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  • File : 1297906731.jpg-(45 KB, 350x600, giant-octopus.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:38 No.13928781  
    You are an octopus, approximately thirteen feet long.

    What do.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:39 No.13928791
    Stay the fuck away from Japan, ending up as sushi is to be avoided at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:40 No.13928794
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:40 No.13928799
    But Japan is the only place where we are a fetish.
    >> cool story bro !KNs1o0VDv6 02/16/11(Wed)20:40 No.13928803
    i turn myself inside out
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:40 No.13928805
    get ass to mars, where my martian brothers live
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)20:41 No.13928814
    You are conflicted. Should you go to this magical place called "Japan" or not?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:41 No.13928815
    Eat stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:41 No.13928817
    Acquire a waterproof laptop and troll the humans online. They won't know what to make of an eight-armed camwhore.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:41 No.13928818
    Even if I would taste really, REALLY good.

    Start contemplating cannibalism.

    Find some starfish or oysters to eat.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:41 No.13928819
    Predict the outcome of football matches for cash.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)20:44 No.13928850
    "Japan" will have to wait for now. You hunger.

    You quickly dart out from under your cozy rock, on the hunt for starfish. It is not long until you find two latched on to a rock nearby. They come off with some prying, and you crunch them easily with your powerful beak. In the distance you notice a large, dart-shaped figure approaching you.

    What is it? Roll a d20 for perception.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:48 No.13928886
    This remind me of the planet thread.

    First of all, i need to grow so i will eat everything i encounter.
    Second, i'm going around the globe in every sunken ship i meet, stealing their radio. Which i will bring to my sea base, using all those radio i will jam communication.
    The earth walker will never be able to predict that the attack is coming from the bottom of the sea.

    Alternatively. Start a musical about living at the bottom of the sea.
    Under the sea, under the sea, darling it's better down where it's wetter~
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:49 No.13928904
    rolled 20 = 20

    It better not be another submarine, those aren't edible.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:50 No.13928906
         File1297907404.jpg-(122 KB, 600x548, Galactus_UD_sketch_card_by_Bil(...).jpg)
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    'Sup Octopus bitches
    >> Foofy 02/16/11(Wed)20:51 No.13928933
    I attempt to call forth a gathering with others of my kind so we can over throw the human scourge.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)20:52 No.13928938
         File1297907558.jpg-(14 KB, 464x300, mako-shark.jpg)
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    You pick out that it's a Mako shark, and a rather large one at that. He looks to be just about as long as you are. Your keen eyes manage to pick out that this particular Mako is leaving a thin red trail behind him, stemming from one of his pectoral fins.

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:53 No.13928944
    rolled 12 = 12

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:53 No.13928957
         File1297907637.jpg-(26 KB, 286x299, galactus.jpg)
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    I eat it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:54 No.13928964
    ambush the fishy menace and latch onto his back so that he can't run away. This will feed us for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:54 No.13928965
    Scoot out of there, I may be as big as him, but I'd rather not have to spend the time and calories needed to regrow any limbs I'd lose.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)20:54 No.13928974
    A crippled Mako shark would make the perfect palette cleanser after your starfish. How will you approach the beast?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:55 No.13928975
    8 attacks with my arms
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:55 No.13928982
    hide behind a rock of some sort and ambush it once it has passed
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)20:57 No.13928998
    You quickly dart into some rocks below and engage your natural camouflage. The Mako, thankfully, does not notice you until it is too late!

    Roll for grappling, add +4 thanks to the ambush.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:57 No.13928999
         File1297907832.jpg-(258 KB, 774x1032, galactus_by_z_control-d394u6j.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:57 No.13929001
    Ah, fond memories of Derpupuses.

    Approach from beneath it, spray ink and wrap tentacles just behind its head (covering gills perhaps), start beaking the shit out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:57 No.13929006
    Can i grapple without provoking AoO?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:58 No.13929020
    rolled 15 = 15

    take this you cartilaginous bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:58 No.13929024
    rolled 15 + 4 = 19

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)20:59 No.13929036
    rolled 9 = 9

    we rolled the same? Fuck yeah 19 it is.
    And block the gills, that seems like the right move
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:01 No.13929059

    Nah, instead, I call my spiritual liege Cthulhu, and let him kill the shark for me. We shall then go and terrorize Australia. It is not yet dangerous enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:01 No.13929060

    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:01 No.13929065

    You latch onto the beast, its muscular form writhing beneath your iron grip. Its struggles are in vain, however, and you quickly wrap your arms around its neck. In the process, you tear its loose fin off, and the slate blue wedge drifts slowly to the ocean floor, leaving a contrail of blood behind. With a massive wrench, you snap the Mako's spine. It ceases moving.

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:03 No.13929090
    Take it to a cave, quickly. That much blood in the water will attract more sharks, we may not be able to handle more than on Mako, they are highly aggressive.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:04 No.13929102
    devour the creature, it is ours now
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:04 No.13929108
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:05 No.13929119
    Filled with bloodlust, you drag the limp form of the Mako back to your lair. You eat part of it, and save the rest for later.

    Feeling reinvigorated, you are prepared to set out once more. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:07 No.13929140
    patrol the area searching for female octupi with which to have sex
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:10 No.13929187

    >igthol incurable
    Captcha warns us of nasty underwater STDs
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:10 No.13929190
    I try to find water proof candles and draw a pentagram on order to summon outsiders.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:11 No.13929199
         File1297908684.jpg-(15 KB, 243x180, dem tentacles.jpg)
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    You set out, in need of finding a mate. Being a true paragon of cephalopodian might, you must ensure your genes are carried on to the next generation.

