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04/02/11(Sat)00:04 No.14444953 File1301717090.jpg-(628 KB, 715x1000, 07da33c65a6d9e94568206716938da(...).jpg)
 >>14444645 Anyway, once all the preparations are complete, Felly, Maya, and Kunede suit up and get ready to start dungeon-crawling a giant, spacefaring organism. They get up to the wound in its side, and proceed to blast a hole through the still-healing flesh, kunede using fire powers "borrowed" from Felly without also draining her own ally's abilities. They make a hole big enough to fly through, but it's closing fast. Fortunately, all three make it through just in time.
Inside wherever they are, is a large chamber lit by some sort of organic phosphorescence. The cavernous chamber is completely open, save for a number of spires suffused with the same blue glow, which wink in and out of existence in any given moment. Currents of force cause the girls to drift around as the admire the scenery, and eventually, they run into other drifters, in the form of a swarm of antibodies.
These antibodies are just blobs of goo, originally just...floating around, although a swarm passes by the group and they hav eto make reflex saves to avoid getting any stuck to them. A few of the girls fail, and are minorly inconvenienced, movement-wise, by the things sticking to them. The swarm, now onto some foreign bodies, goes on the attack, and comes back for another sweep. The girls panic and ether try to get the antibodies off of themselves (Maya rips hers off with telekinesis), or try to fight off the swarm. They eventually manage to finish them off, with Kunede proving she's better with Felly's powers than she is, by incinerating the lot of them. Felly burns the antibody stuck to her off of herself, and Kunede elects to keep hers, as a valuable scientific sample. |