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!uGYNBMPzOs 03/14/11(Mon)01:03 No.14234722 File1300079029.png-(5 KB, 310x252, Karythria.png)
 You motion to Laelith to get the elementalists together "What about them?" you press.
The man shakes his head "Lacerta but, deformed, different, wrong. No more than ten of them, but they seem to be the ones handling the beasts, and defending the leader." The man produces a poorly sketched drawing "Their banner, it had this mark glowing on it, brilliant blues. Clearly visible from the height we were flying at, the rest of the force is brigands and raiders, no more than 500 men all told, sabers, cloth, some tridents and spears, though they all seemed to have that mark on them somewhere when I put my lens to them, those I could see at least."
You nod, realizing that the man knows no more "Thank you, go prepare to observe the battle, take Rufus up with you." the man salutes and walks off, nervous.
Shortly after he leaves, Laelith arrives, Lena limping behind her, along with the other elementalists in your maniple. Wulf jogs up to the group as quickly as he can, a sour worried look on his face, directed solely at Lena; though her response quickly wipes Wulfs away. |