    After an hour of searching, you spot THIS hottie. What do?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:12 No.13929216
    Blood Sacrifice to the Old ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:13 No.13929227
    belay that command!

    octopii often surrender themselves to ignominious death after completing their biological imperatives.

    we must seek sunken temples with hidden lore so that we might learn ways to enhance our tentacled might and overcome our primitive urges.

    After which of course, we will fuck and or eat everything with our mighty octopsionic powers.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:13 No.13929228
    I go to japan to persue my dream of going into film, if that doesnt work im going to holy wood to play cthulu's head
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:13 No.13929233
    Dark whispers carried upon black fins swim through the waters today. They speak to you, telling you to sacrifice the female octopus.

    Can you resist?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:14 No.13929238
    Shove our hectocotylus right in that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:14 No.13929244
    Nope. Blood Sacrifice for DARK POWERS.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:15 No.13929248
    No. Iä! Iä!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:15 No.13929251
    Fulfil mating ritual.
    Rolling for perform.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:15 No.13929262
    Maybe... Do I have the right sort of dagger to perform the ritual? Shopping's a bitch underwater.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:15 No.13929264
    The path of Dagon is a dark one, invertebrate. When you have committed yourself to service in the name of the Old Ones, you may find it hard to turn back.

    Do you wish to pursue knowledge most dark and malignant?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:16 No.13929271
    do as the night-haunted octogods command!

    In his house at R'yleh, dead Cthulhu lies dreaming!

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:16 No.13929278
         File1297909004.jpg-(37 KB, 460x276, Paul-the-octopus-005.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:17 No.13929289
    DO IT.
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Iä! Iä! Cthulhu Fhtagn!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:17 No.13929290
    YES!! I shall rule the seabed as the first of his followers! Show me the way to submerged R'yleh, my sacrifice!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:19 No.13929319
    Your skin seems to have lost its camouflage. You turn a shade blacker than obsidian, and the barbs within your suction cups grow, becoming twisted and serrated. You feel His power within your cephalopodian heart. You feel His voice call to you. You are awakened to the true power of the Old Ones, and this female with be your first conquest in Their name.

    Thankfully the other octopus is preoccupied with cracking open a small crab. You will have a +2 should you ambush her now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:21 No.13929340

    I walk up to her and politely ask for directions. Any idea where R'yleh is?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:21 No.13929346
    Cephalopods for cephalopod God!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:22 No.13929348

    strike for the glory of the elder gods!
    I have forgotten how to roll! >_<
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:22 No.13929358
    rolled 16 + 2 = 18

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:22 No.13929364
    rolled 16 = 16

    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:24 No.13929381
         File1297909476.jpg-(17 KB, 600x415, Eight Legs of Pure Evil.jpg)
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    Your wicked tentacles engulf her. Her feeble consciousness barely has time to realize what is occurring before your vicious barbs dig into her soft form, raking across the thin membrane of her skin. You tear, strangle, and bite at her with your powerful beak. Ink and blood in equal measures create a swirling miasma around the scene of death and carnage. Before long, she is a tattered and bleeding corpse in your tentacles.

    You feel a great presence around you. It is pleased.
    >> Eight legs of Dread 02/16/11(Wed)21:25 No.13929390
    rolled 84 = 84


    Commence great "Muwhahahahahaha."
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:26 No.13929394
    take her beak for a trophy! it will have pride of place on our master's altar!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:26 No.13929397
    It's the second time I roll simultaneously with some other fa/tg/uy and the result comes up the same. There must be a conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:27 No.13929414
    Rape the corpse. If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right.

    Damn it... Now I still don't know how to get to R'yleh...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:28 No.13929427
    >that pic

    You were planing for us to turn to the Old ones all along, weren't you OP? Evil...
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:29 No.13929437
    You remove her beak, letting the ragged corpse drift to the sands. Where do you go from here?
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:30 No.13929452
    >Roughly twelve seconds on google images for "black octopus"

    Having run a quest once before, I know how quickly /tg/ turns to evil when faced with an otherwise unassuming creature.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:31 No.13929456

    I listen to the voices in my head. What do they have to say?

    If they do not answer, I'll go looking for some ruins to stalk. Maybe there'll be divers to kill...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:31 No.13929459
    Whereever R'lyeh is.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:31 No.13929460
    We attempt to discern the direction of Tokyo. We shall eat their flesh raw just as they would ours.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:31 No.13929462
    He posted this thread on /tg/, can you expect anything other than turning to the Old Ones from that bunch of neckbeards?

    Sense if the great presence gives me any direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:34 No.13929489
         File1297910047.jpg-(62 KB, 404x550, Cthulhu2.jpg)
    62 KB
    I find a grotesque headless torso and become Cthulhu.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:34 No.13929494
    we must seek guidance from our dark master, and spread word of his inky power. Build a temple unto Dagon with rocks from the reef and creepy looking corals, add some bones from drowned humans for that decorative flair. dye the waters black with our darkness and petition the old ones for their wisdom!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:35 No.13929507

    But first, a cup of tea.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:36 No.13929514
    to be fair, the quest would have been over. octopii really do commit suicide by predator after raising their young.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:36 No.13929518
    You feel drawn to the abyss. You aren't sure where it is, but there is a deep-ocean trench nearby. In that place you will find your masters.

