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  • File : 1297177304.jpg-(7 KB, 251x226, 1297076735481s.jpg)
    7 KB Outcasts Journey pt2... EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)10:01 No.13825581  
    Previously: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13813912/

    Zelyara did the only thing an Eldar Ranger could do when faced with an entire army of Space Marines and with no exit plan. She looked for the biggest tree she could, as far from the castle and town as she dared run, and climbed to one of the higher branches.

    Hidden by her cloaking field she pulled the rifle from her back. In theory she could stay up here as long as she needed. Being a feudal world it was unlikely any of the Marines would use any form of technology suited for seeing hidden targets. Power armor and bolters would be enough against these poor savages. Likely the youth she had saved was dead now; the seemingly important news of a betrayal and a 'monster' heralding a rain of death.

    She waited in her tree for some hours, watching the smoke climb from the ruined settlement and the ships landing slowly trickle to a stop. As her stomach reminded her to eat she stretched; pulling a small amount of scavenged nuts from a pouch, she slowly chewed them. Rogue Traders where few and far between when it came to a 'xeno' purchasing food. A Ranger had to rely on what they could hunt and gather.

    As she watched the horizon she froze... and a gasp of horror escaped her lips. Before her eyes a warp portal opened up in the distance. Out of it poured jetbikes, anti-grav craft, and other technology used by her dark kin. And she knew immediately that it was her own fault. Someone had received her signal; the Dark Eldar had come for her, or more aptly, the two warring forces they had expected to find. Eyes still locked on them in horror she saw them start fanning out in every direction as fire from the ground began to fill the sky.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)10:02 No.13825585

    Sergeant Finglad, of Deathwatch, stood by the drop-pod that had delivered his troops to the wrong location. It was only a mile or so away from the primitive settlement they had been ordered to take over but that was far enough. They would be unable to make it in time for the fighting. That would likely be over before the last of the drop ships landed. There was little of value on this planet beyond it's fighting men. However, it was on the edges of Imperium space and there were reports of incoming Tyranids. They could not and would not be allowed to get beyond this world.

    It wasn't all bad though. For some reason, that didn't matter at the moment, there had been xeno scum already here waiting for them. He would find out the why later. Right now he was holding position and awaiting a dropship to collect the remains of the empty Eldar ship
    they had destroyed. The pilot was still on the loose but now that their ship was slag there was no escape. His men stood nearby, ever at the ready, while some of the others scouted the area.

    After a few hours the dropship arrived and came to land in the clearing. Right around the same time that the Dark Eldar arrived. Comm chatter filled with rapid-fire updates. Most of the force was centered on the fortifications that the other Deathwatch squads were overseeing the building of. However, an anti-grave vehicle and some jetbikes where heading right for them and would be on them in seconds.

    By the time Finglad had given orders to his men to stand ready, and the scouts orders to return, he was already using the cargobay of the drop ship as cover from the strafing bikes and firing bolter rounds at the swift vehicles.

    =What now?=

    ((Sorry about the slightly late start.))
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:05 No.13825597
    Don't worry, just give me a sec to read it all.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:06 No.13825605
    The dark eldar (or at least some elite troops) would likely home in on the distress call and begin the hunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:07 No.13825612
    Are we playing the ranger or one of the marines?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:07 No.13825614
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    Ooh, grand, you're back.
    Now, how 'bout those mandrakes?
    Also, if possible, a duel of sorts between a Dark Eldar Dracon and a Deathwatch sergeant.

    >>Captcha: ricial experiment
    Is that a clue?
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)10:10 No.13825626
    ((The story is about the ranger, we are just having a small segment with Deathwatch and the Dark Eldar. I'll get to writing the next part in a moment, just grabbed mah morning coffee. Mandrakes you say? :P))
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:23 No.13825719
    The space marines don't get taken alive that often, and the soul of an ascetic warrior monk is probably bland. They'd likely avoid them in favor of taking captives and tie them down with fast strikes to keep them in place.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)10:28 No.13825752
    Finglad renewed his orders for his scouts to form up. Usually he didn't need to, Deathwatch were the best. All he received was static back. One of the fast bikes fell to the bolter fire from his squad; but one of his men had already fallen to the cackling xenos, and he wasn't expecting to see his scouts again.

