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!RID/UkIPGk 03/30/11(Wed)05:45 No.14415167 File1301478331.png-(1018 KB, 1066x800, 302 AU Zlatan Castle.png)
 >>14415052 It is the seventh day of fighting when the visions come to you. The break upon you in battle, and you see yourself staring out from an unfamiliar helm. No, wait ...
It is a rain-slick stone precipice, and sparks fly from your sword. You feel the torrents slamming against you, threatening to cast you down to the ground. A man runs in front of you, and he is undone. His flesh parts in spiraling ribbons that smoulder like paper, and the hidden seal of Tautila loyalty falls to the ground. You are sure that it is not the first you saw die.
>Tautila has lost a unit of standing spies.
There is the crack of a whip, and the Wizard appears in his black robe, casting up a shield of brilliant white. "Thane!" He cries, over the thunder. "Thane, this is NOT for you!" Eerie tendrils assault the barrier, and the contact sends squealing cries through the air that shudder your skull. There is another boom. And you are flying. Flying, flying through the air. Suddenly, a Zlatan flag rips through your armor and sails above you. "THANE!" There is the squeal of the impaling pole bending under your weight.
>The Black Thane has suffered an Injury.
From your new vantage, you see it unfold. Smoke, mist, flashes of light and warping pockets of void that undulate. The Wizard meets a fellow in the center of the precipice in rich adornments of pale yellow and the emblem of a black snake. They exchange words in a language not spoken by any besides magicians. Harsh words, from the tone. The Wizard's robe burns. The other magician closes, and there is a sudden flash brighter than any light, and a deafening crack.
>Zlatan has lost their court magician.
A sizzling, blackened skeleton falls across the Wizard's lap. He pants for breath and produces his talisman. "Hh... Hhhh... I said ... m' an .. m'rtist." Marching with fury in all of his features. He vanishes back into the castle, and you begin to hear screams.
>The Duchess of Zlatan has suffered an Injury. |