    Your thoughts are interrupted by a massive shadow overheard. It appears to be a giant fish made of some strange kind of rock.
    >> Alpharius 02/16/11(Wed)21:36 No.13929521
         File1297910199.jpg-(482 KB, 1081x1200, Advice-Derpuhpus.jpg)
    482 KB
    This quest will never match derpuphus quest.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:37 No.13929524
    yes, quite. We're slimy pilgrims on a grim quest of madness after all, not complete barbarians.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:38 No.13929552

    jet into the rocks and spray a plume of ink, our camo will not save us now that we are blackened by the touch of our patron!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:39 No.13929555

    Ah, a boat! Or maybe a submarine. I shall proceed to jam their propulsion mechanism with a large rock.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:40 No.13929577
         File1297910434.jpg-(53 KB, 500x409, cat-top-hat-monocle-exquisite-(...).jpg)
    53 KB

    Quite so. Terrible business boiling water when underwater though... Or lighting a decent fire.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:40 No.13929579
    You dart into the shadows to observe the giant leviathan. It swims along slowly on some kind of oscillating tailfin, and emits a rhythmic chime as it floats by.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:43 No.13929605

    Swim closer to it. See its reaction. Get as close as I dare, perhaps try to hit it with my barbs.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:43 No.13929615
    We swim to the top of the strange coral growing atop it's dorsal fin and sing the song of madness into it in order to convert the large fish to our cause.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:43 No.13929621
    If it goes roughly in the direction of the abyss, follow
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:45 No.13929636

    Is the object larger than I?
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:46 No.13929647
    You cautiously swim over to what you believe are the beast's eyes. It does not register your presence, and nearly crushes you with its weight as it continues to purr through the briny seas. You lash out with your tentacles, but it only serves to create a loud banging noise and an ache in one of your arms. Its hide is thick, and cold to the touch.

    You can roll for perception to try and learn more about the creature.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:46 No.13929658
    rolled 16 = 16

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:48 No.13929672
    use our tentacle to taste the creature, it appears docile. is it at least palatable?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:49 No.13929682

    ... I forgot how to roll...
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:50 No.13929688
         File1297911027.jpg-(13 KB, 500x375, the fuck is this shit.jpg)
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    You take in the sight of the truly colossal beast. Dark tendrils seep into your brain, telling you it contains flesh-things. Soft, weak, undeserving flesh things. These things don't deserve to be alive. Their being is offensive, disgusting to Dagon.

    You can see a small hatch on the side of the vessel, along with some tiny ports at its belly.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:52 No.13929701
    We inspect the hatches, see if it can be opened like a sweet, sweet, juicy clam.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:52 No.13929704

    Jam rocks in all the openings. Try to dislodge any panels I see. Bend the periscope. Or spray Ink on the lens if that doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:53 No.13929722
    Stay IC, dammit. We never heard of something like a "periscope"
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:54 No.13929727
         File1297911242.gif-(489 KB, 352x240, 1295922599853.gif)
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    If it's a military sub, we gon get raped. They got guns in there, lots of em.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)21:54 No.13929730
    You know what must be done.

    You blind the creature with a jet of ink to its eyes. Without a moment to waste, you glide over to the hatch you noticed earlier. Your muscles strain with exertion as you attempt to pry open the bolted hatch.

    Roll a d20 for opening.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:54 No.13929733

    The beast's carapace is to thick for us to sunder. We must use the environment to our advantage.

    grasp a rock from the reef and use it to cripple the sensitive tendons of the great leviathan's rear fin so that it will crash against the sharp coral and spill its belly full of delicious infidels into our domain!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:55 No.13929739

    We are tea drinking cephalopods and messengers to the Old Ones. Of course we know what a periscope is.

    Fine. Try to bend the pole on top of the creature.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:56 No.13929754

    We have the favour of the Dark Gods. Never worry.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:57 No.13929759
    rolled 18 = 18

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:57 No.13929761
    granted, we have not yet had our tea due to the difficulties of boiling water underwater, and are very irritable because of it.

    perhaps the infidels inside the leviathan will have teabags in their galley that we can use to cook over thermal vents.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)21:58 No.13929769
    This damned octopus truly has the favour of the Gods.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:01 No.13929792

    Yes! THey might indeed have some tea! We shall slay them for our dark lords! And for Tea! I'm bloody parched (I know I'm submerged, figure of speech old boy)
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:01 No.13929797
    As if your arms were wrought from hell itself, the skin of this titanic fish buckles and snaps. Small bits of shrapnel fly off as you hurl the door into the murky depths. Soon, your jet black form is inside the guts of this monster.

    Red light fills the inside of this flooded chamber, and you hear a loud, obnoxious buzzing. Through the small window of the door ahead, you can see bizarre bipedal figures with large round heads. They seem to be carrying sticks. The opening behind you seals up and the red lights go out. Apparently this beast heals quickly. The water is drained from around you, leaving you slimy and vulnerable. The two figures enter, pointing their sticks at you!

    Roll for evasion!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:03 No.13929810
    rolled 16 = 16

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:04 No.13929823

    I cast magic missile.

    Can we even cast magic? Screw it, tentacle to the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:05 No.13929834
    evasion is for cowards, and without our watery domain we are robbed of much agility! These bipedal mutants are only a mere 5-6 feet in length! we shall crush them with our barbed appendages and then tear the beast asunder by crushing its arteries like opening juicy clams!

    also if they have dapper hats and tea, we shall claim those too. For the glory of Dagon!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:06 No.13929838
    You manage to get out of the way as a swarm of angry little creatures fill the space. The bipedal figures have a momentary difficulty turning, so you now have your opportunity to take action!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:06 No.13929841
    rolled 8 = 8

    Also try to disarm the creatures.

    >roplar ritual-like
    Ok, captcha, we will also rob them (of their tea?) and it won't only be ritual-like, it will be a real ritual
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:07 No.13929854
    Use my hooked suction cups to crawl up the wall, above the bipeds heads.
    Then drop on top of one and feast on the juicy organs within.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:08 No.13929858

    We'll kill them, and then wear their skin as a suit! Ravage their quarters for top hats and tea! Monocles as well, if possible.

