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  • File : 1296240903.gif-(38 KB, 811x1051, tg dungeon.gif)
    38 KB Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)13:55 No.13691544  
    It's been a long time since a thread like this was started. So here we go.

    In the picture attached, you see a dungeon map. Each room has got a number.

    You tell me, which monsters, traps, treasures and whatever comes to your mind will be inside the room of your choice, waiting to face the heros.
    86 rooms to be filled with terror and danger.

    Show me your most evil and creative thoughts in the /tg/ dungeon!

    by the way...
    >in b4 room full of cocks, tentacle rape etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)13:57 No.13691566
    why would a dungeon look like that?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)13:57 No.13691569
    >in b4 room full of cocks, tentacle rape etc.

    One room like that in an otherwise normal dungeon would just be crass. A room like that in a BDSM dungeon, however, would fit in quite well.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:00 No.13691586
    Because I can't be fucked to draw a dungeon map and give numbers to the rooms by hand. So this will have to do, sorry.

    Oh, the poor players.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:01 No.13691591
    In room 35, you find several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    In room 40, you find several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:01 No.13691592
    Room 29 is a bar full of dwarfs.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:02 No.13691608
    Last two numbers of my post.If > 86, then 86
    A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.

    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".

    Let's see the other players pretend they don't know they're colleagues are dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:03 No.13691621
    Room 59 is a coat closet
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:04 No.13691624
    OP here, trying to summarize all the rooms with your ideas.

    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:04 No.13691630
    Room 28 is an opium den for gnomes
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:04 No.13691631
    See that little room labeled 66 on the left side with a really long corridor attached until an intersection?

    David lives there.
    What David?
    This David:
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:06 No.13691640
    Room 8: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.
    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".
    Room 28: opium den for gnomes
    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    Room 59: a coat closet
    Room 66: David lives here. (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13495863/)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:06 No.13691646
    Room 18 is an ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny spindly spider legs cant handle the ice, so he's hired a quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of gobblins run the shoe rental.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:07 No.13691656
    Room 69 should contain another small party who are lost since the Chaotic Stupid halfling forgot to update the dungeon map and just started to doodle on the page during an argument between the party's intelligent magic user and bossy 'leader' about 2 days ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:08 No.13691660
    Room 66 contains a portal to the nether
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:09 No.13691674
    Sorry, room 66 is already taken.

    Room 8: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.
    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".
    Room 18: ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny spindly spider legs cant handle the ice, so he's hired a quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of gobblins run the shoe rental.
    Room 28: opium den for gnomes
    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    Room 59: a coat closet
    Room 66: David lives here. (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13495863/)
    Room 69: contains another small party who are lost since the Chaotic Stupid halfling forgot to update the dungeon map and just started to doodle on the page during an argument between the party's intelligent magic user and bossy 'leader' about 2 days ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:10 No.13691676
    Ah, well than room 57. Gotta have that nether portal. Also, a creeper.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:12 No.13691689
    Room 74: A fair Orcish Princess kidnapped by a foul treasure chest.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:12 No.13691696
    Room 42 contains a portal reference
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:13 No.13691697
         File1296241987.jpg-(29 KB, 800x600, Outlanders-Dungeons.jpg)
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    Room 29 contains a girl chained to a wall. Pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:13 No.13691706

    Fuck. Room 67
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:14 No.13691710
    hey OP, nice random dungeon generator
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:14 No.13691712
    Room 36 contains 2 feet of dark stagnant water. The water is filled with leeches.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:15 No.13691723
    Yes it is an especially good one. Congrats OP!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:16 No.13691736
    Room 13 is influenced by far realm. Going back the way you came from takes you to the roof, going through the door to room 36 takes you to room 1, going through the door to 19 takes you to room 15 and going through the door to 46 takes you to room 21
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:17 No.13691746
    yes. see

    Room 8: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.
    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".
    Room 18: ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny spindly spider legs cant handle the ice, so he's hired a quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of gobblins run the shoe rental.
    Room 28: opium den for gnomes
    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 36: 2 feet of dark stagnant water. The water is filled with leeches.Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    Room 42: cake
    Room 57: a room containing a portal to the nether and a creeper.
    Room 59: a coat closet
    Room 66: David lives here. (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13495863/)
    Room 67: a girl chained to a wall
    Room 69: contains another small party who are lost since the Chaotic Stupid halfling forgot to update the dungeon map and just started to doodle on the page during an argument between the party's intelligent magic user and bossy 'leader' about 2 days ago.
    Room 74: A fair Orcish Princess kidnapped by a foul treasure chest.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:17 No.13691748
    Forgot to add: Using any magic inside the room will cause a dimensional rift.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:21 No.13691778
    Room 48 is an overgrown jungle. A small stream bisects the room. The jungle contains 1 of every type of exotic tropical bird. There is 1 golden mechanical bird that if captured will automatically fly to the exit of the dungeon and then return to the jungle.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:23 No.13691792
    Room 83 is filled with bees. thousands of bees, some bigger, some smaller; all hungry for delicious adventurer flesh.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:24 No.13691814
    Room 8: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.
    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".
    Room 13: influenced by far realm. Going back the way you came from takes you to the roof, going through the door to room 36 takes you to room 1, going through the door to 19 takes you to room 15 and going through the door to 46 takes you to room 21. Using any magic inside the room will cause a dimensional rift.
    Room 18: ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny spindly spider legs cant handle the ice, so he's hired a quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of gobblins run the shoe rental.
    Room 28: opium den for gnomes
    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 36: 2 feet of dark stagnant water. The water is filled with leeches.Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    Room 42: cake
    Room 48: an overgrown jungle. A small stream bisects the room. The jungle contains 1 of every type of exotic tropical bird. There is 1 golden mechanical bird that if captured will automatically fly to the exit of the dungeon and then return to the jungle.
    Room 57: a room containing a portal to the nether and a creeper.
    Room 59: a coat closet
    Room 66: David lives here. (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13495863/)
    Room 67: a girl chained to a wall
    Room 69: contains another small party who are lost since the Chaotic Stupid halfling forgot to update the dungeon map and just started to doodle on the page during an argument between the party's intelligent magic user and bossy 'leader' about 2 days ago.
    Room 74: A fair Orcish Princess kidnapped by a foul treasure chest.
    Room 83: filled with bees. thousands of bees, some bigger, some smaller; all hungry for delicious adventurer flesh.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:25 No.13691819
    Fuck room 83!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:27 No.13691832
         File1296242827.jpg-(50 KB, 506x472, d&D beasts wolf in sheeps (...).jpg)
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    Room 79: A few elderly Wolf-In-Sheeps-Clothing Enjoying the sport of curling while talking about how everything was better in 2nd edition.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:28 No.13691842

