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!!cAsGzl185mF 04/02/11(Sat)01:49 No.14445706 File1301723360.png-(335 KB, 744x415, best plan ever.png)
 The follow up missile volley detonates dangerously close but still far enough ahead that the rockets everyone is riding arent damaged. "You know, if this area had been mined we would probably be dead right now." says Elaine. The next barrage of enemy fire is relative 'above' your team meaning the follow up missiles will be almost harmless. Almost. There's still a chance some of the flack or the smaller bits of debris ahead will punch through your gian ammo magazine. God what are you going to do about AA fire around Federation Carriers? Well shit, nothing to be done about that now.
Nachtmares weaves through the much thinner more open area left by the constant fire. Thankfully some of the mess is drifting back towards the Feddies and is giving you some cover.
"Guncannons!" Shouts Jolyne just before 240mm shells start to whizz past. Zol and Elaine let go of their missiles, which continue to accelerate out ahead no longer burdened by the extra tonnage. Both explode when some of the heavy shells tear through their thin casings. Elaine's missile turns out to have been packed with beam chaff, which is porbably a good thing. Everyone else soon abandons their launch vehicles as fire from ahead begins to focus in on the assault.
Okay guys, I've been playing Men of Destiny on a loop since forever now in an attempt to keep writing but it's just too late, I've gotta stop. >typtyie Morelli Shut your digital mouth captcha. |