    For the great old ones!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:08 No.13929860
    Do you wish to disarm the beasts?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:10 No.13929885
    GLORY AND SLAUGHTER! pull their disgustingly rigid lower appendages out from under them and slash them with our barbs!

    steal their tea and ink in their eyes! woe betide their strange leader if he bears a monocle, for we shall have it for our own!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:10 No.13929889

    We have eight arms. Two for each. Wound & disarm. If that fails, launch another two arms into the fray.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:10 No.13929891
    Ain't nobody bashin' the murderpus with sticks in this mother.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:10 No.13929892
    Yes disarm them.

    Then do >>13929854
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:10 No.13929896
    rolled 15 = 15

    Well, if straight-out killing seems easier, than just kill them. But I thought that a quick tentacle slap on their extremities will be faster and easier.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:11 No.13929900
    You lash out, reaching for one of their sticks. You wrap a tentacle around the nearest one, and it screams. Though you are mighty, you are not yet acclimated to being out of water, and so the creature brings one of its feet down on your head, wrenching its stick from your slimy grip.

    Momentarily dazed, the other one attacks again! roll for evasion, with a -2 modifier.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:13 No.13929913
    Also, there appears to be a bit of a delay between me typing out the response and actually seeing the responses in the thread. To prevent further discord, I'll be as patient as possible before typing up the actions.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:13 No.13929916
    rolled 20 = 20

    let's evade
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:13 No.13929926
    we'll have none of that language sir, we're an Octopus and a Gentleman and a role model for young murderpii everywhere. Granted, your sentiment is correct- those ignoramuses never should have transgressed upon our neighborhood.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:14 No.13929929

    Evasion? Alright, evade, but at the same time, strike at the attacking creature with 3 or 4 tentacles, see how he likes that!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:17 No.13929955
    Dagon favors our efforts!

    grasp the offending appendage and loose the beast from his moorings. It appears to be his primary locomotion, pull the likewise organ from the other creature as well so that we might grapple them with our mighty surplus of arms.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:17 No.13929963
    OP, is this a Trident sub? Because if it is, do you think it is a good idea to give an Old One worshiping Octopus access to Nuclear weapons a good idea?
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:18 No.13929969
    It will take more than a kick to fell you! Getting your bearings, you quickly evade the incoming cloud of shrieking particles as you lash out at the nearest figure once again. Your barbed tentacles score a satisfying hit on one of its lower extremities, and you are met with the sound of tearing fabric and a scream of pain. Bright red blood flows from a tear in the creature's leg, and it drops to one knee as it clutches its calf.

    You quickly throw your massive body onto its head, crushing and biting, you hear it squeal in its guttural language:
    But its pleas fall on deaf ears. The other figure is already running down one of the arteries of this massive fish, apparently getting help. You savor the taste of your first kill's blood and brains before tossing it aside like trash.

    What next?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:20 No.13929995
    Examine the stick the biped was holding, and coat ourselves in blood to keep us moist.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:20 No.13929996
    We shan't last long without water and the innards of this beast are strangely dry.

    search for arteries and veins along the innards of the beast, we'll swim in its blood and kill it from the inside if we must!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:21 No.13930002

    Grab it's poky stick. Follow the artery and hide in a dark place, ready to jump any more of the creatures with our newly acquired poky stick.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:21 No.13930007
    Take its stick; it seems like you could use something heavy.

    Also, stick to the roof and drop down on the fleshies as they go past.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:24 No.13930033
    You lift your quarry and wring it dry of vital life-blood, taking in the stench. Spent, you once again toss aside the drained corpse. Examining the strange stick the beast was carrying yields no useful information to you, other than when you pull on one end it makes noise and a bunch of small insects go flying out of the other side.

    Tearing off a grated piece of wall, you find yourself within the disturbingly warm and hard innards of the large fish. You hear your escaped prey up ahead:
    The thing is fuckin' huge, Mick! It... it killed Gerard! Ripped his fucking head off!

    You will enjoy destroying these cowardly animals. Dagon's dark whispers float through your head. He desires blood. Send these... "men" to their watery graves.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:24 No.13930039
    Can we rip this flesh-thing open a little bit and hide inside him? Not only do we get a hiding spot, but alos some fluid to moisten ourselves with!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:26 No.13930053
    You are thirteen feet long. You would not fit inside a man-thing
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:26 No.13930056
    Move along the shaft, try to find a room with a single man, alone they are weak.

    We shall feast in the name of Dagon.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:27 No.13930061
    aye, fluid and tea!

    we must seek both, for we are a hunter built for ambush- the humans must be destroyed cunningly and piecemeal.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:27 No.13930069

    Ambush the last one to come by. Drag him into the shaft with us.

    Now, how would we get information out of him? Eats it's brain? dark Rituals?

    Try Dark rituals. If that fails, eat it's brain.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:28 No.13930081
    You move along the fish's interior until you are perched above the two "men"

    Perfect spot for an ambush.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:29 No.13930090

    Wait until one leaves, then strike from the roof.

    Upon getting a kill, use the body as your puppet and meat-shield.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:29 No.13930092
    rolled 19 = 19

    Grab them and drop behind them for a quick takedown
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:33 No.13930131

    Can we use magic to possess them? Otherwise, ambush one and drag him up with us.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:34 No.13930151
    You gleefully throw yourself beak-first upon the nearest man-thing, and completely sever his skull from the jaw-up. He gurgles blood and collapses as you wrap four of your arms around the other. He cannot manage a scream as you feel his pathetic bone structure popping beneath your vice-like grip. His eyes bulge and then burst in a spray of blood as he ceases struggling.

    You crack one open and consume his innards. His blood is smeared on the walls into jagged symbols you never knew you could make. Whispers and laughter fill the arteries of this fish as you feel darkness overwhelm you. Your arms and body bulge with strength and rage, and you can feel yourself becoming bigger.