    A few hellions joined the fray as the battle claimed it's first blood. Swooping down between the trees with reflexes that should have been impossible they lashed out with their glaives, attacks penetrating armor but the skilled Marines avoiding death.

    Stepping out of his cover the Sergent plucked a grenade from his belt, and with a cry of rage over the xenos his lost men he flung it towards the anti-grav lift... and against the odds it was sucked into something vital. The Marines cried out praising the Emperor as Dark Eldar died with their craft.

    Unfortunate... the reason the scouts had never returned had found their way to the combat. From the trees they leered out at the Marines that were now fighting with renewed vigor. They did not see the creatures with skin of shadow waiting to pounce...

    =What do?=
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:31 No.13825772
    I say we sit tight and pick off some numbers from whoever seems to be winning at the moment.

    The more these two forces whittle each other down, the better off we are.
    Technically since the DE won't be staying around permanently we might as well thin the SM forces out a bit.

    But for now, I say we just pick off a few marines on the perimeter and maybe drop a grav bike pilot or two, to keep things on an even keel as it were
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:33 No.13825791
    Do not expose ourself under any circumstance.

    We are one lone exile.

    These are two clashing armies, with a sudden third being thrown into the fray.

    It is in our best interest to say in this fucking tree and observe. Maybe help one side slightly, using our rifle to take out pilots at JUST the right time. But otherwise we should not engage at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)10:35 No.13825795
    We remove anything from the conflict that might shift the favour to either side.
    Let them bleed each other out.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)10:50 No.13825902
    His squad was down to half strength within a blink; but they had made the xenos pay for it. Jetbike parts, hellion limbs, and the twisted and ruined mass of the anti-grav lift lay scattered around the area... his brothers bodies lay proud in having done their duty till their last breath.

    One hellion in particular caught the attention of Finglad. The armor the xeno wore was different to the others; it provided better protection and was more ornate. The weapons it wielded were not the same as the others. The Sergeant lifted his bolter and fired... striking the odd hellions craft and shredding it.

    However, the rider simply curled into a ball, and landed gracefully not fifty feet away. He held some form of carbine in one hand; and a wicked looking blade in the other. Without a pause he charged at Finglad... and the Sergeant drew his chainsword as he went to meet him.

    This had apparently been a signal... for as the two met in furious combat, the Mandrakes attacked from the trees, cutting into the remaining Marines brutally, the occasional shot from a weapon belonging to neither the Dark Eldar nor the Space Marines doing little to thin the raiders numbers.

    =What now?=
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:02 No.13825970
    We are a sniper and we know who's the enemies commander. Let's try to take out the DE in combat with the marine sergeant.

    Do we know which chapter the death watch officer is from? If he's from one of the more reasonable/honourable chapters, he might be indepted to us and his survival might be advantageous. If not, he's next on the list.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:03 No.13825971
    see if we can hamstring the hellion leader. Maybe pop him in the knee or shoulder or something, we want the Marine sergeant to get the kill for the purposes of morale, and we want him at least a little indebted to us for his life (and perhaps that of his men)

    The DE are probably more likely to burn us out of hiding, so right now I figure we should help out the marines
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:21 No.13826107
    A well aimed shot to the head, break the shadowfield.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)11:36 No.13826202
    ((Hmm, sorry 'bout that last bit, as I read it over I find errors that I missed the first time. Brb, reposting that bit with editting.))
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)11:38 No.13826223

    Chainsword met wicked curved blade in a shower of sparks. Then the hellion, a trueborn who had chosen to ride the skies, slipped out of the blade lock and things began in true. Finglad was strong, very strong, and fast as any Space Marine. However, he was facing an Eldar of true lineage, who had fought for his position all his life in brutal Commorragh.

    Finglad would swing and hit only air, though he was fast enough that any strikes returned by the swift Eldar only scored his armor, years of training stopping any of the blows from cutting flesh. The Sergent knew what they did to their blades. If he was cut it was over.

    Around him his men, with the aid of someone - perhaps a Vindicare - with a rifle he had never heard before, were putting up a valant struggle against overwhelming numbers. There were many Mandrakes, and only two of his brothers left that he could see.

    Then, he was of balance... a sweep of the foot he had not expected, too distracted by the fate of his kin, and a carbine was pressed against his helmet. Right between the eyes. Finglad grit his teeth and faced his death proudly; he would stand before the Emperor unashamed.

