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!!857o4GkKJgy 02/18/11(Fri)12:12 No.13947276 File1298049144.jpg-(113 KB, 696x750, 2c922e7a45c2bd538c67dc94c2a9f7(...).jpg)
 Also, PO Bernard Wiseman has made his decision regarding his invitation to take part in a secret operation with the Cyclops Special Forces Unit. He has decided to go, so it looks like here is where you shall part ways. "I feel like I'm letting you down here. I mean, this is just after we lost Hovis, Calvin is still in hospital as well..."
"If I didn't think you could handle this assignment, or that the unit couldn't handle your absence I never would have brought the offer to your attention in the first place Bernie."
"Ouch! You sure don't sugar coat things do you sir?"
"Just don't get killed. Keep your head on a swivel, try to be at least two moves ahead at all times, and don't go for cross counters: heat hawks are no match for beam sabers, and above all else, whatever you do, never EVER...sorry what Zol? Your mobile suit? THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR MOBILE SUIT!?"
"...sir!" Bernie whines as you notice the bizarre customisation Zol must have blackmailed someone to perform.
"Well, in anycase, play it smart and safe, pay attention to what the Cyclops team says, they are the experts at this sort of thing, but don't discount your own experience, you don't live through things like Jaburo or Odessa without picking up some skills... well, good luck I guess."
"And to you sir."
You both salute each other, and you then have to tell the rest of the unit what's going on. Everyone whilst sad to see him go, understands and doesn't protest. Nell doesn't seem to be paying attention and spends the time folding up a paper aeroplane which she absently tosses. In the zero gravity it flies in strange and unpredictable patterns into the distance... |