    These are no regular bees though. These bees are like mini grenades, exploding when the stinger is removed from their body. They also are immune to fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:28 No.13691849
    The doors to room 75 well locked. It is the larder for an inn. A set of spiral stairs in the corner lead up to the inn. The innkeeper has lost the keys and never opened the doors in his basement. He has no idea that an entire dungeon is connected to his larder.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:28 No.13691853
    Room 52 is filled with wasps that are having a turf war with the bees.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:30 No.13691862
    yes. damn all who wish to pass through the room of bees.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:31 No.13691870
         File1296243077.png-(186 KB, 1235x806, 1284430801595.png)
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    Room 58: Recettear. You might be able to sell things here, but the loli shopkeep drives a hard bargain.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:31 No.13691873
    Room 58: An artist's studio. No one in sight, but filled with large desks and tables, drawing dummies, paint, paper, canvas, some wood and a skeleton posing in the middle of the room. Upon inspection, this used to be a female. On a desk facing the skeleton, an unfinished drawing of a woman in the same pose.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:32 No.13691880
    Room 4 is an armory fully stocked with a wide variety of weapons and armor. None of it is better than masterwork.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:33 No.13691887

    Change the studio to room 41
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:33 No.13691888
    the bar in 29 is set up because only a dwarf that can walk through a room full of angry wasps deserves their ales.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:35 No.13691911
    Room 12 is the bedroom of a noblewoman, teleported from its home realm to the dungeon. Her former walk in closet cannot be opened from the outside and is instead a portal to a never ending maid service which tends to her needs. All other doors are also locked, yet she doesn't know that the mirror on the southeast wall is an illusionary entrance to Room 80.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:35 No.13691912
    Room 1 contains a large stone statue. It's mouth is large enough to crawl in and only darkness can be seen inside. About 3 feet inside is a sphere of annihilation.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:39 No.13691936
    Assuming PCs enter through room 1

    Room two contains a black monolith. "Made by craftsmen of Tiji" is engraved in its surface.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:39 No.13691940

    Room 4: an armory fully stocked with a wide variety of weapons and armor. None of it is better than masterwork.
    Room 8: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it, they are both teleported to other two distinct rooms.
    All their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are.
    As soon as a teleportation is activated, runes on the wall read "ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION".
    Room 13: influenced by far realm. Going back the way you came from takes you to the roof, going through the door to room 36 takes you to room 1, going through the door to 19 takes you to room 15 and going through the door to 46 takes you to room 21. Using any magic inside the room will cause a dimensional rift.
    Room 18: ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny spindly spider legs cant handle the ice, so he's hired a quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of gobblins run the shoe rental.
    Room 28: opium den for gnomes
    Room 29: a bar full of dwarfs.
    Room 35: several trolls chanting "3.5 > 4e"
    Room 36: 2 feet of dark stagnant water. The water is filled with leeches.Room 40: several trolls chanting "4e > 3.5"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:40 No.13691949
    Room 1 is an abandoned auditorium. Set on the lecturn are illegible and faded notes. On a shelf set into the lecturn rests a large tome entitled: Economy and Environment: Evolution of Service Based Industry in Forbidding and Dangerous Geographical Regions. Any player that can write a convincing 20 page report on the topic (with at least 10 citations) receives +1 intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:40 No.13691951

    Not two, 38
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:40 No.13691952
         File1296243647.jpg-(37 KB, 480x338, arrowed.jpg)
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    Room 3: A desk with an orange Briefcase hovering and spinning slightly over it.
    There are 10 animated repeating crossbows on tripods in the room.
    Finally a warforged artificer with a wrench keeps them maintained.
    The warforged can See Invisible.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:40 No.13691953
    Make that room 39
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:40 No.13691955
    room 44

    8 potions with numbers on them (1-8). Nr 3 is rat poison, the rest is health potions.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:41 No.13691959
    OP here.

    Fuck the summarizing, i will post a summarize at the end of the thread
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:45 No.13691992

    Rooms done: 1,2,3,4,8,12,13,18,28,29,35,36,41,42,44,
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:46 No.13691995
    Room 47 contains 1 massive cup of noodle soup heated by geothermal vents in the bottom of the cup. The cup is home to an aboleth with the same skin tone as the noodles. The aboleth's army of enslaved asian adventureres wander randomly around the broth drooling.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:48 No.13692019
    room 80

    Full with magic swords and axes. If a player pick up a weapon, he or she must roll a d20 to see if the weapon has chosen him/her as it's owner. Those who fail the roll (13 or lower) takes magic dmg equal to 1/4 of his HP and has to drop the weapon. Weapon screams good/bad depending on the roll-result.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:50 No.13692029
    Room 77 features a dirt floor and rough stone walls. Six bugbears are here, playing horseshoe with spears stuck in the ground as posts. Both spears display the heads of slain adventurers impaled at the top.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:53 No.13692052
    Last two numbers: A portable hole filled with permenantly Reduced Iron Golems. (you have to use epic magic to shrink a golem, but it's definitely something an asshole wizard would do.) You can fit six in there, or however many you want if you say "fuck it; epic magic is involved anyway."
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:54 No.13692060
    Room 62: two zombies. They are related (mother father) to one of the characters in the party. There are religous symbols all over the room. The zombies are lying on a bed. If someone tries to talk to them, they attack.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:55 No.13692067
    52 already taken, gave you 53.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:55 No.13692069
    Okay, make that room 53 instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:56 No.13692079
    Room 75 should have a small alcove in the west wall. In this alcove is a small plaque. The plaque speaks to the party, complains that it can't speak too loudly and asks that someone come closer so it may share its secrets with them.

    When the one idiot that you know will do it goes to do so, he falls into a pit trap that the mimic has tricked him into. At the bottom of this pit? A gelatinous cube atop some stone spikes, of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:57 No.13692087

    Didn't notice 75 was taken...any smaller room would work well for this.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:57 No.13692090
    Room 85 is the tomb of an ancient lich, and also his library. He spends his eternity magically scribing various novels ranging from steamy romance to far fetched fantasies of steam power and machines.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:58 No.13692094
    Room 5: Contains a simple rabbit.
    Due to the magic effects of the room, on the top of initiative, if a sentient creature is in the room the number of rabbits doubles.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:58 No.13692100
    In Room 86 lies Luke and his offspring.

    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:00 No.13692115
    Gave you room 50.

    Rooms done: 1,2,3,4,8,12,13,18,28,29,35,36,41,42,44,
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:02 No.13692123
    If the players enter room 81 the doors are sealed and a big nasty monster comes through the NW corner. Whatever you think would be suitable for your campaign. In addition the ceiling is slowly starting to lower on the party. They have to defeat the beast which will unlock the doors and do it before the room kills them all.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:03 No.13692130
    85: room of Greed. There will be a huge pile of gold, along with magical amulets, surrounded by 10 metal suits of admantium armor. When such said amulets or armor are touched, the suites of armour comes to life, and fights the players. When the armor dies, it wither into dust. The amulet remains magical, but it prevents the player from leaving the room. If any attempts of leaving the room, the player will think they've walked for hours, only to turn back to see the door no more than 10 feet from them.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:03 No.13692136
    Get or next available number: Awakened swarm of rats. BLINK rats.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:04 No.13692141
    opps, someone tooked 85 while i was typing. make it 86
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:05 No.13692145
    OP here - sorry guys, i gotta leave... will somebody else finish this? would love to see the finished dungeon!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:06 No.13692163
    Room 54 is simply empty.

