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  • File : 1300436018.jpg-(31 KB, 275x406, inception.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:13 No.14283360  
    Alright /tg/. We need to put an idea inside our GM's head. A very simple idea. That his game is shit and we don't wanna play it anymore. So here is my plan.

    We'll invite him over for a 40 hour gaming session. Once we begin the DnD game, we'll instantly challenge the evil wizard to a game of brains. Our bard, with his natural charisma and free supply of charm person effects, will have the wizard agreeing to our demand. At which point, our rogue shall reveal a whole collection of dice, papers, pencils and a table with which to play it on.

    Coercing the wizard into playing with us. We will begin a game of Shadowrun. Our rogue is vaguely aware of tangential cyberpunk themes thanks to some future-fuckery our DM introduced a few sessions ago. So we should be able to pull it off realistically. Once we're playing Shadowrun and our new character's are wrote up. The rogue, who shall take his place of the master of the game, will instigate the new character's made within the Shadowrun universe to assist a corporate head with the creation of a new digital table-top software in designing and testing out a new game.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:14 No.14283364
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    The GM will meet this with harsh resistance. He will no doubt send many mooks and monsters in the DnD game to try and stop the Shadowrun game we've crafted with the BBEG before we can successfully implant the idea. The rogue will need to do all he can to keep the game running. Luckily we've calculated the time it takes to have events progress in games, between PC's being unsure what to do, making jokes, ordering pizza and asking for Cheetos. We've calculated that 5 minutes within the game is about 1 hour outside of it. Meaning within the Shadowrun game, we'll easily have a few days to accomplish this goal.

    Once we have the digital tabletop game initiated within the Shadowrun game. We'll be able to get to the 3rd and final layer. Dark Heresy, where the Fighter will take over as the master of that game and set us up with the idea that the DM's game is crap and he needs to stop throwing us into a bunch of shitty railroaded encounters for his stupid GMC's to come save us. As long as nothing goes wrong, we think this will work.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:15 No.14283369
    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:17 No.14283380
    You need to go deeper.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:17 No.14283382
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    My mind is full of billions and billions of fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:21 No.14283401
    That is so fuckingn awesome i wish i was in your gaming group.
    Possibly the most fun idea ever explored within the confines of movie parodies in DnD
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:23 No.14283406
    Nice idea, but you will fail on step 1: convince BBEG to play with you. Wizards have huge Will Saves, and even if he botches his, the DM will just tell you that the BBEG manages to resist the urge.

    Why not simply tell your DM what your problem is, since everybody seems to hate his GMing style?

    And still, a very nice idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:23 No.14283411
    It won't be enough. You need to go deeper.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:23 No.14283412
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    I've only gone deeper once. There I found the edge of imagination and acting. Me and my girlfriend wound up there once... designing our own world. Creating our own characters and our own lives there... we lived in that world for years. Imagining and role playing as all sorts of characters... yet she put something there. Hiding it away forever.

    After a while... I couldn't live there anymore... so I implanted a simple idea into her head. That she was an overweight 24 year old who couldn't get into college, who wasn't a vampire, didn't have any special powers, and the only reason she had me was because I was just as pathetic and lonely as she was.

    She killed herself soon after... in hindsight I probably should have seen it coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:27 No.14283430
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:27 No.14283432
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    The wizard's will means little to us. Our GM may be a bullshitting railroader but he recognizes a bad roll when he sees it. And as it would be, I constructed a d20 that only I know the exact weight and balance of. And should it ever be rolled by someone who is not me, it will automatically roll a 1.

    He'll have to go along with it, less he instantly start a justifiable shitstorm from all of us.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:29 No.14283440
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:30 No.14283452
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    Also, good work OP I am entertained
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:31 No.14283453
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    >this thread
    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:31 No.14283455
    You need sedatives to calm your GM down so he doesn't throw a fit?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:31 No.14283457
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    Half of this idea (at least the half I bothered to read) sounds like it was mostly—if not wholly—"inspired" by this XKCD comic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:33 No.14283463
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    >Inception Movie Poster
    >Inception Promotional Image
    >XKCD inspiration

    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:34 No.14283466



    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:34 No.14283468
    Trollin', I see.
    How is being a troll on 4chan working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:35 No.14283469
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    Nicely done...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:37 No.14283480
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:37 No.14283481
    Are you insane if you go to deep into a game you may lose track of whats real, you even risk never coming out again. Do you really want to risk being trapped in a gaming limbo with a shitty GM?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:39 No.14283494
    It is a rick OP has to take.
    If he doesn't get out of this, how will he ever see his kids again?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:40 No.14283499
    pshhhh, they ripped off each other. 40K had spehss muhreens v. aliens in a strategic setting first, Blizzard put it in vidya and gave it a facelift and then GW said "oh shit these guys look pretty cool" and borrowed from Starcraft. All one big happy family, when they're not suing each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:40 No.14283501
    Yeah OP, take that rick!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:41 No.14283503
    OP, you need to go deeper. Once inside Dark Heresy, the PCs need to become dissatisfied with being the errand boys (and girls) of an inquisitor. They need to dream of bigger things, of adventure and fantastical xenos and psykers that don't go insane. They take out a few data slates, the tech-priest rigs up a random-number-generator, and they play D&D.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:41 No.14283505
    Apparently, it's not going very well.
    Still, if the OP actually tries to implement this idea, the DM can just 'Rule 0' the players' convoluted plan out of existence.