    The sound of that rifle again: and a cry of mixed agony and ecstasy as the hellion leader lost his leg at the knee.

    With a victorious shout of "Emperor's Glory!" Finglad cleaved the xenos head from its shoulders. His remaining brothers repeated his cry... and the battle changed. It was now the three Marines, joined by a fourth who had been out of sight, that were claiming victory. They stood together and before long they simply stood basking in the glow of victory... the ruined Dark Eldar in pieces around them.

    By this time Finglad had figured out the tree that the shots were coming from. He looked up gratefully... before his expression became one of shock and confusion. Another Eldar sat in the tree... however, he owed this one the life of his squad.

    =What happens?=
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:40 No.13826231
    The chapter that is dedicated to murdering xenos was just saved by one.

    No fucking clue
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:44 No.13826263
    we point directly at the sergeant, and then turn our cloak on and leap off through the trees predator style
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:52 No.13826322
    adding to this, after we take off we need to try to beat the space marines to the other DE. I'm thinking this could be our ticket off-planet if we can snag a DE space craft (or hell, even a freakin' grav bike for some mobility) in the confusion
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:53 No.13826331
    We nod towards the sergeant, active our cloak and move on. Maybe we can take over one of our dark cousins' crafts?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)11:55 No.13826338
    Dark Eldar vessels do not have faster than light capablities since they use the warpway for travel.

    It would be kind of useless.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:02 No.13826380
    I thought all Eldar vessels use the webway for travel as the warp is, well, especially unhealthy for Eldar?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:16 No.13826457
    We should avoid conflict. Keep to the trees and shadow the marines. If they don't attack us in favor of the dark eldar leave them be. Once this is over we should see about finding a webway gate and contacting the harlequins for safe passage.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)12:17 No.13826466
    Eldar and Space Marine stared at each other for a split second... before Zelyara activated her cloaking and started moving branch-to-branch away from the survivors. A second spirit-stone bounced from it's chain around her neck. It had cost two Space Marines their lives but she had made sure to recover her lost kin before joining the battle. One spirit safe from She Who Thirsts was worth a hundred mon-keigh, never mind two.
    Finglad considered telling his men to open fire; but decided to 'spot' her a few seconds too late. After she had bounded away he took a few half-hearted shots into the trees she had been in, before reporting the situation to his superiors. He was informed that the Marines had taken few casualties, however many of the natives had been taken. The Dark Eldar were fleeing back into their holes.
    So. She was alive and it seemed that the disaster of her distress signal was averted. Still, she back back to square one. Aside from a few of the dark kins vehicles that may have been scattered around she still trapped on this planet with enemies all around. It occurred to her that while the dark kin had few space faring vehicles, none here as they had attacked through the webway which she was unused to navigating, a jetbike would at least offer her mobility.

    Zelyara did what she did best. She hunted. Moving through the forest she sought her prize. While most of the Dark Eldar forces would have left quickly, there were always stragglers who would stay behind for maybe days at a time, lost in their dark pleasures. Heading deeper into the forests she moved as only the Eldar could.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)12:17 No.13826471
    Within a few hours she found her prey. A small village of the mon-keigh. Ignored by the Astartes: but not by the lost ones. The wooden huts and farmland was burner and ruined. The corpses of warriors lay dead and scattered around. The men who had tried to defend their homes. The lucky dead. The only stone building in the hell the Dark Eldar had created echoed with cries and screams as the twisted shadow of her kind took their pleasure from the women and weak, who had been unable to die fighting.

    The Ranger grit her teeth as rage filled her. The stone she wore glowed for an instant before she managed to channel the rage into a cold fury. A pair a jetbikes lay dormant next to each other; only two had done all this. Now, she considered her options. She could simply take one of the bikes, disabling the other, and move on ignoring the cries of torment from the nearby building. Or she could rid the galaxy of the filthy monsters that her kind could never allow themselves to become again, and save the pitiful and helpless mon-keigh inside...

    =What does she do?=
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:24 No.13826519
    I say we snipe with maximum care all the dark eldar we see. When everythings more calm, steal a jetbike and break the other. Saving the mon'keighs is not a priority, but survival is, managing to stay alive without the marines will be a good outcome.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:25 No.13826527
    >managing to stay alive without infuriating the marines will be a good outcome.
    i meant.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:27 No.13826537
    I saw we rig one of the jetbikes to explode, or at the very least disable it. Then toss a grenade into the hut and ride like the wind.