    They'll think there's all sorts of illusions and such in place, considering the rest of the place.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:07 No.13692164
    Room with Noh and Buxomize Pills.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:07 No.13692170
    rolled 47 = 47

    There is a golden idol in the center of the room. The golden idol is covered in poison. The floor is covered with a fine poisonous/hallucinogenic dust. There are poisoned crossbow traps in the walls, linked to the floor of the room. There are several (non-animated) skeletons in the room.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:10 No.13692189
    *Awakened blink-rat-swarm ASSASSIN.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:05 No.13692662
    Get or next available;

    This room contains a moose. There is a small culvert that lets water flow over the floor, approximately 1/4" deep, to keep it clean and give the moose water. A torch burns on each wall, illuminating the room. The moose appears to be eating walnuts from a bowl that never runs out.

    If the players decide to attack the moose it simply walks away, leaving the now-empty bowl behind.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:09 No.13692707
    Get or next available;

    There is a box for each player on the floor of this room, each bearing a strange word 'Donut' in addition to their name. If a box is opened inside the room a dozen (12) starving, half-crazed weasels jump out and immediately begin biting the PC that opened it. If a weasel is slain while the box is open it appears back in the box, though asleep until the lid is put back on and removed once more.

    If a box is opened outside the room the weasels are friendly, serving the opener as best they can while generally being amusing, Slinky-like, rodents.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:15 No.13692763
    Get or next available;

    In this room are some mannequins, one for each player, each wearing an identical pair of the most comfortable underwear in existence. Should a player decide to wear the underwear they will find themselves unable to remove it. Not because it is cursed, but because it is so comfortable. Should a pair be worn on a player's head it provides a +4 bonus to AC, due to distraction.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:16 No.13692778

    Okay... Three in a row are mine... 7, 63, & 64...

    Anybody else, or should OP start archiving?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:17 No.13692797
    47 is taken
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:19 No.13692817
    85 was taken
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:22 No.13692864
    changed to 9, 63, and 64
    see >>13692115
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:23 No.13692873
    Rooms done: 1,2,3,4,8,9,12,13,18,28,29,35,36,37,41,4
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:25 No.13692896
    changed to 78
    changed to 49
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:28 No.13692924
    Rooms done: 1,2,3,4,8,9,12,13,18,28,29,35,36,37,41,4
    Rooms available:
    >> absurd !!0swx5mltBxM 01/28/11(Fri)16:36 No.13693009
         File1296250608.jpg-(80 KB, 325x429, amy_winehouse_ugly.jpg)
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    This creature will try to rape you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:37 No.13693017
    make one a tank for a giant awakened octopus. do what you want with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:39 No.13693045
    Let's shoot for 32;

    There are four earrings in this room on a pedestal in the center, the only source of illumination coming from a glowing ring set in the ceiling above the pedestal. Each of the earrings, upon being put into a person's ear and rubbing the gem set into it, confers the benefit of the Tongues spell. The down-side is that it also transfigures the wearer's hair (both hair and body) into heat-less fire which provides the same illumination of a torch.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:43 No.13693095
    This is now room 33
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:44 No.13693110
    Rooms done:
    Rooms available:
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)16:55 No.13693249
    an exact recreation of your game room, party and dm included.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)17:03 No.13693368
         File1296252233.jpg-(32 KB, 400x614, 104710.jpg)
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    Room 59 contains the corpses of five goblins and three adventurers. There is a attractive, if panicked-looking female warrior who is a little banged up and dirty, but generally healthy. She explains that, with the rest of her party dead, she was worried that she'd never be able to escape the dungeon on her own. She asks to join the party, insisting that she can help out. She'll even take a smaller cut of the treasure than everybody else, if that's what it takes. Once in the party, she will befriend, flirt, seduce and otherwise manipulate everybody to her advantage, all the while trying to appear somewhat innocent and naive. Ultimately, she tries to subtly turn the party members against each other until a fight breaks out and they kill each other. At this point, she mops up any survivors, stashes all their treasure in the bag of holding she carries, and waits for a new party to come along. Until this time, she fights for the party, but holds back a little, appearing as a warrior with modest skills. In reality, she is a match for the most powerful person in the party when it comes to combat. Of course, her true power comes from her ability to charm and deceive. She has a high charisma and has built up all skills that deal with social interaction. If somebody ever catches on, and she is suitably impressed with them, she offers to deal them. To seal the deal, she has a set of two rings that bond to their wearers and effectively pool their hit points. It takes powerful magic to remove them. Why would she do this? Well, she can always use a partner in crime, and playing everybody does get a bit lonely. Of course, whoever it is would have to be willing to off the rest of the party.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)17:28 No.13693641
         File1296253698.jpg-(37 KB, 640x512, iraq-friendly-zombie.jpg)
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    #5 is full of friendly zombies that just want to hug hug people. Sadly, this is likely to be perceived as an attack until the last zombies sits down and cries.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)17:38 No.13693736
    Room 14:

    Skeleton Brothel. They all have female voices and dresses and make-up, but they're nothing but bones. They are greeted by the madam who introduces some of her girls and offers the party company for the night (for a price).
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)18:37 No.13694363
    Room 31 consists of a decently furnished abode entrapping a rakshasa with a penchant for drinking the finest ale; bringing him alcohol from the dwarven bar in room 29 will convince him to work with you for a time.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:22 No.13694918
    Let's go for 23;

    In this room are several one-meter cubes of Obsidian, Diamond, Gold, and Stone, along with a sign on one wall. 'Pick needed, check other rooms.' The blocks take no damage from anything except a pick, with Iron needed to break everything but Obsidian and Diamond needed for that.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:26 No.13694948
    Room 46, while I'm at it;

    In this room is a single chest, appearing to be about one meter high and deep by two meters long. Inside the chest are seven Picks (5 Iron, 2 Diamond), Three shovels (1 Iron, 1 Gold, 1 Diamond), and several pieces of what appears to be Cooked-Pig.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:28 No.13694967
    rolled 45 = 45

    this room will have a lvl 13 orc bard that will try to have sex with the party. treasure is a wand of undoing
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:30 No.13694981
    Room 6 is a bunch of weeaboos chanting "More Desu"
    Room 7 is a bunch of orks chanting "More Dakka"
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:41 No.13695101
    Why does a cooked pig need a hyphen?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:50 No.13695179
    21: Whisky storage with several passed out/dead gnomes and the rest of them being forced to sing A inifnate song of bottles of beer on the wall because the alcohol is cursed!

    68: A incubus loking for his chained up slave girl.

    71:(capcha) Glasscock ntizil
    >> Keats 01/28/11(Fri)19:54 No.13695239
    Room 10 contains a rainbow-hued gemstone the size of a human skull shaped to a perfect oval, embedded into the skull of a special, giant-sized 12-HD Iron Cobra, which is embedded into the wall. If any attempt to remove the gem were to be made, the Iron Cobra would strike out against the would-be thief and anyone else in the room.