    Clutching one of the "men," you quickly begin writhing down the vein of the beast. More "men" appears in a doorway at the end!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:36 No.13930170
         File1297913781.jpg-(10 KB, 196x197, ggggg.jpg)
    10 KB
    Oh man, this turned into underwater Alien!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:37 No.13930179
    Is that... good?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:37 No.13930189
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:38 No.13930196
    As long as we aren't jettisoned into the vacuum of space.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:39 No.13930199

    We aren't going to get very far like this...
    Back, up into the ventilation! We must rely on stealth. We can't go around taking on large groups of enemies.

    Look for the Kitchen. We'll have tea and it will probably be more relaxed.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:39 No.13930207
    How many are there and how far is the doorway.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:40 No.13930217
    Approximately twenty feet long, three men in the doorway
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:44 No.13930259
    You could roll for evasion, or press the attack in the name of Dagon
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:45 No.13930272
    rolled 2 = 2

    throw a corpse at them then evade
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:45 No.13930280
    oh god dice karma
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:47 No.13930298
    Dagon's love seems to be a fickle bitch. You attempt to throw the corpse to distract the man-things, but it goes about five feet before landing with a wet and heavy thud on the cold floor. The three men open fire on you, and you can feel sharp barbs piercing your leathery hide. Two of your tentacles are wounded and your main body has suffered mild trauma!

    HP: 17/20

    Go! Kill the man-things! Dagon commands it! Kill for Dagon or die in the process!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:49 No.13930323
    Charge at the man things, but keep my movement a little erratic.
    Climb up the wall to the ceiling, our suckers and hooks will surely find purchase.

    Then chase those fleshy morsels down.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:50 No.13930329
    rolled 10 = 10

    Same procedure: Disarm, then kill.

    >ensengu sefer
    Fucking captcha performs rituals on its own.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:50 No.13930335
    Roll for wall-crawling and attacking with a -2 due to injuries.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:52 No.13930349
    rolled 3 + 2 = 5

    Already subtracted.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:53 No.13930363
    roll d20 - 2
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:54 No.13930378
    Your gambit fails, though you do not suffer further injury. Thanks to the unexpectedness of wall-climbing, the man things cannot pinpoint your location and their screaming projectiles miss you slightly.

    You are roughly ten feet from them now, you hear panic in their disgusting voices:

    Shit, shit! Shoot the fucking thing! What the fuck kind of fucking octopus is this? Jesus christ it's covered in blood!

    Dagon screams in your mind. KILL. KILL. YOU MUST KILL AND KILL AGAIN.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:55 No.13930390
    rolled 11 = 11

    Dagon says kill so we kill.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:56 No.13930393
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:56 No.13930402
    rolled 3 = 3

    Kill them and arrange their corpses into unholy symbols
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:57 No.13930404
    Throw 4 tentacles forward, grabbing at something on the ceiling in front of you, then swing your body into the man things.
    As soon as we hit, grapple.

    (How the hell do you roll a dice on here?)
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)22:57 No.13930406
    You lash out, knocking a stick from the closest man-thing's hands and scoring a hit on its torso. It clutches its side and stumbles backwards as the other two move to catch him. They appear to be disoriented!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:58 No.13930422
    Engulf one of the men with your tentacles, wrapping him fully and completely, while eating him alive with your beak at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:59 No.13930429
    rolled 10 = 10

    Use that possibility to drop on their heads, crushing them to death with our weight, beak and arms!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)22:59 No.13930430
    rolled 4 = 4

    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:00 No.13930440
    You launch yourself up and onto the man thing you previously injured. You feel a rib snap inside of his chest, and he begins flailing beneath your considerable weight as the other two begin smacking at you with their sticks. Slowly you choke the life out of the downed man.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:02 No.13930458

    You read Rabbit Quest! I approve!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:02 No.13930459
    Grapple them with my sturdy tentacles.

    All shall feel the might of Dagon.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:02 No.13930466
    rolled 18 = 18

    grab the other two on their arms and try to beat them against each other, suffocating them at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:03 No.13930477
    Better yet smash them against eachother in our powerful tentacles.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:04 No.13930494
    rolled 10 = 10

    Dagonian hivemind.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:05 No.13930503
    Such insolence from the man things will not be tolerated. You bind their arms and hurl the two against one another with a delightful crack. One bleeds profusely from the nose and the other has a cut on his forehead.


    Bits of teeth fall from their mouths, their faces redden more, dripping with fluid.


    One appears to have lost consciousness, the other chokes on fragments of his jaw as blood rushes from his ruined mouth


    One of their necks snaps backwards, the man-thing's head lolling around on its shoulders awkwardly. The other has also lost consciousness, and the one below you lies still.

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:06 No.13930508
    rolled 18 = 18

    YES! Kill them, eat them! Feast on their squishy insides!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:07 No.13930519
    Drink their blood, and try to get Dagon to transform you into a giant Vampire Squid.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:10 No.13930555
    Feed, and bathe in their blood once more.

    We must not rest until this metal fish belongs to Dagon.

    Look around, where can we go?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:10 No.13930567
    Well, let's feast! And may Dagon enjoy our meal with us.
    After that, retreat and search for a way to rip through the hull of the fish.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:11 No.13930574
         File1297915915.jpg-(39 KB, 400x400, darkmantle.jpg)
    39 KB
    Within the halls of this massive fish you indulge in an orgy of violence and bloodshed. Drinking deep of these foul apes' vital fluid, you feel Dagon smiling upon you. The arteries of this fish carry an eerie silence, and a constant feeling of being watched looms over them now. As you nestle down into a corner of the ship, you can feel His blessing upon you. You swell in size, ferocity, intelligence. The remaining men upon the ship know you are here, and they react with the fear of mice trapped in a snake's den.

