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05/19/11(Thu)01:44 No.14976648 File1305783876.gif-(195 KB, 69x94, Zergling_SC2_HeadAnim1.gif)
 >>14976545 Cleanup operations begin in space, though conventional missiles continue to fire on our forces whenever they are within sight of VoidGate's satellites. Thankfully, we have mutalisks to spare. We are fresh out of scourge, though.
On the surface, our forces continue to hammer their way through VoidGate's androids, but there is no end of them in sight. Even with our ultralisks' superior badassery, they are taking damage. One of them is sure to fall soon.
At home, in front of his computer, Cerebrate Anon yawns. It's pretty late, and Zerg Quest has had a disappointingly low turnout this week. He pushes the Go! button on sup/tg/. Brullant can wait for next time, and then the Swarm can take on the Protoss, Kingston, or the UED, who may or may not be controlled by Dyles and his horrible psychic tadpole...things.
See you guys on the first!
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14973676/ |