    In room 20, there is a lone dais that has a large socket perfectly fitted for the gemstone. If inserted, it will release an Aleax of a deity randomly determined (roll 1d3, first for Ethos alignment and then 1d3 for Moral alignment) which will then act appropriately towards the party for being freed.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:05 No.13695403
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    #10 is filled with opalescent, six-legged monkeys that pelt the party with rainbow poo. Actually it's not. The room is filled with an iridescent slime whose touch causes vivid hallucinations. The poo is actually glops of slime that have fallen on the party members. The good news is that the slime is slow acting, inflicting but 1 hp of damage per round, and quickly dies when exposed to alcohol or fire. The bad news is that the party is tripping balls and has no idea what is going on. Everybody's experience is the same, however, and with practice, they can learn to influence the hallucinations, allowing them to telepathically communicate over long distances if they are willing to (simultaneously) subject themselves to the slime in the future. Right now, though, they just need to get their shit together and figure out what's going on before they are digested.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:07 No.13695417
    >Room 10 contains
    Make >>13695403 room 61, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:30 No.13695695
    Room # whatever:
    There is a chest in the middle of the room that is obviously trapped... and that's the trap. The chest can be freely opened as it is, but disarming the apparent trap arms the real trap. If it is opened without re-arming the decoy trap, a poison gas cloud will envelope a 15' diameter area.
    >> Updated room list Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)20:30 No.13695697
    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:

    Not OP, but this thread is a good read and I appreciate collabs on the internet with the eloquen/tg/ents.
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)20:32 No.13695722
    Also to people who did not choose a room number, I think it would be good to choose one.

    ...Although one is already taken (ba dm tsh)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:36 No.13695789
    Pick a small room, I don't want to find out which ones are already taken.

    It's a bathroom. Nothing magical, just the dungeon's mens room. The only trap is the odor left behind by whatever vaguely civilized monstrosity used it last.

    There is nothing magical about it, and no treasure in the room. However the plumbing is delicate and the room is small; more than one person searching for treasure there has an %80 chance of rupturing the facilities, causing an unfortunate... let's call it 'scum' to bubble up in the pipes until it bursts.

    Adventurers may safely use the facilities one at a time, and no monster will enter the room without knocking.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:37 No.13695797
    Room 84 is a very large dining hall and the table is set completely candles lit and food steaming hot.

    Nobody is in the room and the room is safe from intruders when locked from the inside. Cabinets of fine dishes almost worthy of selling line the walls in addition to a few closets with enough bedrolls and materials to comfortable sleep 12 people.

    Food is not poisoned, in fact its delicious! Ghosts of dead servants all wandered into thsi place and never left. You hear the sounds of a party and cheerful banter as you sit down and eat. Afterwards the only downside will be the guilt an adventurer feels for not being able to thank anyone. If anybody audibly thanks the room/spirits then as they leave the room the table and everything in the room disapear save for a number of chalices equal to the people who said thank you made from platinum.
    >> teka 01/28/11(Fri)20:43 No.13695865
    room 11

    On the north (top of map) wall of the room is mounted a complex metal panel covered in toggles and knobs, along with a rough diagram map of the dungeon.

    The varied buttons seem to refer to doors and rooms and the entire construction has a slight magical aura while also being impossible to open or deconstruct in any mundane manner.

    When pressing buttons or moving levers, loud clicks and buzzing sounds can be heard from the box. No apparent effect otherwise.

    (anyone who decides to "fix" the device, or open it up with arcane forces will find out that it is full of undead beetles or pointless mechanical constructs that will pour out onto the floor and wander around. There is no actual function)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:44 No.13695890
    84: This room is filled with what appears to be a small Forrest. There is an unnatural light, lighting this room without any sun.

    (Roll listen DC15) Banjo music is apparent, its rhythm beginning slowly gradually getting faster and faster.

    If the party continues any further into this room they will meet a treant wearing blue overalls fashioning a straw hat playing a banjo.

    If they can convince him they aren't here to take his job he will let them pass. Otherwise he will grapple and use his feat "Improved anal plundering". He will always attack the most girlies looking male characters stating "Yewwww lurrrkk bewwwtiffuuull, Immma have fun wit chu!".
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:44 No.13695891
    Room 60

    Its a chamber fllled with treacherous ice. Whatever level the adventurers are... this is higher then that. The ice is magical, cannot be melted, and any non living substance(dirt, carpet, rope, boots,etc) immidiately becomes frozen and aquires similar properties... There is one chain extending from the ceiling which can be used to travel across the chamber. (doors follow whatever rules the other rooms gave them)

    Pulling this chain/swinging on it will cause the ice to melt along with any other items frozen to it beacuse the floor is now molten lava. Creatures caught in the steam on the chain must pass some endurance check to not fall in. Otherwise its a safe room haha.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:46 No.13695906
    84 was taken...how about 72?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:46 No.13695922
    Room 72

    The room is divided into two halves. There are a number of doors equal to (pcs - 1) leading to the second half with the exit. Only one person may enter a door. Once entered, the doors disappear. Players must decide to kill off or abandon one player to continue.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:47 No.13695930


    84 -> 72 then.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:48 No.13695942
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    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)20:48 No.13695943
    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)20:49 No.13695949
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:50 No.13695963
    16 then
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)20:51 No.13695978
    ok, 16 for mythical banjo forest
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:52 No.13695990
    Room 17

    A pit with no bottom or top with a broken stone bridge. There are many other broken bridges below and above this bridge.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:53 No.13696001
         File1296266002.jpg-(132 KB, 576x513, artwork.jpg)
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    The walls on room #73 are rocky and carved in an old masonry style.

    Some artwork here is further adorned with gems, which can be taken without any risk. However, an Umber Hulk is dormant beyond the north wall, and it will emerge within one round and attack the party if it hears loud noises from inside the room (it has excellent hearing and it's a light sleeper).
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:55 No.13696016
    2 Creatures
    one female stark naked covering in fear of the other which happens to be some kind of wizzardess acting a weird ritual

    (the stark naked woman is a succubi "in disguise" the witch/wizardess is trying to ban her, the play sure dont know that)

    If this doesnt work with you
    same room
    at the end a HUGE treasure chest, above it a blank stone shield with a number (of GMs choice)

    Room has 3 hidden switches that have to be pressed so the box can be savely opened, if the box is opened without that, floor gives way to bottomless pit

    if it does this is 82
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:05 No.13696122
    Room 15 is filled with nice furniture. A number of the couches are Mimics and many small items are animated objects. Directly under the room, sealed over, is a pool of blood that contains the memories of everyone who has died in the room.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:06 No.13696129
    Room 62 is filled with a deeper darkness spell that resists all attempts to counter, except for a glowing sign that says "EXIT" at the exit that doesn't illuminate anything other than a 5x5 area beneath it. The room contains walls of force arranged in an easy maze.
    There is a sphere of annihilation floating around the room that moves 10 feet in a random direction every round, but does not touch the walls of force.
    In the center of the room is a sphere of force containing a bored imp, for no apparent reason. It may attempt to talk to the PC's to try and free it, or distract them in an effort to get them run over by the sphere of annihilation.
    And the exit of the maze under the EXIT sign, there is a pewter plate with a wedge of cheese.
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)21:06 No.13696132
    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)21:07 No.13696147
    62 taken
    >> teka 01/28/11(Fri)21:08 No.13696156
    >experience with similar situation.
    >enter room. attacked by big red demon.
    >several jail cells with steel bars, one cell contains a young girl.
    >her cell is locked, others are open.
    >no one can hurt the demon it seems.
    >i go around into a jail cell next to girl to rescue her.
    >she shrinks away from being touched.
    >*more combat rounds, demon working on party*
    >i look back and forth, then whip out my axe and chop the girl. Everyone freaks out.
    >She dies.. and becomes the big red demon. everyone else was fighting an illusion/projection/mimic/whatever.
    >feel like genius.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:10 No.13696185
    Room 82 contains an opaque whirlwind of dangerous metal shards.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:10 No.13696188
    Room 19:

    The floor is slightly concave and is filled with what appears to be fine sand. The sand is about one foot deep and will at times stir slightly as if a wind was blowing it around. The "sand" does not fill up to room enough to reach the corridors connected to the rooms.

