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!!857o4GkKJgy 01/21/11(Fri)19:16 No.13608776 File1295655394.png-(220 KB, 768x480, Episode 90 Epilogue.png)
 >Soldiers of Zeon!
>We ride for space, not to flee California but to strike at the Fleets threatening the colonies. Zeon forces from around the Earth Sphere will be fighting one of the most important battes we've faced this long year. We are fighting for our right to live free from of the Federation's grip. To exist as we see fit. Space is where we shall stand, where we will fight and where we will win. Not because of destinly or because God is on our side, but becuase we stand united as one.
The Cheers are audible from space.
Which might negate the element of suprise that you've been working on, but no matter. You finish boarding the Outer Heaven, which takes up an air patrol position to escort the HLV's as they make their launch. Within 5 minutes of frenzied activity the first of the HLV's begins their return run into orbit, just as you spot the enemy air units beginning to return after investigating your Decoy HLV's.
"Can they reach us to prevent the launch?" You ask Anita.
"Barring some form of delay, they shouldn't but the cat's out of the bag as to what our plans were so they're going to be riding their engines hell for leather."
You order your team to mount up. Unfortunately there are only two Dodai's aboard, so if you do have to go out then you'll have to choose which two of you does it.
Luckily, by the time the enemy get close the last of the HLV's is going up, far too fast for even the quickest of the Federations fighters to catch.
As you follow suit behind them, the enemy fighter snap at your heels, defensive flak turrets rotate to see them off, and your vessel takes effectively no damage. The force of escape velocity pushes you back into your cockpit as you return to space.
Now however, is where it get's tricky. |