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  • File : 1303592037.gif-(637 KB, 2443x2000, Jurassic Park Map.gif)
    637 KB Jurassic Quest 24? Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)16:53 No.14694774  
    /tg/ interested in Jurassic Quest today.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:13 No.14694971
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)17:19 No.14695040

    That's one person. Is anyone else interested?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)17:27 No.14695119
    Nobody else is interested?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:34 No.14695195
    Call me a fish, cause I'll bite
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)17:39 No.14695245

    I am, as always.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:45 No.14695310
    I'm the same guy who posted here, I'm just bumping.

    Come on /tg/, everyone loves Super Janitor vs. the Dinosaur Menace!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:51 No.14695351
    Of course we are!
    Now, let's enter this Heart of Darkness.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)17:53 No.14695377
    Thread Archive:

    Athletics [Basic]
    Mechanics [Basic]
    - [Maintenance]
    Computers [Basic]
    Survival [Basic]
    - [Willpower]
    Park Knowledge [Basic]
    Dinosaur Knowledge [Basic]
    First Aid [Basic]
    Firearms [Basic]
    - [Small Arms]

    - Yellow Level Security Card (Eric Watts)
    - Orange Level Security Card (Daniel Ryan)
    - Maintenance PDA
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Hard Hat (Floodhat)
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Coveralls
    - Chainmail x3
    - Utility Belt
    - Flashlight [Pwr: lllll]
    - Walkie-Talkie [Pwr: lllll]
    - Compressed Air Pistol x2
    - x20 Tranquilizer Darts
    - Toolbox
    - 2 Rechargeable batteries (Flashlight/talkie compatible)
    - Recharging station (Battery)
    - .44 Magnum
    - x19 .44 Magnum rounds (HP)
    - M1911
    - x24 rounds
    - Jury-rigged Flamethrower (WD-40 and Lighter)
    - Gas Mask
    - Rocket Launcher (Explorer)
    - x6 Missiles (HE)
    - First Aid Kit
    - x30 7.62 rounds (HP)
    - x30 7.62 rounds (Incendiary)
    - Taser
    - Spanish/English Pocket Dictionary
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:57 No.14695406
    I've had a question, since I wasn't around when we found them, are the 7.62 rounds 7.62x39mm AK rounds or 7.62x51 NATO battle rifle rounds?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)17:58 No.14695412
    AK rounds.
    Security confiscated the AK we took from Jason, the former Head of Security.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:02 No.14695457
    bummer, they're more compact, but I'd rather have something like a M14 or FAL vs AK-47 when killing dinos
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:06 No.14695500
    So what now? Your crew is on the boat and ready to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:08 No.14695518
    check our supplies, check the car make sure everything is where its supposed to be then get moving
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:09 No.14695536
    ......I feel stupid for asking, but where are we going again?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:11 No.14695554
    A control shed in the middle of the old Raptor Pen.
    We need to make sure that the computer's there are online, and that the sensors in the Pen are working.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:18 No.14695625
    Everything seems to be in order. You head onto the boat and into the cabin. Aidan's raptor is looking out the window.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:21 No.14695645
    >A control shed in the middle of the old Raptor Pen
    So that means that we're taking a river boat to the Red Circle Raptor Claw Icon on the map?

    If so, Time for some Navy PBR patrol music:
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:23 No.14695674
    Don't we have a kennel to put the thing in? Or will it throw a tissy fit and possibly call its mom and her friends
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:24 No.14695676
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    Your destination is at the red dot.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:26 No.14695703

    You could put it in the locker on the back wall. But you don' have anything like a kennel to put it in.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:28 No.14695726
    I think we just need to make sure it stays quiet, if it acts up, we could put it in the locker, maybe taz it. But only if it starts chirping repeatedly
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)18:32 No.14695759

    Really, bringing onboard a baby raptor while we are going to their pen must be the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. Couldn't we just leave it in the car with a window opened?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:34 No.14695778
    I agree with this, if we haven't shoved off yet, leave it behind, "Sorry Aidan, Sparky's gonna have to sit this one out"

    Also, is Aidan......special?
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)18:36 No.14695795

    Just French.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:36 No.14695799

    What do you mean "special"?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:37 No.14695805

    That's Adrien. Aidan is Irish.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)18:40 No.14695835

    Oh boy, I didn't even knew we had an irishman with us.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:40 No.14695837

    "Alright Boss." Aidan comes in and picks up the raptor, taking it back to the Explorer. After a little while, you see him walk back onto the boat.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:44 No.14695871
    Make sure that thing is tied down with its mouth tied shut.

