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03/02/11(Wed)22:48 No.14105651 File1299124083.jpg-(399 KB, 700x1105, 3d9ab4f326dd8458e338f829eedf5d(...).jpg)
 Racial Ability: Tacticool A moon rabbit has been thoroughly drilled on the usage of firearms and is intimately familiar with their workings. She can turn one invisible to smuggle it anywhere, and psychically generate ammunition for it too! A moon rabbit even has a knack for picking a gun up from just about anywhere, be it from the kappas or Kourindou. A moon rabbit who takes the Weapon Master special ability can choose "firearms" as her mastered weapons, applying the ability to any firearm she wields. A moon rabbit gains a +2 bonus to any rolls made to identify, know about, talk about, conceal, craft, assemble, repair, modify, maintain, dismantle a firearm. A moon rabbit can turn up to two firearms on her person invisible. If she does so, the only ones who can see the firearms are herself and other moon rabbits. Muzzle flash is effected too, and ejected brass stays invisible for up to an hour, but bullets, slugs, and shot are fully visible. A moon rabbit can instantly reload any firearm she's holding with psychically generated ammunition. This way, she never needs to fuss with reloading or managing cartridges or shells! Lastly, in between incidents, if a moon rabbit has less than two firearms in her possession, she can opt to simply acquire one (if she has currently has one) or two (if she currently has none) non-enchanted firearms of her choice, be it a 1911, a Garand, or a Kalashnikov... somehow. She need not pay any Yen for this, but her honor as a lunar soldier prevents her from having them sold. |