    The sand is charged with weak magics that cause it to stir and slowly return to the room should it be carried away.

    In the centre of the room is a simple stone fountain. Water bubbles down from a pillar in the middle of the fountain. The water is cool, perfectly normal and can be imbibed without any special effects.

    The bubbles that emerge from the fountain are a colourless, odourless gas that cause vivid hallucinations. These effects become more and more powerful as the amount of gas is inhaled and play on powerful emotions, fears and desires of the characters. Characters that are attacked by visions will feel "pain" but are physically unharmed. The gas does not cause any lasting physical damage and takes about fifteen minutes to fade starting from the time where fresh air is inhaled.

    Staying long in this room may lead the characters to hurt each other without realizing it due to the vivid hallucinations.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:11 No.13696202
    nevermind. Room 24 is dangerous metal shards.
    Except on tuesday when it's goats.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:13 No.13696228
    Room 55 is enchanted with a spell that causes the gravity to shift to a random wall every minute.

    Also every surface is covered in spikes.
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)21:19 No.13696287
    about 12 rooms left. I did not choose rooms for the unnumbered/already taken rooms

    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:23 No.13696328
    Room 39:

    A lady dressed as a nurse sits behind a desk with a few items. She informs the players that in the room previous to 39, there was a recent outbreak of some deadly disease and she has the antidote.
    Antidote turns out to be a highly addictive drug.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:23 No.13696330
    Room 70: Crazy Hassan's Slightly Used Camel Emporium.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:31 No.13696427
    Room 56 is simply a sauna - small fire and water elementals are responsible for its continuous operation. Also, a lonely naked male elf sits here, and welcomes the visitors.

    Characters staying here for at least 1 hour recover a little hp.
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)21:34 No.13696455
    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:43 No.13696554
    Room 40:

    Upon entering the room, each player feels an intense pain as a limb is removed from their body.

    Each limb is then magically attached to a now complete flesh golem.

    Around the room lie bodies of previous adventurers that lost more important parts than limbs.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:46 No.13696584
    Room 26: A journalist's office with an aboleth sitting in a claw-foot marble bathtub behind the desk. The aboleth is wearing a pair of archaic-looking bifocals and a peasant grandmother's shawl. It is composing that week's 'Dear Abby' column.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:58 No.13696726
         File1296269935.jpg-(49 KB, 580x383, 580kittensagain2.jpg)
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    Room 22 you find a sorcerer who is willing to teleport you to any room on the map for a fee. It is defined by rolling 2 d10s(10 = 0) If the rolls are 10/10 or anything higher then 86 your teleport fails.
    >> Judgment !7JUDGMeNtA 01/28/11(Fri)22:01 No.13696764
    Room 25

    Posted at the entrances to this dark room are signs that say: "The white ones are lava."
    The floor is covered in large black and white 5x5 tiles.
    If a white tile is stepped on, it will fall, revealing a pit of lava 10 feet below the field of tiles.
    A lava pit will light all tiles adjacent to it, but anything else requires a spot or perception check if it is not adjacent to a light source. (magic darkness)
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/28/11(Fri)22:03 No.13696799
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)22:07 No.13696845
    Rooms done:

    Rooms available:
    so Close!
    >> Judgment !7JUDGMeNtA 01/28/11(Fri)22:07 No.13696847
    Room 51: The NE corner is raised with a neigh impossible to climb slope. At the top is a rather sleepy mimic disguised as a chest. It contains a fitting reward, but will awakening at a 50/50 chance if the PCs attack it or are too loud.
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/28/11(Fri)22:11 No.13696887
    You fight exact mirror images of yourself and who ever is with you, they do everything you do, just diff rolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:11 No.13696888
    Room 43 contains a set of impossible stairs which lead to the door. Attempting to climb these stairs will result in 1d6 wisdom and intelligence damage for two hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:12 No.13696905
    38: A circular portal in the center, looks like a puddle of water. If touched, it empties the contents of a small lake into the dungeon through said portal.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:13 No.13696920
    Room 27 contains a single goblin in the centre of the room. The doors leading away are locked, but the keyhole can be peeled off of the door to reveal a goblin shaped indentation. The goblin must then be placed into the indentation to open the door. If the goblin is dead, it refuses to open. The goblin does not want to go into the keyhole at all.
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/28/11(Fri)22:15 No.13696937
    Seems like we're done here
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:16 No.13696946
    Now for an extensive compilation!!! WOOO!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:19 No.13696968
    Last room:

    Luigi & Salvatorre's
    "Your one-stop shop for anything and everything!"

    This inter-dimensional shop is stocked with EVERY conceivable item in existence. Anything from a simple knife to a Wand of Never-Ending Fireballs (1 Fireball @ CL5 every 3 rounds, forever, no shut-off). The catch is that everything has a 10% mark-up.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:19 No.13696971
         File1296271182.jpg-(80 KB, 1250x416, The Enigma Of Bikini Bottom.jpg)
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    Pic related?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:25 No.13697021
         File1296271543.png-(553 KB, 1024x768, capitalism, ho!.png)
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    At some point while traversing the dungeon, your players run into these three.
    >> Commissar Kelly !!kJbikWnNqGR 01/28/11(Fri)22:31 No.13697077
    God dammit, just missed it. I guess my roller-hockey rink will have to wait for the next one. Would be two teams each made up of a healthy mix of every sentient, two-legged, humanoid race. Roller hockey solves all.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:39 No.13697129
    So was OP archiving this?
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)22:44 No.13697162
    Op has been long gone...

    I revived the thread a little bit to get it to completion... But I am now too lazy to compile everything. I will just deal with the bees and go drink with the dwarfs
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)22:46 No.13697172

    I'll work on it... Shouldn't take too long...
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/28/11(Fri)22:48 No.13697182

    I knew a fatguy would make it happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)23:04 No.13697343
    That looks like a Metroid map.
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/28/11(Fri)23:13 No.13697442
    Keeping this thread alive for Titanium
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)23:20 No.13697488
    Room 15.5
    What exists in room 15.5? Why you do And nothing does The room of the far realm has opened
    Things have started appearing
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)23:37 No.13697618
    bump for completion
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)23:39 No.13697629
    It's been completed, just waiting on titanium. Although I have a feeling he may have left us...
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:49 No.13697709
    No, I didn't leave... This just took a long time to catalog...


    Thanks, Catch...

    Proceeding with dump, ten rooms at a time...
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:51 No.13697723
    01: This room contains a large stone statue. It's mouth is large enough to crawl in and only darkness can be seen inside. About 3 feet inside is a sphere of annihilation.
    02: There is a chest in the middle of the room that is obviously trapped... and that is the trap. The chest can be freely opened as it is, but disarming the apparent trap arms the real trap. If it is opened without re-arming the decoy trap, a poison gas cloud will envelope a 15' diameter area.
    03: A desk with an orange Briefcase hovering and spinning slightly over it.
    04: Is an armory fully stocked with a wide variety of weapons and armor. None of it is better than masterwork.
    05: This room contains a simple rabbit. Due to the magic effects of the room, on the top of initiative, if a sentient creature is in the room the number of rabbits doubles.