    Does the explorer have its equipment kit?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:44 No.14695872
    There, that's an excuse for ECW to through encounters at us to bed, now then, let's get going, who's driving the boat? Is Aidan or Adrien, or is there another park employee?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:47 No.14695905
    There's five of us. Frank (Us), Adrien, Aiden, Jacob, and one we've taken to calling Brooklyn, not having been told his real name.

    Come to think of it is that something we could find out on the PDA?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:47 No.14695909
    You've got your whole team on board. Nobody is driving the boat as of now.


    What do you mean by "equipment kit"?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:50 No.14695942

    Yes, your PDA includes employee records for all maintenance workers.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:50 No.14695944
    I literally just saw the quest thread today. But didn't the movie have equipment in the trucks. They had nightvision goggles and shit, so I was thing that it would probably have towing cables or something else of the sort to tie the raptor down; because I am at least certain that regular rope would not do the trick
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:51 No.14695953
    As I recall, Adrien is a pacifist, so why don't we let him drive so he doesn't have to fight?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:52 No.14695961
    ECW, When I ask something like that, if the answer is yes, I'm assuming you'll tell us the man's name.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:53 No.14695973
    Those were the tourist cars, these are employee vehicles.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)18:53 No.14695975

    Well, there aren't any night vision goggles in the Explorers any more. One of Hammond's kids broke a pair during their visit.

    And yes, they do have tow cables. But since the raptor is an infant, that would be overkill.


    Sorry, Marshall Wilson.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:55 No.14695993
    Ok can I get a brief overview of the people? Or should I just go a trudging through the previous threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:00 No.14696035
    Do we have any zip ties, maybe in the toolbox? those would be good for restraining the raptor chick
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:01 No.14696049
    You probably should, but sure.
    Everyone has a toolkit and a tranquilizer pistol.
    Frank Porter is us. We have one of our three suits of chainmail.
    Adrien is French, right now he has our improvised flamethrower. He's a pacifist
    Aidan is Irish, he's an okay kid, but he took a baby raptor he found for a pet. He's sharing tools with Marshall, and has one of our two guns and one of our three suits of chainmail.
    Jacob is American, he has our other suit of armor and our Rockets. He has military experience.
    Marshall is also American, thinks we're a dick, and has our other gun.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:01 No.14696056
    Jacob has the last suit of armor.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:03 No.14696072

    Jacob White- Mechanical Engineer from the Southern United States. Worked on oil rigs and did a tour of duty in the military.

    Adrien Chevalier - French Electrician, self-proclaimed pacifist.

    Aidan Stone - Electrical Engineer from Ireland, grew up on a farm. Oddly good with firearms.

    Brooklyn (Marshall Wilson) - From New York.

    I think that's everything that's been revealed.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:04 No.14696090
    So yeah, let's take the flamethrower and let Adrien drive.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:05 No.14696100

    Everybody has a suit of chainmail, Dispatch gave you new suits.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:07 No.14696119

    And currently we are going into the raptor pen to check the computers.

    Does the steam boat have fuel or anything else flammable lying around on deck?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:10 No.14696145

    Not a steam boat. Regular old gas operated boat.

    It has plenty of fuel cans stored in a portion of the deck, along with some rope. Belowdecks there's plenty of furniture that's flammable.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:14 No.14696177
    Well I say we should start the boat and head for the house.

    The gang should probably stay inside the cabin, with the curtains down (if the cabin has any) while going up the river. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:15 No.14696186
    Let's have Adrien drive, and everyone else have their tranqs ready and stay near the center of the boat.
    Be on the lookout for raptors trailing us from the shore.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:16 No.14696193
    >>unwanted attention
    Good good
    How much do we know about the dinosaur psychology. are they attracted to fire?

