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  • File : 1298674088.gif-(20 KB, 184x184, 02018F.gif)
    20 KB Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)17:48 No.14039948  
    ITT: We think of resolution systems.

    Here's a d6-based system I came up with:
    >Any task has a target number.
    >To attempt a task, a player rolls 2d6, but with dice of different colors; let's say one white and one red. (This can be said as "1d6 white and 1d6 red.") Alternatively, the player can roll a white die against a red die rolled by the DM.
    >The red die is subtracted from the white die, then the result is multiplied by 20% of the player's relevant stat and added to that stat. (The math will work out better if you use a system based on increments of five.) This result is then compared to the target.
    Notice that the result of the roll can be anything from -5 to 5, so after this is multiplied by 20%, you'll be adding anything from -100% to 100% to the stat in question. Thus, you can get anywhere from 0 to twice your stat as your final result. Your stat itself is therefore the average expected result.
    >Advantages and disadvantages add extra white or red dice, respectively, to the roll.

    Example: Dumbledalf McMerlinson wants to melt a sheet of ice with a fire spell. His pyromancy stat (because sure, why not have a stat for that?) is 45. The wall has a resilience of 25. Since ice is weak against fire, he gets to roll an extra white die. He rolls 2d6 white and 1d6 red. The white dice come up as 1 and 3, for a total of 4, while the red die comes up as 6. 4 - 6 = -2. -2 x 20% = -40%. -40% x 45 (Dumbledalf's pyromancy) = -18. -18 + 45 = 27. 27 is greater than 25 (the wall's resilience), so he successfully melts the wall.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)17:54 No.14040029
    Hmmm mite be cool
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)18:47 No.14040684
    Here's a similar system based on d4. It doesn't take stats into account, so it's better for a more free-form, story-based system.
    >Roll 2d4 and subtract the lower die from the higher.
    >Unless you rolled doubles, you'll now have 1, 2, or 3 as your score. 1 is a "poor roll," 2 is a "fair roll," 3 is a "fine roll." If you do roll doubles, you get the value of one die. (Double 1s counts as 1, double 4s counts as 4.) Then you can opt to again, with the new roll being added to your score.
    >If you roll 3 doubles in a row, your score is forfeit; this is the only to get a 0 as your final score. This is basically fumbling.
    >A score of 4 to 8 is an "excellence," a minor crit.
    >A score of 9 or 10 is a "masterstroke." Getting one of these results requires you to get doubles twice, then opt for your third roll, so they're considerably rarer and riskier, but produce more powerful results.
    >>The highest possible score is 11, achieved by rolling double 4s twice, then rolling 4 and 1. This roll, called a "godstroke," happens only once in 2,048 rolls. These produce stupid-awesome results.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)18:47 No.14040689
    >>14040684 cnt'd
    A given task should have a different possible result set up beforehand for each of the six possible rolls.
    Example: You're trying to read a book in a language you don't understand.
    Poor roll (1): You have no idea what the book says.
    Fair roll (2): You recognize the writing system, but none of the vocabulary.
    Fine roll (3): You recognize a few root words here and there. You can get the gist of parts of the book.
    Excellence (4, 5, 6, 7, or 8): The language turns out to be related to your native language. These languages are mutually intelligible, so you can understand most of the book.
    Masterstroke (9 or 10): The language turns out to be simply another dialect of your own. It's every bit as understandable as though you'd written it yourself.
    Godstroke (11): You experience the phenomenon of xenoglossy, intuitively and instantaneously learning the book's language inside and out. You gain the knowledge of this language as a new permanent skill.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)18:49 No.14040707
    This seems ridiculously convoluted.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)18:54 No.14040764
    Which one? If you mean my d6 system, you might have a point; I haven't actually tried it out and I have a feeling it might be too math-heavy in practice.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:00 No.14040831


    Step 1) The white dice come up as 1 and 3, for a total of 4, while the red die comes up as 6.4 - 6 = -2.
    Step 2) -2 x 20% = -40%.
    Step 3) -40% x 45 (Dumbledalf's pyromancy) = -18.
    Step 4) -18 + 45 = 27.
    Step 5) 27 is greater than 25 (the wall's resilience), so he successfully melts the wall.

    You have 5 steps for every roll, some of which isn't going to be easily done in someone's head, and to which there really is no fucking point. This is doubly true since you have a binary success or failure so 5 steps doesn't do anything that 2d6+skill vrs resistance DC would do it basically 5 times easier.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:06 No.14040891
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    Anyone else got one? It doesn't have to be dice-based. I wanna hear people's crazy playing card/POG/jumping jack/juggling/thumb-wrestling/dreidel-based resolution systems here.

    Pic related; it's what the Dread system uses
    >> King of Heroes 02/25/11(Fri)19:08 No.14040911
    Cool system but fuck that math would just make the game not fun
    >> Al Weaboss 02/25/11(Fri)19:09 No.14040917
    Here's a percentile system I'm going to use for a system I'm thinking up:

    >roll 1d100 (2d10)
    >add any bonuses you have (haven't figured out the bonus system yet, but I'm working on it)
    >In order to achieve whatever you are trying to do, you have to beat 100 + whatever penalties there are

    Example: Sir Killsalot the Saintly Knight of Murderia swings a sword at a combatant. Sir Killsalot has bonuses from several sources that add up to about 80. The combatant, simply a farmer hired on by the military, only has a defense bonus of 15. Sir Killsalot only has to roll a 35 for the sword to connect. Unfortunately for him, he only rolls a 31, 4 under what he needed to roll. The farmer manages to dodge the sword at the last second.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:16 No.14041013
    I see your point, but what I was really going for was a system that generated scores between 0 and twice your relevant stat. I like the idea that your stat values serve as your average performance in whatever skill; rather than your roll simply adding to your performance.