    When you stir from your violence-induced coma, you feel reinvigorated. You are now roughly twenty six feet long, bulging with muscles and rage. Your massive, crimson eyes flare with the bloodlust of the Old Ones. Your jet-black beak is razor sharp and your barbed tongue thrashes wildly, thirsting for blood. The man-things will pay for their intrusion upon Their domain.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:13 No.13930601
    FANTASTIC. Now, let's find more things to kill and eat. We must not give them a chance to prepare for us. SLAUGHTER THEM ALL.

    Except the Captain. Him, we question. Learn his secrets.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:15 No.13930617
    Search them with our nimble and sensitive tentacles. See if any of them have small bottles containing brown fluid. See if any of them have keys of any sort.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:15 No.13930619

    I'm pretty sure we have our new tongue for a reason.

    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:16 No.13930630
    You scour the arteries of the beast, ignoring many empty and pointless rooms. After hours of writhing about in the shadows, you find yourself above a large-ish open room. Man-things move about the area in a massive throng. One man-thing seems to be speaking to the others.

    "I want that thing found. Whatever killed all those men needs to be located and destroyed, and we need to send out an SOS immediately. We're obviously in over our heads."
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:19 No.13930667
    Launch myself at the group, trying not to kill the one speaking, we will use him later.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:20 No.13930684
    Well, WE are over THEIR heads now
    bad pun octopus.jpg
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:21 No.13930689
    Gonna need a roll for that one, ghost rider.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:21 No.13930690
    Wear his hat.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:22 No.13930715
    rolled 6 = 6

    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:22 No.13930716
    I have no idea how to roll.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:23 No.13930723
    rolled 13 = 13

    I'll roll then, since I'm for attacking, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:23 No.13930725
    And ask if they have some bloody tea on this ship.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:24 No.13930730
    rolled 5 = 5

    Roll for tea finding on their bodies?
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:25 No.13930740
    You land fully on the captain, and even find the time to quaff the thermos of tea he luckily had on hand as you do so!

    You hold the captain overhead, waving him around menacingly. The other man-things don't know what to do, for they do not wish to do harm to their leader.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:27 No.13930771
    Woah woah woah.
    Speak to crew > use mind control on crew > wear captain's hat > order crew to sail to Tokyo > launch nukes

    My name is Jean-Luc CephaloPicard of the USS Dagon.

    >captcha: Epicxp CARRIER
    Yes, captcha... We shall soon take over a carrier for epic xp.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 02/16/11(Wed)23:27 No.13930775
    rolled 16 = 16

    Than have the leader, do harm to them!
    Use him as a bludgeon against them!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:27 No.13930782

    Curtly, but strongly, demand tea. If they do not provide tea, we will have to kill them off one by one.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:29 No.13930797
    Dagon whispers once more to you.

    Break open the fleshy captain. Use him as a portal to His dark domain. Let Dagon's glory into the innards of this giant fish!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:30 No.13930805

    what powers has dagon granted us
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:31 No.13930817
    Stick my tongue in the captains' ear.
    Try to mind control him.

    Failing that, tear him to pieces.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:32 No.13930829
    Do as he says. RIP AND TEAR!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:32 No.13930832
    rolled 2 = 2

    Well, let's break him. For Dagon and TEA
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:32 No.13930834

    crack the weak bones and taste his brain with our tentacles so that our lord might know his grey greasy flavor!

    Seize his hat for our own so that we might be a dapper murderpus and demand the tea of our prisoners!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:32 No.13930842

    Mind control. PLEASE DAGON! Mind CONTROL!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:33 No.13930844
    rolled 13 = 13

    rip open the captain, and use his flowing blood to make a sigil of Dagon on the floor as quick as you can.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:37 No.13930894
    rolled 1 = 1

    That wacky Dagon

    Toss the captain into the ceiling and then head for the control wheel piloting the sub. Push it down and send it plummeting into the depths!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:38 No.13930896
         File1297917497.jpg-(79 KB, 407x550, Dagon.jpg)
    79 KB
    For the sake of hurrying up, no dice rolls necessary I suppose.

    You crack the spine of the captain, whose dying words are: Fuck.

    His blood and innards spill out over the floor, and you begin shaping them into the runes of Dagon. The other men, too shocked and cowardly to intervene, watch in mute horror as you open a rift between His realm and your own. From the gaping maw of the ethereal an utterly inhuman cry of glee and hatred rocks the giant metal fish to its very core. Some of the men go mad on the spot, driving their faces into the blinking lights before them, caving their skulls in with pipes, and tearing out each others' eyes and throats. The other slump to their knees and pray. They pray to whatever is coming through the portal, they pray to their own false idols, they pray to whatever will save them from the coming oblivion. But nothing will save them. You have doomed them to a hell unending at the hands of one of the perfect and ascended Old Ones. They, who know more than all of the man-things that have ever walked this planet combined. They, who will now sing the song of destruction across the Earth, and begin their reign of bloodshed and terror over the weak humans.

    You have served Dagon well, young Kraken.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:39 No.13930906
    rolled 10 = 10

    Pinata party for Dagon, and the captain is the stick!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:40 No.13930916
    rolled 10 = 10

    Fuck yeah.jpg

    Now praise Dagon. After that, look for tea.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:42 No.13930930
    I say we return to our roots and eat Dagon is anyone with me
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:44 No.13930946
    You are truly honored to have been the catalyst for Dagon's arrival in this realm. You bow deeply to your lord as you avert your gaze from the portal. A massive, scaled set of fingers reaches through and grabs a hold of a brace of mewling man-slaves.

    Dagon consumes them both with ease, and dismisses you to continue a reign of terror on the vessel. You quickly head down the arteries of the giant fish, until you come across a large, empty hall-like room. You smell a sweet scent, and follow it to the source.

