were few safe areas. However, on the edge of the wastes, in a plot of land that was not particularly valuable to anyone, an unofficial truce was taking place. In this secluded location, representatives from many groups met to trade their surplus resources. While negotiations were often tense, they rarely broke down - all sides benefitted from the ability to make a deal.
Erin Squires knew an opportunity when she saw one.
With a little bit of hired help, she began to make sure things ran smoothly. People who went back on their deals rarely did so a second time after Squires' gang paid them a visit. Eventually, when she was well known enough to get away with it, Squires started collecting money to cover business expenses. This was the beginning of the Trade Regulation Committee.
Within a few years, the TRC's territory had grown exponentially, covering miles and miles of ground. Its operating methods were almost exactly the same, though more formal. The Committee enforced three laws, which it publicized very well. All trades are to use TRC currency and pay a 5% tax. No trade, contract, exchange, or service can be acquired by coercion. All contracts are binding and enforced by the TRC's security.
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