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!!857o4GkKJgy 03/04/11(Fri)19:55 No.14129776 File1299286543.png-(220 KB, 768x480, Episode 96 Epilogue.png)
You all make one last push to try and get that mission kill, unfortunately none of you have weapons with the kind of range to effectively take him down at this range. Although Elaine's shots appear to be closest. You're half tempted to tell Zolomon to throw something at the enemy when the debris field begins to thin out to nothing.
"Shit. Stop, take cover behind that broken Magellen frame." you order.
The three of you take shelter behind the hulk of a bridgeless and engineless warship. Zolomon looks at it for a few seconds.
"Isn't this one of my kills from last time?" He asks. Now that he mentions it, the damage DOES seem to have the classic Zolomon signature...
In anycase, you have Elaine watch for attacks from the debris zone, whilst you take a look at where the target is heading, and if they can risk a long range shot. You carefully extend your finger mounted periscope to look around the broken vessel.
What you see is distressing.
Aside from the Throughbred, two other Trojan Horse class ships and six salami... wait, make that 5, Nell appears to have taken down one which was progressing too far into the Debris field to support it's Balls. (Don't know who the hell thought leaving formation was a good idea, but you guess it's a moot point now.) But behind them an additional 2 Trojan Horses can just be picked out in the distance... as well as an additional 20 warships, Salamis and Magellan, all closing. You zoom the camera in as far as it will go, and the ships reveal bows lined with GM teams two abreast, in single file lines of 5. Their lower hull looking as if it's sporting cancerous growths, loaded as they are with enemy Balls.
Well, if you find a way to stop THIS, they'll have to INVENT new medals just so they can give them to you.