    Also are we attempting to minimize dinosaur casualties?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:16 No.14696196
    this is a big river boat

    So why don't we ask Frenchy if he can drive? (in a warm tone, of course)
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:19 No.14696231

    The only dino psychology you know is what you picked up from working on the job.


    It's actually a pleasure yacht. The kind rich people have.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:20 No.14696239
    We are if possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:23 No.14696271
    Well the plan was set the cans alight with rope acting as wicks and use them to clear a path.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:24 No.14696276
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    >It's actually a pleasure yacht
    Oh how wonderfully obsurd, Mwahahaha
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:30 No.14696336
    You have Adrien take the wheel and drive the boat up river. What are you and the rest of the crew doing?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:30 No.14696340
    That's an awful plan.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)19:32 No.14696356

    We can deal with that when the time comes.

    We should inform the guys of what a Velociraptor is actually capable of. Perhaps Frank will sound a bit paranoid but from what he has seen this week I'd bet that anyone would be pretty shaken even now.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:32 No.14696358
    Have them keep watch for any sign of movement in the jungle.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:38 No.14696432
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    does the park have crocs, ancient or modern? if so, 2 watching the water, 2 watching the shores. If not, 4 watching the shores, 1 guy on each 4 sides of the boat.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:39 No.14696435
    You gather everyone on the deck and keep a look out for raptors.

    Adrien's voice echoes out of the cabin.

    "Hey Porter? There's a dam up ahead."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:41 No.14696466
    does it have a lock? <crosses fingers>
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:42 No.14696484
    Let's get abovedecks and take a look at it.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:43 No.14696500

    InGen has been unable to acquire viable DNA for aquatic dinosaurs.


    "Yeah, there's a gate on it. You know how to open it?"
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:44 No.14696519
    if not, lets leave Adrien and Jacob behind, and have them stay out a few meters off shore, anchored. Aidan and Brooklyn can come with us on foot, considering we are indeed forced to hoof it.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:47 No.14696543
    Things are looking up, same arrangement as here: >>14696519 but let's have the boat closer to shore or moored to the dam then
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:48 No.14696564
    "I can take a look at it. Anchor the boat, we're going ashore to try to open the lock."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:50 No.14696582
    He drives the boat close to shore and deploys the anchors. You're right next to the shore about twenty feet from the dam.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:52 No.14696602
    "Aidann, Marshall, you're with me. Come on, let's get this open."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:56 No.14696644
    "Hey, how did you know my name?"

    They fall in behind you as you disembark.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:57 No.14696662
    "Asked Dispatch."
    Okay, let's look for any kind of console, or a shed wherein controls might be located. Failing that, let's look for a manual way of opening the lock.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)19:58 No.14696671

    This is the old hydro plant you, Emmanuel, and Juan fixed up.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)20:01 No.14696710

    Meaning that in order to continue we have to turn off the power that the plant generates?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:03 No.14696731

    Only long enough for the boat to get through.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:05 No.14696747
    ...So it is! Well, we know the layout, then.
    "Hey, I remember now, I did a job here a couple nights ago. I think I remember where there might be a computer we could use to open the lock. It was off then, but the plant wasn't working then either."

    Enter very carefully, keeping an eye out.
    See if now the plant has power, we can turn the computers on from before.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)20:06 No.14696761

    True, but there is still alot that could go wrong.

    Hell, we don't have much choice. Let's head into the building together with someone and turn it off.

    Oh, and we better inform Dispatch that the power is gonna be off for 5-10 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:06 No.14696771
    If we do this be sure to give dispatch plenty of warning
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:10 No.14696807
    "Dispatch, be advised we have to turn off power from the hydro plant for just a moment. It should be fine, but you'd better make sure everyone knows the situation."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:10 No.14696811
    You head inside and see that compys have wasted no time recolonizing the place, though they're staying away from the machinery. You head to the computer, and see that it is now operational. It's currently displaying power generation statistics.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:14 No.14696851
    "*static* Why is the hydro plant going offline?"
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:15 No.14696861
    Okay... Hand the flamethrower to Aidan. "If they come too close to us scare them off with a quick flame."
    Then see if we can get the dam off."
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)20:16 No.14696868

