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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 03/28/11(Mon)02:00 No.14390440 File1301292008.jpg-(30 KB, 263x450, Erinyes2.jpg)
 “At this point, I doubt it, Watcher. We both know that. For the future, though? Of course she can. But we both knew that too, didn't we?” you answer calmly, struck by the inanity of defending your attachment to one of your possessions to another. The crystal does not reply.
“Still, if you keep this up, I might decide to make your new storage location somewhere more secure. At a guess, I don't think you'd like being sealed in solid rock.” you add once you're certain the crystal has gone silent, “Now answer clearly: Did she release her demons? You know; Answer.”
“Ah, the bold threats. By all means, feel free.” The crystal replies nastily. “You are no more different from what you were made to be than I am. Yes, she did banish them. That works for your benefit, of course, not that you know. So long as you move against her in the next two and a half months, you will catch them unawares, barring accidental discovery.”
“Accidental discovery of /what/?” you demand.
“She summoned the demons and bound them to certain task. They were then sealed away where they were bound, to prevent them from talking initiates into freeing them, or from allowing accident to break their binding circles. They will check on them, barring change of their procedure, or, say, accidental discovery that their wards, interdictions, and primary magical defenses are non-functional, in eighty three days.”
You stare at the crystal, waiting for some further attack, but it remains silent. Satisfied, you teleport out and, after a brief spell of concentration to trace her choker, set off after her. You catching up to her after a few minutes; She's walking briskly through the tunnels, head down, watching the ground. You match paces with her next to her, and she looks up after a few moments.
“Lord? Do you want something?” |