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!uGYNBMPzOs 05/03/11(Tue)21:41 No.14804112 File1304473318.png-(90 KB, 1748x1576, assaultday3b.png)
 >>14803833 >as far as you know at this point and juncture, yes.
You fire off a quick series of signals from your ring, before sprinting to the east wall with Laelith and Sansa in tow. the sky is filled with repeater bolts, both those arcing towards the approaching sergeants, and those trying desperately to swat enemy flying cavalry to the sky. You reach the front of Gaius' unit very quickly, all things considered. Without even thinking about it you and Sansa hack through the larger, more thickly armored creatures protecting the obvious leader, though as soon as you do so the rest of the beasts back off leaving just yourself and the slender, gray-brown skinned thing squared off against each other, baradiche and reach on one side, steel armor, a longblade and a shield on the opposite. You spare a glance to your right to see Collin in a similar situation, Laelith and Daeseu happily slaughtering the lesser creatures with the grace and power that only they can acheive. As massive boulders begin impacting the gatehouse area, you make your move, a quick lunging stab and a following shield punch, like mercury the abomination slides away from your lighting strike, coming around with its baradiche in an attempt to take out your legs. You spin away from the strike, and counter witha backhanded slash, which the creature catches on his baradiches haft, though the kick to his chest is not impeded. The creature snarls at you as it falls back, so you move up to cut it, though with its thick scaly skin and your being at the end of your reach it is only a shallow cut in its chest. The thing spins away, and begins pacing the circle, ignoring your men as they slaughter its servnats, its murderously intelligent eyes focused solely on you. |