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02/21/11(Mon)20:58 No.13989866 File1298339909.png-(76 KB, 1225x793, dsffs.png)
 >mfw rough fist
So, we've got at least 6 missile/Flak batteries covering the entire route into the mission, several smaller trucks spread across the area, 2 which have AA on them for sure, others that may be carrying MANPAD carrying troops.
Ontop of that we got an unknown number of enemy fighters which i hope is nothing stronger than MiG-21s and if sukhoi gives us a break, MiG-19s. If we get through all of that, we then gotta deal with whatever remains of the luckyguns with whatever remains of our flight.
We have a plan though, lucky guns go first because they're the only ones capable of SEAD strikes, we follow them through and circle at the village and wait for the MiGs. After they've hit the radar we escort them back through the gap, and once their just about to enter it we start blowing the out of the sky, meaning those who survive the first volley must either continue on a straight path, or take a risk and fly into the enemy danger zones.