    Going to have to be five at a time, damn field-length...
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:52 No.13697731
    06: A bunch of weeaboos chanting "More Desu"
    07: There is a box for each player on the floor of this room, each bearing a strange word 'Donut' in addition to their name. If a box is opened inside the room a dozen (12) starving, half-crazed weasels jump out and immediately begin biting the PC that opened it. If a weasel is slain while the box is open it appears back in the box, though asleep until the lid is put back on and removed once more. If a box is opened outside the room the weasels are friendly, serving the opener as best they can while generally being amusing, Slinky-like, rodents.
    08: A room of teleport. As soon as at least two people are inside it they both are teleported to two other distinct rooms. All of their belongings, however, drop to the floor. They're naked, wherever they are. As soon as the room teleports anyone runes on the wall read 'ROOM OF DISINTEGRATION'.
    09: This room is filled with opalescent, six-legged monkeys that pelt the party with rainbow poo. Actually it's not. The room is filled with an iridescent slime whose touch causes vivid hallucinations. The poo is actually glops of slime that have fallen on the party members. The good news is that the slime is slow acting, inflicting but 1 hp of damage per round, and quickly dies when exposed to alcohol or fire. The bad news is that the party is tripping balls and has no idea what is going on. Everybody's experience is the same, however, and with practice, they can learn to influence the hallucinations, allowing them to telepathically communicate over long distances if they are willing to (simultaneously) subject themselves to the slime in the future. Right now, though, they just need to get their shit together and figure out what's going on before they are digested.
    10: There are 10 animated repeating crossbows on tripods in the room. Finally a warforged artificer with a wrench keeps them maintained. The warforged can See Invisiblity.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:53 No.13697742
    11: On the north (top of map) wall of the room is mounted a complex metal panel covered in toggles and knobs, along with a rough diagram map of the dungeon. The varied buttons seem to refer to doors and rooms and the entire construction has a slight magical aura while also being impossible to open or deconstruct in any mundane manner.When pressing buttons or moving levers, loud clicks and buzzing sounds can be heard from the box. No apparent effect otherwise. (Anyone who decides to "fix" the device, or open it up with arcane forces will find out that it is full of undead beetles or pointless mechanical constructs that will pour out onto the floor and wander around. There is no actual function)
    12: This is the bedroom of a noblewoman, teleported from its home realm to the dungeon. Her former walk in closet cannot be opened from the outside and is instead a portal to a never ending maid service which tends to her needs. All other doors are also locked, yet she doesn't know that the mirror on the southeast wall is an illusionary entrance to Room 80.
    13: Is influenced by far realm. Going back the way you came from takes you to the roof, going through the door to room 36 takes you to room 1, going through the door to 19 takes you to room 15 and going through the door to 46 takes you to room 21. Using any magic inside the room will cause a dimensional rift.
    14: Skeleton Brothel. They all have female voices and dresses and make-up, but they're nothing but bones. They are greeted by the madam who introduces some of her girls and offers the party company for the night (for a price).
    15: This room is filled with nice furniture. A number of the couches are Mimics and many small items are animated objects. Directly under the room, sealed over, is a pool of blood that contains the memories of everyone who has died in the room.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:55 No.13697758
    16: The room is divided into two halves. There are a number of doors equal to (pcs - 1) leading to the second half with the exit. Only one person may enter a door. Once entered, the doors disappear. Players must decide to kill off or abandon one player to continue.
    17: A pit with no bottom or top with a broken stone bridge. There are many other broken bridges below and above this bridge.
    18: An ice rink run by a Neogi. His tiny legs can't handle the ice, so he has hired a Quaggoth to operate the zamboni. A pair of goblins run the shoe-rental.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:56 No.13697770
    19: The floor is slightly concave and is filled with what appears to be fine sand. The sand is about one foot deep and will at times stir slightly as if a wind was blowing it around. The "sand" does not fill up to room enough to reach the corridors connected to the rooms. The sand is charged with weak magics that cause it to stir and slowly return to the room should it be carried away. In the center of the room is a simple stone fountain. Water bubbles down from a pillar in the middle of the fountain. The water is cool, perfectly normal and can be imbibed without any special effects. The bubbles that emerge from the fountain are a colourless, odourless gas that cause vivid hallucinations. These effects become more and more powerful as the amount of gas is inhaled and play on powerful emotions, fears and desires of the characters. Characters that are attacked by visions will feel "pain" but are physically unharmed. The gas does not cause any lasting physical damage and takes about fifteen minutes to fade starting from the time where fresh air is inhaled. Staying long in this room may lead the characters to hurt each other without realizing it due to the vivid hallucinations.
    20: In this room there is a lone dais that has a large socket perfectly fitted for the gemstone. If inserted, it will release an Aleax of a deity randomly determined (roll 1d3, first for Ethos alignment and then 1d3 for Moral alignment) which will then act appropriately towards the party for being freed.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/28/11(Fri)23:58 No.13697784
    21: Whisky storage with several passed out/dead gnomes and the rest of them being forced to sing 'Inifnity Bottles of Beer on the Wall' because the alcohol is cursed!
    22: You find a sorcerer who is willing to teleport you to any room on the map for a fee. It is defined by rolling 2 d10s(10 = 0) If the rolls are 10/10 or anything higher then 86 your teleport fails.
    23: In this room are several one-meter cubes of Obsidian, Diamond, Gold, and Stone, along with a sign on one wall. 'Pick needed, check other rooms.' The blocks take no damage from anything except a pick, with Iron needed to break everything but Obsidian and Diamond needed for that.
    24: This room contains an opaque whirlwind of dangerous metal shards, except on Tuesday, when it contains an opaque whirlwind of goats.
    25: Posted at the entrances to this dark room are signs that say: "The white ones are lava." The floor is covered in large black and white 5x5 tiles. If a white tile is stepped on, it will fall, revealing a pit of lava 10 feet below the field of tiles. A lava pit will light all tiles adjacent to it, but anything else requires a spot or perception check if it is not adjacent to a light source. (magic darkness)
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:00 No.13697801
    26: A journalist's office with an aboleth sitting in a claw-foot marble bathtub behind the desk. The aboleth is wearing a pair of archaic-looking bifocals and a peasant grandmother's shawl. It is composing that week's 'Dear Abby' column.
    27: This room contains a single goblin in the centre of the room. The doors leading away are locked, but the keyhole can be peeled off of the door to reveal a goblin shaped indentation. The goblin must then be placed into the indentation to open the door. If the goblin is dead, it refuses to open. The goblin does not want to go into the keyhole at all.
    28: An opium den for Gnomes.
    29: A bar full of dwarves.
    30: A very attractive, stark naked, female cowering in fear of the other which happens to be some kind of wizardess performing a weird ritual. (The stark naked woman is a succubi "in disguise" the witch/wizardess is trying to banish her, though the players sure dont know that!)
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:03 No.13697829
    31: Consists of a decently furnished abode entrapping a rakshasa with a penchant for drinking the finest ale; bringing him alcohol from the dwarven bar in room 29 will convince him to work with you for a time.
    32: There are four earrings in this room on a pedestal in the center, the only source of illumination coming from a glowing ring set in the ceiling above the pedestal. Each of the earrings, upon being put into a person's ear and rubbing the gem set into it, confers the benefit of the Tongues spell. The down-side is that it also transfigures the wearer's hair (both hair and body) into heat-less fire which provides the same illumination of a torch.
    33: A tank with a giant, awakened, octopus.
    34: Amy Winehouse is sitting in the center of the room. Upon a character entering she will immediately attempt to rape him / her.
    35: Several trolls chanting "Three point five is better than four..." repeatedly.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:04 No.13697840
    36: Two feet of stagnant water that is filled with leeches.
    37: Awakened blink-rat-swarm ASSASSIN.
    38: A lady dressed as a nurse sits behind a desk with a few items. She informs the players that in the room previous to 39, there was a recent outbreak of some deadly disease and she has the antidote. The antidote turns out to be a highly addictive drug.
    39: An abandoned auditorium. Set on the lecturn are illegible and faded notes. On a shelf set into the lecturn rests a large tome entitled: Economy and Environment: Evolution of Service Based Industry in Forbidding and Dangerous Geographical Regions. Any player that can write a convincing 20 page report on the topic (with at least 10 citations) receives +1 intelligence.
    40: Several trolls chanting "Four is better than three point five..." repeatedly.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:05 No.13697850
    41: An artist's studio. No one in sight, but filled with large desks and tables, drawing dummies, paint, paper, canvas, some wood and a skeleton posing in the middle of the room. Upon inspection, this used to be a female. On a desk facing the skeleton, an unfinished drawing of a woman in the same pose.
    42: Cake.
    43: This room contains a set of impossible stairs which lead to the door. Attempting to climb these stairs will result in 1d6 wisdom and intelligence damage for two hours.
    44: 8 potions with numbers on them (1-8). Nr 3 is rat poison, the rest is health potions.
    45: This room will have a lvl 13 orc bard that will try to have sex with the party. Treasure is a Wand of Undoing.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:06 No.13697863
    46: In this room is a single chest, appearing to be about one meter high and deep by two meters long. Inside the chest are seven Picks (5 Iron, 2 Diamond), Three shovels (1 Iron, 1 Gold, 1 Diamond), and several pieces of what appears to be Cooked-Pig.