    Because... y'know, he's still the fucking DM.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:41 No.14283507
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:42 No.14283508
    You...you've created an infinite recursion loop.

    MY GOD.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:43 No.14283515
    Gaming that loops back in on itself? Is that even safe?
    We really should be thinking of the consequences here.
    Saito's character is already in negative hitpoints on the first level. Why are we taking so many risks like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:43 No.14283516
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    It's the only way for me to get back to my favourite game shop. Ever since me and my girlfriend played there for a 3 day gaming session where we mostly ero-RP'd the owner won't let me back in.

    He says he will let me back in if I can convince my GM that his game is shit. Because he keeps driving off potential new customers with his stupid plots and because he won't let anyone else GM. He won't play any game he isn't running and he derails the plot of any other person trying to GM. We need to tell him right now, that he's a bad GM and he needs to quit his shit.
    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:44 No.14283517
    Wouldn't that end up creating a time loop where one round on the outside means ∞ rounds on the inside?

    The entire loop would entropy to death by the time the first dice roll was calculated.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:45 No.14283520
    Congratulations. You've theorized the Inception equivalent of dividing by zero.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:45 No.14283523
    I seem to have found an unfortunate snag in your plan. Shadowrun is inherently shit. Might I sugest replacing it with Mutants and Masterminds? Or paranoia, or would that work better as a deeper layer.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 03/18/11(Fri)04:46 No.14283527
    Yeah. Everyone knows Inception stole the idea from that one issue of Scrooge McDuck.

    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:48 No.14283532
    No,eventually the recursion loop would grow so large and the strain of maintaining all the different levels would get so big that the entire structure would collapse in on itself and the players IRL would get bored and go play Call of Duty.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:48 No.14283533
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    As I said before. If we went deeper we'd find ourselves at the singularity of role playing. The shore of our subconscious imagination known only as... freeforming.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:50 No.14283545
    >The shore of our subconscious imagination known only as... freeforming.


    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:51 No.14283557
    I've freeformed a lot of times.

    It's pretty meh.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:51 No.14283559
    Oh it's far too late for that. Freeforming is the bottom, the lowest you can get. A minute on the outside is years down there, you can get trapped just creating and playing with no reason or structure for decades.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:52 No.14283562
    You were doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:52 No.14283564
    oh hey, i rmember you, did you make your sentry gunning archer mage yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:52 No.14283568

    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:53 No.14283573
    Really? You know what I was doing? How I was playing? What, have you been spying on me?

    No, really, have you? WHO TOLD YOU WHERE I LIVE?
    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:54 No.14283578
    Yeah, we ended up switching the system to GURPS though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:54 No.14283582
    That guy. Who does the stuff. You know, the one with the hat. And the shoes.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:54 No.14283583
    Its cool, I ordered pizza, garenteed 30 minutes or less. When the door bell rings, everything will be trigered
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:54 No.14283586
    You did.
    >> Engineer Guy 03/18/11(Fri)04:55 No.14283591

    I should never have let him live in Cuba.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:55 No.14283595

    The drop itself is simple. We know the game will end once my parents get home after their trip to the relatives.

    As such we're all psychologically told to get out of the roleplaying once a car drives into the parking lot and we hear a car horn. We can come out of the RPG's, only when we hear a suitable car horn.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:56 No.14283602

    Or that works too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)04:57 No.14283612
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:01 No.14283638
    OP here. I'm going to bed.

    Keep this thread alive until tomorrow for me ok?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:02 No.14283644
    It's already been archived. Genius like this doesn't come around too often, not even on /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:04 No.14283661
    Guys...what happens if he doesn't accept the campaign?
    We could even have a case where his NPC's end up in the other campaigns attempting to derail it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:07 No.14283692

    Let me tell you a riddle, OP. You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:08 No.14283697
    Because you won't need to reroll new characters.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:09 No.14283700
    Then we roll for initiative.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:11 No.14283711

    Ok, now who's up for Baron Munchausen Storytelling RPG? :D
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:21 No.14283756
    But what do you use as kicks in RPGs?