    What luck, more of this delightful "tea" substance!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:44 No.13930951
         File1297917858.jpg-(31 KB, 450x221, monsters_2010_movie_andrew-450(...).jpg)
    31 KB
    You are an alien octopus, approximately sixty feet tall.

    What do.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:44 No.13930955
    i say we fuck Dagon, we never did get to mate with that female octopus
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:44 No.13930957
    yes, now that our attempts to summon the being are successful, we can overthrow him and take our rightful place as the Octo-ruler of the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:45 No.13930972
    rolled 15 = 15

    drink more tea
    and search the ship for a tophat and monocle. And possibly a bowtie.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:46 No.13930977
    In before a string of natural 1s or natural 20s
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:46 No.13930980
    Roll to rape/kill Dagon?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:47 No.13930987

    Finally! Some damn tea! What an octopus doesn't have to do to get some tea... All it requires is Dark god worshiping, multiple murder and nuclear threat, but in the end it's all worth it.

    Ah, tea...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:48 No.13930996
    rolled 19 = 19

    it is time to take our rightful place.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:49 No.13931006

    It's Earl Grey...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:50 No.13931012
    You guys ever hear of the Peter Principle?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:51 No.13931025
    we really must be the luckiest cephalopod in the world
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:51 No.13931032

    What do you mean it's bloody earl grey!?

    All this for nothing? Bloody hell. Yes, alright, lets murder Dagon for petty vengeance. If I can't have proper tea, no one shall!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/16/11(Wed)23:52 No.13931038

    You return to the bridge. Dagon appears to be amusing himself by torturing a few of the man-beasts.

    Torture... so base. So cliche.

    Dagon has overlooked something. As he fed you, he neglected to take into account your growing intellect. Octopi are surprisingly smart, you know. You are a massively powerful and fearsome beast, and it is time you made everybody suffer, not simply the man-things.

    You hurl yourself into Dagon's realm, where the malignant energies there feed you. You grow to enormous, impossible proportions, and begin grappling Dagon. Your former master is taken completely off guard as you wrap your inky black body around his scaly hide and start crushing. He resists, wildly.

    Roll to keep attacking, you're in the shit now.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:54 No.13931065
    rolled 13 = 13

    time to rip the shit out of his flesh.
    also, i'm the guy that rolled the 19 before, so here comes to 2.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:54 No.13931070
    rolled 10 = 10

    I'm about to get us killed.

    Attack the eyes!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:54 No.13931071
    rolled 8 = 8

    oh god I'm probably going to fudge this but here goes
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:54 No.13931072
    simple minded fools, Because of Lord Dagons dire influence, we are now a freakish monster Alpha Octopus. The females will burst into secretions of mating pheromones at the sight of us, we shall have a cephalopodian harem the likes of which no greasy human fetishist has dreamed of!

    And all we had to do was turn down the first piece of octopussy that came our way. We could have been a normal jackoff domestic octopus.


    there is an inkling of merit to this idea though. female octopii lay up to 57,000 eggs per nesting. if we spread our seed and nurtured it long enough for the young to grow, Dagon's strength would be legion.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:55 No.13931088
    too little too late
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:57 No.13931103

    The Tea is a lie. It's only Earl Grey. Are all efforts are wasted. The Universe shall feel my wrath! I shall not go without tea much longer!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:57 No.13931104
    this is the best quest ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/11(Wed)23:57 No.13931108
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:00 No.13931140
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:01 No.13931150
    You rake your barbs against your former lord's skin, tearing off strips of sizzling flesh with each swipe! Your serrated beak and razor tongue jab and rip at his neck and shoulders. Black, rancid blood bubbles from the grievous wounds you are causing. Dagon flails, punching and clawing at your crushing arms. Small scores of wounds appear on your body, but they are like pinpricks to a whale.

    Your vice-grip closes so tightly that you manage to squeeze one of Dagon's arms clean off! A bleeding stump is left where His arm used to be, and you begin pummeling him with his own appendage! He roars in shame and bitterness, He will not be denied His rule over the mortal world!

    Roll to keep fighting!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:02 No.13931168
    rolled 11 = 11

    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:02 No.13931169
    rolled 15 = 15


    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:02 No.13931171
    rolled 2 = 2

    Mine is the tentacle that will pierce the heavens!

    And by heavens, I mean we're shoving two tentacles in the back door until they come out his mouth, and then tearing him in half.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:03 No.13931176
    rolled 1 = 1

    for our dark dominion and the end of all things!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:03 No.13931181
    Try and stick a tentacle into whatever we can reach inside him and tear him from the inside.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:05 No.13931207
    Your grip begins to slacken, you cause no further damage to Dagon.

    He wriggles his other arm free and begins clawing at you, shouting infernal curses in his aberrant tongue! You maintain your hold on his body, and continue to bite his throat.

    Roll to stay on!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:06 No.13931211
         File1297919190.png-(202 KB, 872x660, The Crab Cycle.png)
    202 KB
    We need to keep our gloriously advanced eyes peeled for the KING CRAB, who's 100 foot wide carapace has been seen building an empire out of a downed aircraft carrier.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:07 No.13931215
    rolled 3 = 3

    blood for the blood god
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:07 No.13931223
    rolled 12 = 12


    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:07 No.13931225
         File1297919252.gif-(101 KB, 236x216, 1297618930287.gif)
    101 KB
    rolled 12 = 12

    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:07 No.13931228
    rolled 16 = 16

    i've rolled a 19 and a 13, i won't be happy until i get a goddamn 20 and rip His head off!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:10 No.13931247
    for the sake of all of us im going to stop rolling now
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:10 No.13931250
    Two 12, a 16 and a 3.