    47: This room contains 1 massive cup of noodle soup heated by geothermal vents in the bottom of the cup. The cup is home to an aboleth with the same skin tone as the noodles. The aboleth's army of enslaved asian adventureres wander randomly around the broth drooling.
    48: Is an overgrown jungle. A small stream bisects the room. The jungle contains 1 of every type of exotic tropical bird. There is 1 golden mechanical bird that if captured will automatically fly to the exit of the dungeon and then return to the jungle.
    49: There is a golden idol in the center of the room. The golden idol is covered in poison. The floor is covered with a fine poisonous/hallucinogenic dust. There are poisoned crossbow traps in the walls, linked to the floor of the room. There are several (non-animated) skeletons in the room.
    50: Inside is a small alcove in the west wall. In this alcove is a small plaque. The plaque speaks to the party, complains that it can't speak too loudly and asks that someone come closer so it may share its secrets with them. When the one idiot that you know will do it goes to do so, he falls into a pit trap that the mimic has tricked him into. At the bottom of this pit? A gelatinous cube atop some stone spikes, of course.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:08 No.13697883
    51: The NE corner is raised with a neigh impossible to climb slope. At the top is a rather sleepy mimic disguised as a chest. It contains a fitting reward, but will awakening at a 50/50 chance if the PCs attack it or are too loud.
    52: Full of wasps that are having a turf war with the bees.
    53: A portable hole filled with permenantly Reduced Iron Golems. (you have to use epic magic to shrink a golem, but it's definitely something an asshole wizard would do.) You can fit six in there, or however many you want if you say "fuck it; epic magic is involved anyway."
    54: Is simply empty.
    55: This room is enchanted with a spell that causes the gravity to shift to a random wall every minute. Every surface is covered in spikes.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:10 No.13697913
    56: It is simply a sauna - small fire and water elementals are responsible for its continuous operation. Also, a lonely naked male elf sits here, and welcomes the visitors. Characters staying here for at least 1 hour recover a little hp.
    57: A doorway, made of Obsidian, that stands four meters high by four meters wide, apparently sunk a meter into the floor as well. The center of the doorway has a swirling, purple, ominous-sounding vortex in it.
    58: A decently well-kept shop, with a little girl behind the counter. As you enter she greets you with a cheerful "Capitalism, Ho!" You might be able to sell things here, but the loli shopkeep drives a hard bargain.
    59: A coat closet.
    60: Its a chamber fllled with treacherous ice. Whatever level the adventurers are... this is higher then that. The ice is magical, cannot be melted, and any non living substance(dirt, carpet, rope, boots,etc) immidiately becomes frozen and aquires similar properties... There is one chain extending from the ceiling which can be used to travel across the chamber. (doors follow whatever rules the other rooms gave them) Pulling this chain/swinging on it will cause the ice to melt along with any other items frozen to it beacuse the floor is now molten lava. Creatures caught in the steam on the chain must pass some endurance check to not fall in. Otherwise its a safe room haha.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:12 No.13697928
    61: Contains a rainbow-hued gemstone the size of a human skull shaped to a perfect oval, embedded into the skull of a special, giant-sized 12-HD Iron Cobra, which is embedded into the wall. If any attempt to remove the gem were to be made, the Iron Cobra would strike out against the would-be thief and anyone else in the room.
    62: It's a bathroom. Nothing magical, just the dungeon's mens room. The only trap is the odor left behind by whatever vaguely civilized monstrosity used it last. There is nothing magical about it, and no treasure in the room. However the plumbing is delicate and the room is small; more than one person searching for treasure there has an %80 chance of rupturing the facilities, causing an unfortunate... let's call it 'scum' to bubble up in the pipes until it bursts. Adventurers may safely use the facilities one at a time, and no monster will enter the room without knocking.
    63: This room contains a moose. There is a small culvert that lets water flow over the floor, approximately 1/4" deep, to keep it clean and give the moose water. A torch burns on each wall, illuminating the room. The moose appears to be eating walnuts from a bowl that never runs out. If the players decide to attack the moose it simply walks away, leaving the now-empty bowl behind.
    64: In this room are some mannequins, one for each player, each wearing an identical pair of the most comfortable underwear in existence. Should a player decide to wear the underwear they will find themselves unable to remove it. Not because it is cursed, but because it is so comfortable. Should a pair be worn on a player's head it provides a +4 bonus to AC, due to distraction.
    65: This room is full of friendly zombies that just want to hug hug people. Sadly, this is likely to be perceived as an attack until the last zombies sits down and cries.
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/29/11(Sat)00:12 No.13697929
    There you go
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)00:13 No.13697939
    How exactly do you enter this dungeon?
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:14 No.13697944
    66: David ( http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13495863/ ) lives here.
    67: A "Porny" slave-girl chained to a wall in a leather-bikini.
    68: An incubus loking for his chained up slave girl.
    69: Another small party of adventurers that are lost, due to the Chaotic Supid halfling forgetting to update the dungeon map and doodling on the page during an argument between the party's intelligent magic-user and the bossy 'leader' about two days ago.
    70: Crazy Hassan's Slightly Used Camel Emporium.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:15 No.13697955
    71: Glasscock ntizil, whatever that is.
    72: This room is filled with what appears to be a small Forrest. There is an unnatural light, lighting this room without any sun. (Roll listen DC15) Banjo music is apparent, its rhythm beginning slowly gradually getting faster and faster. If the party continues any further into this room they will meet a treant wearing blue overalls fashioning a straw hat playing a banjo. If they can convince him they aren't here to take his job he will let them pass. Otherwise he will grapple and use his feat "Improved anal plundering". He will always attack the most girlies looking male characters stating "Yewwww lurrrkk bewwwtiffuuull, Immma have fun wit chu!".
    73: The walls are rocky and carved in an old masonry style. Some artwork here is further adorned with gems, which can be taken without any risk. However, an Umber Hulk is dormant beyond the north wall, and it will emerge within one round and attack the party if it hears loud noises from inside the room (it has excellent hearing and it's a light sleeper).
    74: A fair Orcish Princess kidnapped by a foul treasure chest.
    75: The doors to this room are well locked. It is the larder for an inn. A set of spiral stairs in the corner lead up to the inn. The innkeeper has lost the keys and never opened the doors in his basement. He has no idea that an entire dungeon is connected to his larder.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)00:15 No.13697956
    You rock!!!!!
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/29/11(Sat)00:16 No.13697965
    Room 1? lol
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:17 No.13697977
    76: You fight exact mirror images of yourself and who ever is with you, they do everything you do, just different rolls.
    77: This room features a dirt floor and rough stone walls. Six bugbears are here, playing horseshoe with spears stuck in the ground as posts. Both spears display the heads of slain adventurers impaled at the top.
    78: The Room of Greed. There will be a huge pile of gold, along with magical amulets, surrounded by 10 metal suits of admantium armor. When such said amulets or armor are touched, the suites of armour comes to life, and fights the players. When the armor dies, it wither into dust. The amulet remains magical, but it prevents the player from leaving the room. If any attempts of leaving the room, the player will think they've walked for hours, only to turn back to see the door no more than 10 feet from them.
    79: A few elderly Wolf-In-Sheeps-Clothing Enjoying the sport of curling while talking about how everything was better in 2nd edition reside within this room.
    80: Full with magic swords and axes. If a player pick up a weapon, he or she must roll a d20 to see if the weapon has chosen him/her as it's owner. Those who fail the roll (13 or lower) takes magic dmg equal to 1/4 of his HP and has to drop the weapon. Weapon screams good/bad depending on the roll-result.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:18 No.13697984
    81: If the players enter this room the doors are sealed and a big nasty monster comes through the NW corner. Whatever you think would be suitable for your campaign. In addition the ceiling is slowly starting to lower on the party. They have to defeat the beast which will unlock the doors and do it before the room kills them all.
    82: Luigi & Salvatorre's "Your one-stop shop for anything and everything!" This inter-dimensional shop is stocked with EVERY conceivable item in existence. Anything from a simple knife to a Wand of Never-Ending Fireballs (1 Fireball @ CL5 every 3 rounds, forever, no shut-off). The catch is that everything has a 10% mark-up.
    83: Is filled with bees. thousands of bees, some bigger, some smaller; all hungry for delicious adventurer flesh.
    84: Is a very large dining hall and the table is set completely candles lit and food steaming hot. Nobody is in the room and the room is safe from intruders when locked from the inside. Cabinets of fine dishes almost worthy of selling line the walls in addition to a few closets with enough bedrolls and materials to comfortable sleep 12 people. Food is not poisoned, in fact its delicious! Ghosts of dead servants all wandered into thsi place and never left. You hear the sounds of a party and cheerful banter as you sit down and eat. Afterwards the only downside will be the guilt an adventurer feels for not being able to thank anyone. If anybody audibly thanks the room/spirits then as they leave the room the table and everything in the room disapear save for a number of chalices equal to the people who said thank you made from platinum.
    85: This room is the tomb of an ancient lich, and also his library. He spends his eternity magically scribing various novels ranging from steamy romance to far fetched fantasies of steam power and machines.
    86: In Room 86 lies Luke and his offspring. ( http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/6898745/ )
    >> снайпер 01/29/11(Sat)00:19 No.13698001
    OP when I saw that picture, I was actually thinking "circuit board" rather than "dungeon map".
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:20 No.13698023
    Thank you, thank you...