    >> I apologised on 4chan !!857o4GkKJgy 03/18/11(Fri)05:24 No.14283770

    I hate it when the GM railroads us...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:31 No.14283797
    >>14283661 So, now we're trapped in the DM's mind battling his own private army, and if we get killed, we'll be stuck playing Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist till our brains turn to scrambled egg.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:31 No.14283800
    Colour me massively surprised that nobody has so far said...

    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:32 No.14283805
    Bloody boring game, if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:35 No.14283813
    That's how I knew, man. My real life is full of hot guitar-playing girls riding rocketships past exploding stars. Also alligators. Lots of alligators.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:35 No.14283814
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    Inception was a crappy movie.

    However, your thread was well thought out and cleverly executed.

    Kudos, dear Anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:36 No.14283817
    Oh and in real life, I never get doubles.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:54 No.14283878
    Rolled a Ld test to check.

    Yeah, we're still in the game, I never make rolls this good in reality.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)05:54 No.14283881
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    Fuck, forgot my image.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)07:34 No.14284385
    Looks like OP didn't get his kick.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)10:46 No.14285406
    How would you play Inception? What system would /tg/ use?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)10:53 No.14285444
    A different one for each layer.

    Though Shadowrun does seem like a setting where it'd actually fit, Inception is pretty cyberpunk.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)10:55 No.14285449
    >What system would /tg/ use?

    they would mangle Dark Heresy. /tg/ fukin loevs DH.

    >How would you play Inception?

    I'm not sure it would be a good game except for a one-shot. it seems too limited a scope.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)10:55 No.14285450
    And the top layer? GURPS or D&D modern?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:00 No.14285468
    The old king of one of the mightiest empires in the world is dying, and the throne is to be succeeded by his only son- an estranged prince who has not seen his father in many years and is not on good terms. The world is in uncertain times, as the empire seems to be growing too large for its own good, and already showing the signs of inevitable corruption and decay that its size will only exacerbate.

    In a far away land, an agent of one of the empire's greatest rival kingdom seeks out the world's most skilled Dreamwalker, banished for the murder of his wife that he did not commit, or so he swears. This agent gives him a mission- use the outlawed magic of Dreamwalking to convince the prince to break up the empire's provinces into independent states, while reconciling at last with his father even after the king dies.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:02 No.14285473
    The 'reality' layer doesn't use a system at all but is freeform 'realistic' RP, and use of violence isn't recommended when the goal is to get into the dream.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:06 No.14285493
    The Dreamwalker, wishing to return to his children, agrees, but he cannot work alone. To utilise the magic of Dreams, he must find a fey-taught Seer to allow him and his allies to access the world of the sleeping soul, a Dreamweaver to create the worlds which they shall venture into, and other allies such as a rogue trickster who is at home in a world of lies and illusions.

    Together, they must find the crown prince and infiltrate his very dreams, intruding onto a landscape that is more beautiful and dangerous than the mightiest dragon's lair.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:06 No.14285496
    What, nobody proposes Unknown Armies? I'd do it myself but I'm writing a final.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:07 No.14285497
    Oneshot? More like a fourshot. So freeform is the top layer, followed by three licensed systems.


    It would be easiest to just use GURPS, but that takes away the feel. Different systems would add to the setting, with the only problem being that the players would need to make 3 char sheets each.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:08 No.14285503
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:17 No.14285547
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    let him have his fit
    it's online anyway
    the worst thing he can do is ragequit

    if it self-destructs, at least they now they'll have two other games to play.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:30 No.14285634
    I am now running an Inception game.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:34 No.14285653
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    Game has VR.

    Seed it DEEP SON.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)11:42 No.14285702
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    Someone needs to slide this onto the table at some point, and everyone else needs to pull out Magic decks.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)13:51 No.14286468

    real world = freeform
    levels = Dark Heresy, GURPS, Shadowrun?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)13:57 No.14286503

    It's kind of weird how that works.

    On the first level, things can go however they want, but as you go deeper, you are subjected to newer and sometimes more complicated rules. It's kind of like the opposite of JAGS Wonderland.

    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)13:59 No.14286512
    And CoC for the deepest level?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:04 No.14286541

    The obvious joke would be FATAL (Or Rolemaster if you actually wanted a good game with complexity)

    I think with this sort of concept, choosing which games would be the layers would also tie into the theme. Having CoC at the bottom implies some terrifying things, especially if you wanted to heavily base things off Inception. Like, at the CoC layer, you're all in the Dreamlands. Hope you've cut some deals.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:04 No.14286542

    >plan goes awry
    >guy gets trapped in CoC for his entire lifetime
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:15 No.14286606
    You need to make the recursive loops go longer so that they have less chance of noticing they aren't out of the loop.
    1st loop: DnD, Shadowrun, Dark Heresy ->
    2nd loop: Warhammer Fantasy, Dnd, D20 Modern, Shadowrun, Dark Heresy, Traveller ->
    3rd loop: Conan D20, Warhammer Fantasy, Dnd, D20 Modern, Unknown Armies, Shadowrun, Battletech RPG, Dark Heresy, Traveller
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:20 No.14286632
    Good in theory, but who's going to make that many character sheets?

