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!RID/UkIPGk 05/05/11(Thu)03:49 No.14820103 File1304581764.png-(1.71 MB, 1066x800, 303 AU Summer Zlatan Castle.png)
 >>14820012 When you reach the castle, your men prepare for siege, but to your surprise, the gates raise. A man and woman you recognize from attending the castle turn the wheel, both of them struck by arrows and continuing to turn. The gate is open halfway, and you enter the castle's walls with the Captain, the Black Thane, and what of your army manages to get within before the two spies succumb to death, and the gate falls again.
You realize grimly that you are vastly outnumbered, judging from how few men were able to enter the castle walls.
>Tautila's elite troops cannot be routed.
>Tautila is well-equipped. >Tautila has one unit of elite troops.
>Vesna has committed one units of standing troops to the invasion.
The high guard of Zlatan advances from every door, from every gate and hiding place. The sun beats down on your men so heatedly that many look like they are about to faint. Skirmishes break out, five men against fifteen, one against three. The wooden wheel to raise the gate is split behind you by an axeman.
An air of inevitable defeat, so close to victory, falls over the men. The Black Thane stands beside you. "I have thought, lately my liege, of the living and their love."
You are taken aback by the sudden speech from the Black Thane, his first words since you left Tautila. You stand back to back as armored men bearing the black snake on a tan field step closer, isolating you and your compatriot from the others.
"I wondered whether I needed such a thing, and were it possible for me to even experience," he says, deflecting a casual blow toward him. "But I reached the conclusion that it was unnecessary."
"Oh?" You humor him, parrying a strike yourself.
"I already have you to love, my liege," The Black Thane says, moments before a spear is driven through him.
>The Black Thane has been Injured. |