    I hope you all realized what a pain in the ass it was to actually figure out what room went where and sort it all... Some rooms got left out, but I honestly think there is enough stuff to keep any party entertained for quite a while in this dungeon...
    >> Judgment !7JUDGMeNtA 01/29/11(Sat)00:21 No.13698034
    thank you very much, good sir and/or madam
    >> Ratguy outta nowhere 01/29/11(Sat)00:22 No.13698036
    this is amazing. Wel done titanium
    >> Catch 22 !!dE7jFpuAWTV 01/29/11(Sat)00:23 No.13698051
         File1296278592.jpg-(7 KB, 211x228, 1288419696892.jpg)
    7 KB
    I honestly can't believe how successful this thread ended up being.
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)00:28 No.13698106

    I'm a sir, thank you very much...


    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)00:32 No.13698147
    Room 86: In the middle of the simple stone chamber lies a circular hole covered with a grate. The hole descends downward approx. 25ft, terminating above a large stone statue with a mouth large enough to crawl in. 3 Greater Shadows (HD 12) lurk in the darkness of the pit.
    >> Judgment !7JUDGMeNtA 01/29/11(Sat)00:47 No.13698285
    all the room data in a txt file
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)00:47 No.13698292
    bumpan to share the glory.

    This thread was a huge success!
    >> Judgment !7JUDGMeNtA 01/29/11(Sat)00:56 No.13698358
    and here's the map, all room data and the images supplied for rooms in one zip
    >> Titanium !SporkM2WK6 01/29/11(Sat)01:03 No.13698429
    Kickass, Judgement...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)01:24 No.13698644
    >Skeleton Brothel
    Is it bad that fucking an animated skeleton actually a fetish of mine?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)01:31 No.13698703
    No, Friend...

    .. It just means your home.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)01:56 No.13698989
    What about my home?
    >> Blue in the face 01/29/11(Sat)02:18 No.13699193
    It just means you're home.

    Enjoy your friendly comment grammar baby
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)02:28 No.13699288
    I like my grammar like I like my Fuhrer. Aryan and pure.
    >> Anonymous Prime 01/29/11(Sat)11:24 No.13702858
    This thread reminds me of the time we were in a dungeon and accidentally ran into the janitor: A goblin with a bucket, a mop and a uniform with a nametag: "Sweepy."
    He quickly hurried away from the deathtrap he was polishing and presumably hid inside a hidden broom closet the moment he rounded the bend, because we couldn't find him.
    The DM refused to explain any further. He used to pull that sort of shit on us all the time. I thought it was hilarious.

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