    "Because we need to go through the dam in order to reach our objective. Aren't the windmills up?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:16 No.14696877
    clear out the chompys and try to block off the holes they used to get in with whatever is avaible
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)20:18 No.14696903

    A waste of time, the Compys aren't really that dangerous to the machinery unless there are cables out on the floor. Ignoring them is probably the best option now.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:18 No.14696905
    "We're using Jason's getaway boat to get into the raptor paddock. Less time spent traveling through it, the sooner we can get shit under control."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:19 No.14696921
    "*static* Wait, Jason had a boat at dock? Why didn't you tell me?"
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 04/23/11(Sat)20:23 No.14696963

    "Must've slipped from my mind. I've been busy ever since you sent me to the windmills, y'know. Why, is it important?"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:27 No.14696996
    "*static* Well, it's an unauthorized vehicle on premises. This what I was talking about. You need to follow protocol. Anyway, I read you, shut the plant down and get the boat past ASAP."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:27 No.14696999
    what he said
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:28 No.14697015
    "Will do, Dispatch."
    Sigh. Poor stick in the mud will never appreciate our ingenuity. Must be British.
    >> Lord Castellan Ursarkar E Creed 04/23/11(Sat)20:29 No.14697020
    Half tempted to say
    "Consider it appropriated for the maintenance department then."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:30 No.14697033
    confirm that the dispacth is receiving power from other sources, "Dispatch are you receiving alternative power yet?", something to that effect, then power down the hydro turbines, open le doors, restart the turbines, call dispatch and lets hope to be on our way.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:35 No.14697078
    "*static* Yeah, we're receiving power from the windmills and the new hydro plant. Go ahead and shut it down. Just get it back up quickly."

    You bring up the gate control and open the gate up.

    "*static* This is Adrien, gate's open. I'm heading through."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:35 No.14697079
    On the bright side, maybe a river cruise can be part of a park "deluxe packadge" for extra high paying customers
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:35 No.14697080
    You know, we could probably find that out on the PDA.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:37 No.14697098
    I think it already is. Note the route marked on the map. Confirm the boat's through, then get the gate closed back up and get in the boat.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:40 No.14697124
    ha, well I'll be damned, I bet you're right
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:42 No.14697147
    You wait for a couple minutes.

    "*static* I'm through." You close up the dam and make your way back to the boat. You and your team just get on the boat when you hear the pterosaurs crying overhead.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:43 No.14697163
    Ask when he's through, when he is, close doors, restart turbines, return to boat
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:44 No.14697178
    Let's get moving. They're not strong enough to be a real threat, at least assuming this is Jurrasic Park, not Jurassic Park 3. If they actually do attack us, we'll try to scare them. Tranqing them is a bad idea, because they'll hurt themselves in the fall.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:45 No.14697183
    Ensure that every one is inside and away from windows. Continue upriver.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)20:51 No.14697251
    You and the crew stay below the deck as you pass through.

    "*static* Uh Porter? We're leaving the Aviary, but the cage is in the way, we need it opened."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:54 No.14697267
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)20:56 No.14697281
    Right. Let's bring Jacob with us this time and get the gate open as quickly as possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:00 No.14697320
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    You sly bastard, you better not use him as bait or anything, nudge, nudge, wink
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:03 No.14697352
    If we still have the Flamethrower, lets go with Aiden, I say.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:06 No.14697380
    Adrien anchors by shore. You and Jason disembark.

    Make a Survival check to find the gate control.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:07 No.14697387
    rolled 11 = 11

    Don't fail us now dice!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:08 No.14697395
    rolled 88 = 88

    Gotta find the controls
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:09 No.14697405
    you mean Jacob, right?

    also, we'll take that first roll please
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:11 No.14697424
    For rolling, we want high. ECW generally is quite generous and takes the highest out of whatever we roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:13 No.14697439
    oh, jeez, I thought a Rogue Trader or Dark Heresy style where low was good was key, my bad
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:15 No.14697452

    Yeah, got my names mixed up. Unless Jason's a zombie.

