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!vf05RX1JTQ 01/17/11(Mon)22:48 No.13560092 File1295322499.jpg-(56 KB, 662x649, 1285979088179.jpg)
 Sannek wobbles off towards the right side of the dome, and you follow. He passes through a curtain, and you just barely dodge through behind him. While Cold-and-dark doesn't seem to be watching Sannek leave, you don't want to risk a curtain floating to one side of it's own accord.
Beyond are more lavishly appointed passages and corridors. You give Sannek a head start, taking the opportunity to alter your form, relaxing and shifting to another humanoid form. Sannek uses his lead to ascends to what seems to be a royal wing, of some sort. He was ruler here, you suppose. His room, happily, actually has a door, which he leaves open. Inside, he immediately sits down on a luxurious bed, seeming distraught. After a moment, he draws a few curtains around the bed, thin enough not to block his view of the room (nor yours of the bed,) but enough to suggest his intent on sleep. A single man lying alone on a bed that could comfortably fit a half dozen individuals... well, you doubt the significance is lost on him. He seems, if anything, more depressed. You busy yourself with his desk.
Trapped. Minimally. You puzzle it out after a few moments, and slide open the main desk drawer silently. Writing utensils, paper and parchment, a few spell scrolls, and a few expensive-looking knick-knacks. Nothing of serious interest.
The bottom drawer is deeper, though, and you hit paydirt. A large, heavy tome, a journal. A /diary/. It is sometimes baffling, humanoid's desires to record and write down their lives. As if they can't remember them.
The tome is full, and, ultimately, very boring. Ruler or not, his life is rather uninteresting. So uninteresting... a puff of smoke escapes your mouth as your suspicions mount. |