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05/14/11(Sat)07:54 No.14922820 File1305374074.png-(92 KB, 815x490, steampunk saga sketch.png)
 >>14922756 OK mon, 'magic' in this sense is more like the things you have in folklore or old literature, not like 'oh hey FIREBALL' easy as fuck things usually seen in RPGs. Kinda ties in with the story so I can't just cut it out entirely.
So. Short version of the beginning. A girl, Llorna, lived with her grandpa. Her parents are field medic in The War. One day she became an orphan due to artillery shell on field hospital. Grandpa died soon after due to grief. Fast forward a few years. She turned out to be a genius, and learned medical and steam technology. The War crept close to where she was studying, so she became field medic. One day a soldier walked in, said that The War is finally over, and died on the spot. Llorna saw something in him, and so she upgraded his body with steam tech. His soul, however, isn't back yet. So she turned into the arcane arts her grandpa dabbled in, and summoned a Dealer (supernatural middleman entity), Calgari Corvus, and made a deal to 'borrow' the soldier's soul back. The soldier lives, now named Steam John, and works as a butler for Llorna. Fast forward a few months/years. Llorna's been kidnapped by an ex-soldier-turned-bandit Juan Vicioso. He thought she had money, but learning she spent it on steam research, he tied her on a railroad. Steam John comes to the rescue, shooting Juan's mooks left and right. Cue epic duel between John and Juan. Juan got a graze on his cheek, but the train was coming. John stopped the train only to find Llorna dying of Juan's bullet. Calgari returned to take Llorna's soul, but John made a new deal. Corvus can get his soul and Juan's soul, if only he can enact his vengeance. And so begins the steampunk saga. |