    If we have no grenades, point one of the jetbikes at the hut and jam the throttle, hopefully it'll kill them in the ensuing crash. We take the other bike and gtfo. Even if we don't kill the DE, at least they'll be stranded and their fun ruined
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:29 No.13826564
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    Disable other bike, booby-trap, take other, flee.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:31 No.13826577
    She decides to scout the situation before coming to any kind of decision. She's not really equipped to hand close ranged combat unless it's on her terms.

    All the while careful of any potential surviving mandrakes that migh be lurking in the area.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:41 No.13826653
    No need risking close combat with the high-octane nightmare fuel weapons the Dark Eldar have just to save some humans.

    Take the bike and go.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)12:44 No.13826679
    Moving with care the Eldar maiden moved further into the village, keeping a careful eye out for any hidden threats. Seeing nothing she was further assured that these were just two fools who had separated from the main force. Stepping over a dead mon-keigh she reached the bikes.

    The stone structure seemed to be the main home of the village. She was only fifty feet away now. Not large; just more solid than the rest. The Dark Eldar hadn't bothered to close the doors before starting their fun. One was make; she knew this because she could see his back and the pair of pale mon-keigh legs he was... moving... between. She felt bile rise in her throat.

    She could put him down with a single shot from her rifle. If she wished to be more inventive she could perhaps rig one of the bikes to explode and send it crashing into the building; it would likely kill both Eldar and mon-keigh, but they may be grateful for that fact. The woman's screams suggested so.

    =So...? So far opinions have been split. Votes so far are leaning to just taking the bike.=
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:48 No.13826706
    snipe that Dark Eldar. Take bike. GTFO. She's not a hero for the mon'keighs, but she isnt heartless either. As said above, the marines are more and potentially more dangerous. killing mon'keighs is a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:52 No.13826739
    If she could see the second one in order to make sure he was as distracted, then engaging them might be an option.
    That's not the case though, so take break one of the bikes and leave with the other.

    This whole soft spot for humans thing is going to get us killed.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:54 No.13826751
    Booby-trap the other bike, shoot that fucker and then flee on the functional bike. With a bit of luck the surviving DE will try to follow us or flee with the other bike. That should solve the mon-keighs' problem. If she's feeling particularly nice after that, she might return to the building and grant peace to any mon-keigh who require it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)12:55 No.13826762
    Bike is probably impossible to hijack. Remember that Dark Eldar live under constant threat of "Nigga stole my bike" so it will probably x-plode if you try to ride it.
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)13:04 No.13826826
    She made her choice. Zelyara herself didn't understand her own desires recently. Carefully she located a vital-looking wire on the spare bike and slashed it. After this she carefully lined up a shot... and with a squeeze of the trigger the rutting monster slumped forwards with a hole in his back. A cry of rage joined screams of terror from inside. That was the third time this day that she had risked herself to save mon-keigh.

    Shaking her head at her own foolishness the Ranger mounted the remaining bike, and raced off just above the treeline. The remaining scum raced to the other bike and tried to pursue... only to become a fireball as he was unable to pull up over the tree-line.

    Taking a moment to look around she absorbed her surroundings. There were no signs of Dark Eldar in the sky anymore. Tiny black dots in the far, far, distance could have been Space Marine or Imperium ships, but she was unsure. Deciding she had risks being visible too long she let the bike slow down a little and began to weave between trees, the first genuine grin she had worn in weeks. She had missed the feel of riding a jetbike even as inferior as these constructs were.

    ((Right, thats all for tonight folks, sorry but have visitors. Been rude enough for an hour now, haha.))
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)13:05 No.13826834
    In all honesty, all the bike is going to do is get rid of her one advantage at this point, her stealth.

    Dark Eldar will be able to tell her apart immediately, and humans are in PURGE mode.

    I vote to keep moving on foot
    >> EldarPathfinder 02/08/11(Tue)13:06 No.13826842
    ((Right, start time will likely be same time as today, or maybe a little earlier. Got on late today. As always though, I can't promise anything.))
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)13:09 No.13826866
    this. However, the jetbike is quicker. Run far far away and then drop it somewhere. We have to contact some allies.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/11(Tue)13:13 No.13826898
    Well, I enjoyed today's iteration. Looking forward to tomorrow's installment.

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