    Rolling 2d100 and counting the result as a percentage of your stat would give you the same result in far fewer steps, but at the cost of introducing some far dirtier mathematics.

    If you can think of a way of achieving the desired end that's a bit more stream-lined, I'd be glad to hear it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:18 No.14041044
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    I have considerable experience training with various weapons, particularly sword (European and Japanese), staff, and spear, and I have noticed that combat resolution in RPGs is usually silly. Hit points make little sense compared to location targeting, and combat often fails to reflect the truth: most attacks are blocked, but a single hit is often deadly. This system is a response to that.

    Playing card melee combat resolution: Requirements for each player: 2d6, 1 deck playing cards. Each player uses (in the most basic version) the cards 1-7 in clubs and hearts. When 2 characters of average fighting skill enter combat, each combatant places 7 cards face down in the pattern shown in the picture, 4 of them being clubs and 2 being hearts (the numbers don't matter). The players take turns attacking. (cont.)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:21 No.14041072
    Not the guy you responded to, but your system is too convoluted in PRACTICE.
    One roll to beat a set DC turns into a full minute of math.

    I don't know who you game with, but I've seen people who take 10 seconds to mentally do '18+17' after they roll a d20, can't even imagine with your system.

    Let me re-read what you wrote and see what help I can come up with, even though I'm really tired and my mind isn't working 100%
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:24 No.14041096
    I wouldn't say convoluted. It's just straight up fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:26 No.14041126
    Interesting, but pointless.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:28 No.14041150
    I appreciate your constructive criticism.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:36 No.14041223
    At one point, I tried a new approach to a combat system where every creature had a certain number body regions, each assigned to a different number of a die with that many sides. (Humanoids had 6. 1 was head, 2 was neck and shoulders, 3 was chest, 4 was arms, 5 was groin and thighs, 6 was shins and feet.) To attack a creature, a player rolled XdY, where X was their skill in combat and Y was the number of body regions the creature had. This determined what regions the player had the opportunity to hit. Instead of hit points, creatures accumulated wounds in each body region until they had enough that they logically couldn't continue fighting. Different pieces of armor increased defense only for the body region on which they were worn.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:37 No.14041245
    When a player attacks, they pick a card on the opponent, where 1 = head, 2 = chest, 3 = abdomen, 4/5 = arms, and 6/7 = legs. The defender then reveals the targeted card. If it is a club, it is a target the defender is focusing on defending, and the attack is blocked. If it is a heart, it is outside the defenders focus, and the defender must react to block the attack. The defender rolls 2d6 and adds their weapon skill and agility, and compares it to the attacker's weapon skill plus agility plus 2. If the defender's result is higher, the attack is blocked. If the attacker ahs the higher result, the target is hit and disabled.

    A character can take 3 hits to a limb target, 2 hits to a body target, or 2 hits to a limb and 1 to a body before dying. If a defender fails a block, they can spend a destiny point to block anyway. If a single limb target is hit twice it is severed and cannot be hit. One hit to the legs reduces movement speed to the minimum, and two hits to the legs makes movement impossible. One or two hits to one arm halves that character's attack rate (one attack to every two opponent attacks), one hit to each arm makes attacking impossible. Hits to body targets reduces stats by one per hit, with each body target having 3 stats associated with it (agility is associated with the abdomen).
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:39 No.14041261
    For your OP, the best I can come up with (without modifying your system) is to come up with a sort of Matrix reference sheet which contains every possibility ranging from a -5/+5 roll and stat 0 to 100
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:52 No.14041390
    Could /tg/ perhaps give me some feedback on this?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)19:57 No.14041444

    Each player needs their own deck?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)20:02 No.14041500
    I like this one. My math is pretty weak, can anyone pull the probability curve for this one out of their ass?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)20:04 No.14041534
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    Here's a cat based system I came up with:
    >Any task has a target number.
    >To attempt a task, a player rolls a number of cat across the floor, but with cats of different colors; let's say one Tabby and one Siamese (This can be said as "1cat Tabby and 1cat Siamese.") Alternatively, the player can roll a Tabby against a Siamese which the CM (Catmaster) rolls.
    >The Tabby collides with the Siamese and the distance between them measured, then the result is multiplied by 20% of the player's relevant stat and added to that stat. (The math will work out better if you use a system based on increments of cats.) This result is then compared to the target.
    Notice that the result of the roll can be anything from 0 to 10 feet on average, so after this is multiplied by 20%, you'll be adding anything from 0% to 200% to the stat in question. Thus, you can get anywhere from 0 to twice your stat as your final result. Your stat itself is therefore the average expected result.
    >Advantages and disadvantages add extra Calico's or Persians, respectively, to the roll.

    Example: Meowcat McCatmeowson wants to nom a mouse with a RAWR spell. His OMNOMNOM stat (because sure, why not have a stat for that?) is 45. The mouse has a resilience of 25. Since mice is weak against cats, he gets to roll an extra Tabby Cat. He rolls 2cat Tabby against 1cat Siamese. The Tabby cats come up as 1 and 3, for a total of 4, while the Siamese comes up as 6. 4 - 6 = -2. -2 x 20% = -40%. -40% x 45 (Meowcat's OMNOMNOM) = -18. -18 + 45 = 27. 27 is greater than 25 (the mouse's resilience), so he successfully noms the mousel.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)20:15 No.14041661
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    >first d6-d6 system

    I take it you have this anyway, but in such a complicated system each player should have one too.

    Also I am extremely bored.

    >9000+ hours in Excel
    >> Anonymous 02/25/11(Fri)20:28 No.14041815

    On first roll:

    >37.5% POOR ROLL
    >25% DOUBLES
    >25% FAIR ROLL
    >12.5% FINE ROLL


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