    Unless the GM does all of them, and just hands them out...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:24 No.14286672
    >Good in theory, but who's going to make that many character sheets?

    The same kind of person who would play recursive rpgs.

    >sequence andsyl
    Apparently captcha is quite aware of this phenomenon.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:27 No.14286698
    Well, the point is to have a general appeal, that would work with a pick-up group at the FLGS or IRC.

    Maybe make a pool of characters, and have the players pick one? Eight or nine concepts, then stat them as needed...

    >ctilfai defining
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:33 No.14286750
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    Dreaming about dreams, eh?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:53 No.14286892
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)14:56 No.14286916
    Here's my idea: each setting has a slightly modified aspect in common.

    The players pick a concept, then roll on a table two or three times. The table has both beneficial quirks, and counterproductive quirks. (Mal-esque issues, talent for certain aspects of dream modification, changing appearance...)

    Each player has at least 1 good or 1 bad quirk and no more than one major positive.

    Adds a little flavor to each level under the real world.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:07 No.14287030
    In the dream thread that was posted last night I expressed my desire to make a game called Jungeons & Dragons. It would be a Paprika/Psychonauts themed dungeon crawler.

    I don't have any bad Freud puns, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:40 No.14287317
    We have to go deeper.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:43 No.14287351
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    The ultimate Freud pun.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:45 No.14287364

    So, 'deeper', you say?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:49 No.14287403
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    Yes. Also, I want a banana very badly.

    ITT: Ways to vary Inception from the movie plot.

    We've seen extraction, and insertion, but what about other uses? What about waking up coma patients, or treating mental disorders? What about children? Of course, the patients would probably have someone wealthy interested in them, for good or for ill. Royalty?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)15:52 No.14287430
    /tg/ - Brilliant Bastards
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:02 No.14287519
    Anyone interested in writing up modifier tables? Things to make it Inception instead of "string of settings and characters lol".
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:23 No.14287667

    Nah that'll never work, it breaks the 3rd Law of RPG Recursion: For every RPG loop there is at least 1 eroRPG layer, which may be MaidRPG but only if all the characters are lesbian catgirls who are constantly in heat. If MaidRPG isn't the eroRPG layer, then it must be encountered before the eroRPG layer, but then it has no restrictions on content.


    There can't be a deepest level, the whole thing is a loop. However, it is possible that elements from one layer start bleeding into others, if the loop exists for too long. It's why larger loops are purely theoretical; they quickly devolve into one giant mess, with lesbian catgirl techpriests running through the streets of Shibuya (which is somehow inside the Submachine network) being chased by Cthulhu empowered Taboo Noise, warforged and giant robots trying to mate, and Commissars trying to execute wizards in Evas, all ruled over by a council of sparkly vampires led by half-spaceship Albert Wesker.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:28 No.14287715
    I think coma patients would go badly. If the brains awake yet trapped in the body the subconscious is going to be much more aware of whats going, and will attack earlier and harder.
    But thats just part of the challenge.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:31 No.14287743
    Yes, but that's part of the point. Objects don't follow the same rules as in normal patients, everything's somewhat dated, the people all seem to be either dead-eyed or screaming for help...

    Combine with child for hilarity.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:40 No.14287806
    So, a sort of zombie scenario? Except the zombies are screaming for you to help them, and are partially aware of what has happened?
    See, this is why I prefer the Life On Mars idea
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)16:47 No.14287858
    Child would be even worse. Can you say fears of abandonment? Resentment of parents? Hate of bullies?

    That would translate into unpleasantness. Bullies as giant, shadowy figures more than capable of putting a hole in someone with a fist? Not fun. (At least for the PCs...)
    >> Kosh 03/18/11(Fri)20:12 No.14289738

    Also, someone make Inception Wizard:

    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)20:44 No.14290114
    >PC puts on a robe and wizard hat in the dream
    >dreamer is very confused
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)23:37 No.14292079
    What if the party had contradicting goals/loyalties? How would that effect the session?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/11(Sat)00:03 No.14292322

    Nothing will go wrong... unless... my girlfriend shows up as an NPC again.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/11(Sat)00:07 No.14292352
    Run the dream sequences in a game like FATE where the players have some narrative control.

    At the lowest level, right before everyone dissolves into orange Tang, you break out Universalis.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/11(Sat)01:23 No.14293019
    We must establish multi-layer combat and how to resolve them while keeping with the 5 minutes = 1 hour time rule intact.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/11(Sat)01:26 No.14293046
    someone needs to color this


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