    Not too shabby...
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:10 No.13931252
    The Crab King sure was glorious.

    Dagon hurls you from Him, trying to get his bearings once more. He is badly injured, and you have just yet begun to fight!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:10 No.13931253
    no amount of physical torment will conquer him, his flesh is the stuff of the outer darkness!

    We must probe his wounds with our barbed tongue and pierce his black heart!

    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:11 No.13931260
    rolled 3 = 3

    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:12 No.13931279
    rolled 6 = 6

    what the fuck, man. how do always roll so goddamn well?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:16 No.13931297
         File1297919777.jpg-(25 KB, 400x342, 1297418078911.jpg)
    25 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:16 No.13931299
    fucking dice karma man
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:21 No.13931309
    we must play to our strengths, if he has eyes, we can blind them! fire ink jet!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:25 No.13931319
    rolled 12 = 12

    Grapple him again! There is actually no way back, you don't come to Dagon with "Well, just kidding dude, let's go for a pub crawl now"
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:25 No.13931323
    rolled 18 = 18

    i dunno, but i'm feeling that my lucky streak is coming to a close.
    but just in case it doesn't, take all of our remaining strength and plunge all eight of our squiggly, hooked appendages in to his chest and tear his black heart from it's vessel!
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:26 No.13931326
    SAorry folks I'm experiencing some technical difficulties. Just give me a second here so I can re-orient myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:28 No.13931331
    rolled 15 = 15

    i dunno, but i'm feeling that my lucky streak is coming to a close.
    but just in case it doesn't, take all of our remaining strength and plunge all eight of our squiggly, hooked appendages in to his chest and tear his black heart from it's vessel!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:28 No.13931332
    rolled 1 = 1

    Grapple him again! There is actually no way back, you don't come to Dagon with "Well, just kidding dude, let's go for a pub crawl now"
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:29 No.13931336
    rolled 19 = 19

    Don't worry I got this.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:29 No.13931339
    ink fire jet!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:31 No.13931348
    rolled 18 = 18

    i dunno, but i'm feeling that my lucky streak is coming to a close.
    but just in case it doesn't, take all of our remaining strength and plunge all eight of our squiggly, hooked appendages in to his chest and tear his black heart from it's vessel!
    also, is it almost impossible for anyone else to post right now?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:31 No.13931353
    spray ink in his eyes and grapple onto his throat
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:32 No.13931355
    rolled 3 = 3

    Kill that motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:33 No.13931362
    rolled 13 = 13

    Grapple him again! There is actually no way back, you don't come to Dagon with "Well, just kidding dude, let's go for a pub crawl now"

    Ink seems a good idea, use ink first.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:33 No.13931363
    Fucking technical difficulties out of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:34 No.13931365
    I concur. Ink to the eyes, then latch back on.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:40 No.13931398
    I guess we disregard these both since they were posted due to 4chan lagging
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:41 No.13931405
    You place all of your might into a final assault on your crippled God. You hammer him upside the head with your massive tentacles, and plunge them deep into his razor-lined mouth. He bites at you, trying to sever your muscular arms, but to no avail. You wrench open his mouth, breaking off his lower jaw as you drive yourself down into his gullet, your mighty beak being the only bony part of your body.

    Inside Dagon, you begin pressing, expanding. You feel Him writhe in pain, attempting to get your giant body out of Him. It is of no use. You crush his organs, expanding to the point of tearing open his sides like an overstuffed pillow. Black ichor spews from his wounds as he utters a final, pathetic squeal in his death throes. You unfold yourself from Dagon's ravaged corpse, spreading your giant black tentacles as far as your can.

    The other tortured fishmen of the Abyss surround you, and pledge allegiance to their new master.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:43 No.13931414
    dice 1d20

    3 tentacles per leg, 2 for arm, beak attack at open wound
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:45 No.13931425
    As we grapple him, find his largest, deepest wound and dig down into it. Use our dextrous cephelopod flexibility to ooze our way inside of him. There we shall extend our reach to all corners of his form, stealing from him all hope of resisting. We shalll tear and devour and violate him from the inside out, and make what was his OURS.
    >> OctOP !Wgsl0i1/Go 02/17/11(Thu)00:47 No.13931441
    Hopefully /tg/ didn't eat my ending. Sorry if it was rushed, folks but the board suddenly experienced a huge slowdown.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:49 No.13931446
    First thing after this, go and kill a bunch of lobsters and attach their claws to the tips of our noble tentacles as enhanced CCWs.

    And as for Dagon, leap valiantly against him, and use our beak to blind the bugger.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:52 No.13931459
    and NOW we can go to japan.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:53 No.13931465
    back to earth we go time to spawn minions
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:55 No.13931474
    Well, fuck yeah.
    Our reign shall begin
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:55 No.13931475
    Locate Hydra, initiate copulation. On both her and anything else receptive to our cephelopod seed.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)00:57 No.13931487
    rolled 8 = 8

    Let's invite Shub-Niggurath over for tea.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)01:01 No.13931510

    I think Japan needs to be a later goal. They're experienced Octopus fighters. We need to grind a bit on weaker enemies first.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)01:09 No.13931554
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 02/17/11(Thu)01:29 No.13931685
    Find Crab King. Make temporary alliance or cursh it for great xp. Then we hunt narwhals, and bathe in their blood... THEN we go to Japan. Possibly after integrating a whaler for our armor.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)01:32 No.13931707
    rolled 10 = 10

    Destroy submarine. Acquire tey. Invite Shub-Niggurath
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)01:36 No.13931739
    rolled 3 = 3

    Also, throw a party for the minions. They don't get political change everyday, they aren't Russia in the nineties.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/11(Thu)02:08 No.13931946
    Bummer, OctOP seems to have gone.

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