    You manage to find the gate controls on a console...On the other side of the cage. Looks like you'll need to find an exit.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:15 No.14697453
    Not a problem, easy mistake to make. Since we typically take highest out of the bunch, it gives everyone a chance to roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:19 No.14697486
    Well, let's get looking.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:26 No.14697533

    Make a Survival Check.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:36 No.14697620
    rolled 39 = 39

    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:36 No.14697625
    rolled 82 = 82

    Oh shit there's raptors, aren't there.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:39 No.14697654
    there shouldnt be, we cleared out the local raptors last night. it would take at least a day or two for others to move in.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:39 No.14697656
    You have the ingenious idea of following the cage around until you hit a door and it works. You slide your card in the reader and the door opens. You follow the cage back and activate the console opening up the cage and draping a mesh over the opening.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:41 No.14697676

    The boat passes through and you lower the cage again before getting back on the boat, stepping in a pile of fresh pterosaur crap as you do. You've got a couple minutes before hitting raptor territory. Anything you want to do?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:45 No.14697704
    yes, rinse off the boot/shoe that smells of digested fish
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:45 No.14697707
    Scrape pterosaur shit off boot.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:48 No.14697727
    You scrape the shit off your boot, and rinse it in the river for good measure. Anything else?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)21:54 No.14697775
    not that I can think of, just make preperations for the excursion.

    Is there anyone in our party that was put with us for this mission because he is supposed to work on the station? if not, then lets go with Jacob and Aiden. But if the river width is wide enough for a raptor to jump halfway to it, then instead of Jacob, lets take Marshall, someone should be on the boat who has a gun if that is the case.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)21:58 No.14697798

    Nope, the station is completely automated. It's just that the system failure necessitates manual repairs.

    And I'm confused about the rest of your post. Care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:05 No.14697847
    No, I don't care to elaborate, but I will because you asked so nicely.

    Aidan is handy with a gun, and seems to be the most trust-worthy, so he should tag along. Adrien should stay with the boat in the middle of the river. If Raptors could jump to and reach the boat, by any chance, it would be good for someone on the boat to have a gun, that would be Jacob, since Aidan would be going with the main character. However, if the river is too wide for this to happen, then it is better to have as many firearms with us as possible, so Jacob should then come with us.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:09 No.14697869

    Ahh, thank you. And yes, they would be capable of jumping on the boat. Where is Brooklyn in all this?

    You know immediately when you pass into raptor territory. You start to see movement in the foliage, along with the occasional flash of a pair of eyes staring at you. A pack is stalking you as you move down the river.

    (Are you the only person here?)
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:15 No.14697905
    another anon here, lurking mostly as I cant think of much better to say.

    also if the lurking raptors are close enough try to pick off a few with the tranq pistol, make it clear this is a dont waste ammo situation. only shoot if you think you will hit
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:15 No.14697907
    No, I'm here too! Let's get ready. If we think we have a clear shot at any time, send out a tranque. We don't want to waste ammo, but if we can take out enough of them they should hopefully stop stalking us.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:17 No.14697932
    He's not, I am as well. I was just making dinner. If there's a pack following us, we'd better try to dissuade them. Let's get abovedecks, tranqs ready.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:18 No.14697945
    As to Marshall, he can come too. One more distraction for the raptors.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:18 No.14697948
    Your boat takes you past a small clearing, and you can see the pack clearly, a pair of raptors are running straight at you while the rest race into the foliage.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:21 No.14697979
    I'm sure Porter is thinking why in God's name InGen even decided to make raptors in the first place, just seemed like a bad idea
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:24 No.14698009
    Now's the chance, the party should start tranquing once more raptors come into view, have Adrien slow the boat to half speed, and have Aidan and Jacob have their handguns ready just in case
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:28 No.14698042
    rolled 4, 8 = 12

    You have Adrien slow the boat to half speed, and Aidan and Jacob come up to the main deck.

