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Consider the Following
01/16/11(Sun)20:04 No.13546155 File1295226296.jpg-(507 KB, 650x919, 1284190346472.jpg)
Sorry, my computer was buggy for a minute there, but it seems alright now.
It happened out of the blue, during I think lunch. Out of the dark they sensed it and dropped everything to take the defensive.
Not long after, a figure pounced pretty much in the midst of the formation, tossing aside people like ragdolls. It was hard to make out at first, but it was clear that it was vicious and very powerful. Of note, it wasn't outright killing anyone, just getting them out of the way. Even the 5 or so knights that were shoulder to shoulder around my guy.
With most everyone aside for the immediate time being, I got to see it up close. A very pale, very filthy young woman, unclothed and beastly in mannerisms. She took ahold of him with ease, examine him closely through her matted, bloody hair. Sniffing him, pressing her face right up to look, but impossible to resist; despite her young appearance and average frame, she was impossibly strong, tossing aside fully armored knights with ease. Also something was off about her, apart from the whole naked, bloody, unkempt and animalistic deal. Her complexion, her gaze and other minor things didn't seem human, and changed to suit her emotions.
All in all, being so sudden, so violent and unexpected, I couldn't do much. Partly from fear, but mostly because she was holding him like a doll, and nothing could loose her at the moment. |