    The two raptors reach the shore and leap out over the river.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:30 No.14698064
    Shoot! Shoot like a big, shooty thing!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:31 No.14698078

    Can I get a firearms roll?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:31 No.14698080
         File1303612308.jpg-(32 KB, 600x298, ffffff.jpg)
    32 KB
    see post >>14697267
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:35 No.14698107
    rolled 3 = 3


    That's likely the RAPTOR'S rolls to try and reach us. I think they fail.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:36 No.14698116

    Those are Aidan's and Jacob's attempts to shoot the raptors.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:38 No.14698138
    rolled 28, 24, 57 = 109

    hope this helps
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:40 No.14698155
    rolled 96 = 96

    Fuck! Shoot them!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:40 No.14698157
    rolled 85 = 85

    Well then. We're fucked. HEre's my attempt to help.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:40 No.14698160
    fuck....Is there a stick or somthing we can use to shove the raptors into the river?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:44 No.14698195
    You manage to hit one of the raptor's midair. It loses balance as it hits the boat and falls into the river.

    The remaining raptor lands on the boat and slams into you, knocking you to the deck. You can feel it's foot settle on your back and it's hot breath on your neck.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:52 No.14698280
    twist, wiggle, squirm anything to get ist foot off our back. if it jumps off of us it will probabley pierce the armor and seriously fuck us up
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:53 No.14698291
    Trying to remain as still and calm as possible...
    "Aidan, kill it."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:53 No.14698292

    Make an Athletics check.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)22:54 No.14698301

    Wait, which one?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)22:57 No.14698333
         File1303613856.png-(34 KB, 264x306, buteyes.png)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:00 No.14698366
    rolled 19 = 19

    Get that raptor off of us.

    And tell Aidan to tranq the one that was one us.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:00 No.14698370
    I'm going to say the second option "Aidan, shoot it"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:04 No.14698420
    Looks like we have a tie here. Roll for it and we'll take the higher roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:05 No.14698431
    rolled 83 = 83

    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:06 No.14698445
    sorry, forgot to say it was for strugleing
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:07 No.14698455
    rolled 44 = 44

    Tell Aidan to tranq the raptor that's on us right now.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:18 No.14698552

    Looks like we're going with struggling.

    Roll Athletics.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:23 No.14698602
    Athletics roll to get that raptor off of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:23 No.14698610
    rolled 38 = 38

    Damnit, forgot my roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:25 No.14698625
    rolled 3 = 3

    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:25 No.14698633
    rolled 62 = 62

    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:26 No.14698640
    rolled 92 = 92

    Are you fucking kidding me? If we struggle, it'll lower the big claw, right between our vertebrae. Let's tell Aiden to just kill the damn thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:27 No.14698651
    Well, RIP Frank Porter. You struggled like a retard and paid for it.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:30 No.14698694
    Your struggles prove fruitless, the raptor has you pinned good.

    You hear a roar and feet striking deck. The weight is lifted and you see Jacob tackle the raptor. They both fall into the river and sink.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:32 No.14698720
    "Adrien, stop the boat, we've got a man overboard!"
    Get the floodhat on Jacob and look for a flotation device, or at least a rope.
    "Aiden, kill the fucking raptor."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:39 No.14698819

    There's a life saver on a wall hook nearby.

    You feel the boat shift into reverse and stop.

    "I can't tell what's him and what's the raptor!"
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:40 No.14698831
    BROTASTIC! We need to through a rope or life preserver to Jacob ASAP
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:43 No.14698870
    rolled 61 = 61

    Don't throw the life preserver yet because he's still fighting the raptor and can't grab it.
    Get up and take aim with the tranq pistol and fire on the raptor.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:43 No.14698871
    "Don't shoot until you know for sure!"
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:43 No.14698873
    Throw it to him. Switch on flashlights, the Floodhat, boat lights, anything to help Aidan get a clear shot.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:45 No.14698891
    Oh. Good plan. Let's go with that, yeah.
    "Just tranq. If he can hold out it's safer, the dart might be stopped by his armor."
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:45 No.14698909
    rolled 57 = 57

    Forgot to roll
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:46 No.14698921
    rolled 13 = 13

    Tranq the raptor!
    "Keep moving, Jacob!"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:49 No.14698983
    You throw out the life preserver. Soon after Jacob comes up, sans chainmail, gasping for air right next to it. A couple yards away, the raptor surfaces with the chainmail in its jaws. It turns and spots Jacob.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:51 No.14699013
    rolled 58 = 58

    "Aidan! Kill it! Now!"
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:51 No.14699015
    rolled 6 = 6

    shoot the raptor
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:54 No.14699058
    rolled 20 = 20

    Tranq it and encourage Aidan to take the damn killshot.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:55 No.14699070
    rolled 57 = 57

    Tranq the raptor!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:56 No.14699085
    In the words of everyone's favorite Australian hunter, "SHOOT HER!!"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/23/11(Sat)23:56 No.14699094
    Tranq or kill?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:58 No.14699117
    rolled 1 = 1

    We've only got a tranq pistol. Aidan and Marshall are the ones with the firearms. As such, Aidan should take the kill shot, but we'll try to tranq ourselves
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)23:59 No.14699129
    rolled 68 = 68

    Well, with a roll like that, feel free to disregard my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:01 No.14699153
    Ah, no shit? Kenyan? Does it ever say that in the movies?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:04 No.14699188
    I'm pretty sure they do when he's first introduced to Grant at the Raptor pen. I know they say so in the books, which this seems to take some inspiration from (the Aviary, Hammond being a cheap bastard, etc).
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:07 No.14699222
    rolled 86 = 86


    I take some stuff from the books and some stuff from the movie.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:09 No.14699236

    You hear Aidan's pistol roar and the raptor's head snaps back and slumps forward. The water around the raptor turns red. Jacob swims up to the boat and pulls himself onto the deck. He lays there, and you can see he has a nasty gash across his chest and stomach.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:16 No.14699298
    Give the man a congratulatory high five, then find a first aid kit and do whatever we can for him.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:19 No.14699339
    We ain't playing around, and the raptors are breeding anyways, so there's plenty enough raptors to go around. The other raptors will nom on the corpse, and we'll PATCH HIM UP RIGHT NOW.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:20 No.14699354
    "Hell yeah, man, I'm getting you a steak when this is done!"
    Then get the first aid kit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:21 No.14699364
    Break out the first aid kit to patch him up.
    Also, this is bad. The raptors know we're here, and he's without chainmail. We can't take him with us: too dangerous.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:21 No.14699372
    He's passed out. So no high five.

    You inspect the wound. It's a pretty deep laceration. He was almost gutted. It's going to require sutures.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:25 No.14699420
    We need to disinfect it and hold it closed as best we can until he CAN get stitches, so let's at least see about a first aid kit. Hopefully Jason is a be-prepared kind of guy and has a suturing kit in his first aid.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:32 No.14699487

    Aidan rushes out of belowdeck with a huge box. You take a look. It seems to be a doctor's kit.

    Aidan sees the wound, goes white, and heads back belowdeck.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:33 No.14699500
    tear out every damn piece of fabric on that boat to bandage the wound and stop the bleeding, HE IS NOT DIEING GORD DAMMIT!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:34 No.14699515
    "Who has medical experience?"
    Look for sutures, or failing that a tube of glue.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:37 No.14699559
    Ask the others, if they've got any medical experience beyond first aid. Otherwise, hope that there's a "Surgery for Dummies" book in the doctor kit.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:43 No.14699643

    You ask over the radio, but nobody seems to have any experience beyond first aid.

    The kit does have a suturing set, along with simple instructions.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:43 No.14699656
    Let's get the boat moving again, too. We don't any more unwanted free loaders
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:44 No.14699666
    Alright, let's suture the man up. Once done, we need to take him below decks.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:44 No.14699675

    roll for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:46 No.14699696
         File1303620403.jpg-(17 KB, 166x363, 1263417144425.jpg)
    17 KB
    rolled 70 = 70

    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:48 No.14699727
    rolled 25 = 25

    Frank Porter, Engineer Doctor.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:50 No.14699750
    rolled 26 = 26

    I'm sad that I don't have any images for doctors.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:51 No.14699763
    rolled 86 = 86

    "Adrien, get the boat moving. Not too quickly, I need to take care of Jacob."
    Let's do our best to suture him. Rolling First Aid.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)00:54 No.14699794
    The boats engine coughs to life.

    You disinfect the gash as best you can before slowly suturing it up. The job seems a good one. You'll need help lifting him.


    Out of curiosity, what kind of degree do you have and where did you get it?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:56 No.14699816
    rolled 84 = 84

    "Marshall, get up here. We need to get Jacob below decks where he's safe."
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)00:59 No.14699850
    "Jake, you get through this and we are treating you to a full night out. You hear me?"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)01:03 No.14699887
    Marshall comes up on deck and walks over to you. His eyes widen.

    "No wonder he's hitting the sauce."

    He stoops down and grabs Jacob's legs.


    He's out cold.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:06 No.14699907
    rolled 69 = 69

    I cast heal on Jacob!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:07 No.14699911
    Masters in Mechanical Engineering, from Rochester Institute of Technology, USA.

    Of course that brings up the question of why he's working here, instead of in a nice safe office building.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:07 No.14699915
    It's still reassuring to say it.
    "Go ahead, Adrien, full speed."
    Carry him belowdecks. If Jason had a bed down here, let's put him in it. "Don't worry, Aidan. Jacob's a bro. He'll make it okay... and that scar'll be a total chick magnet, when they hear how he got it. Besides, I need everyone sober and vigilant for when we reach our destination."
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:10 No.14699941
    rolled 99 = 99

    Rolling to keep an eye out for any other raptor surprises.

    We're a man down, and one of our better shots. We're now left with a good shot, a pacifist, and a worthless damnyankee.

    Anything we can use to rig up a bit of a bigger flamethrower? Because as the kids like to say these days...

    Kill it with fire!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:11 No.14699949
    Actually, not a bad idea. Let's give the boat a more thorough search for anything useful.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)01:15 No.14699994
    You lay him down in the bedroom and come out to the main room. Marshall is relaxing on the couch while Aidan is sitting at the bar drinking whiskey from the bottle. He gives no indication he heard you.

    There's a locked wardrobe in the master bedroom, along with various valuables of Jason's, including one picture of him and a woman in tuxedo and wedding dress. The woman has a mustache drawn on her face in

    The engine room has an assortment of tools along with a bunch of gas cans.

    The lounge has various trophies of fish on the walls, along with luxurious furniture and a substantial bar.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:18 No.14700019

    Let's get some molotov cocktails made.

    A few fires from those will keep the raptors at bay, because no animal likes fire
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:19 No.14700032
    Get Aidan to quit drinking.
    "I need you sober, man. We're on the job."
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:20 No.14700046
    ...You realize a substantial portion of this island is either grassland or dense jungle?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:21 No.14700059
    um, we should only do this if the relative humidity is high, we dont want a wild fire engulfing half the island
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:24 No.14700099

    You realize most buildings will have a radius around them that's not grassland or jungle, and that molotovs only have a fairly small (about 10 feet at most) coverage area, and that due to the recent storms, the foliage ain't gonna be dry kindling and won't go up in some type of super-inferno.

    in other words...

    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)01:24 No.14700102
    "What the fuck is the point. You saw what they did. What chance do we fucking have?! I didn't sign up for this. I'm supposed to be a maintenance worker. I didn't sign up for this shit!" He slams the whiskey down and starts sobbing in his hands.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:27 No.14700132
    "You took it down like a pro, man. We've got this... Tell you what, when this is over, if you still feel like it's too much, I'll talk to the new head of maintenance about getting you a good severance package. He's cool, I've known him for years."
    >> Lord Castellan Ursarkar E Creed 04/24/11(Sun)01:27 No.14700134
    Oh boy, Aiden is the irishman right? The one who was surprisingly good at weaponry? Do we have an EX-IRA fellow on our hands, possible PTSD?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)01:28 No.14700137
    It's late. I'm heading to bed. Night everyone. No session tomorrow, family is celebrating Easter.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:31 No.14700171
    Jacob was the good shot, I think.
    Alright. Monday, then, or what? Happy Easter, bro.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 04/24/11(Sun)01:32 No.14700182

    They're both good with weapons.

    And Monday sounds like it will work.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:34 No.14700200
    look for a key to the wardrobe. Break it open if we can't find a key.

    As for Aidan, "Damnit, if you get drunk now, you're going to get either yourself or someone else killed, or worse, both! You want to drown your sorrows, fine, but do it off-duty, and for God's sake, not while we're in the fucking middle of the Raptor Pen!"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)01:35 No.14700212
    happy easter, later bro

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