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    593 KB Totemist Quest V (Part 2) Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)02:53 No.15055880  
    Looking around, you realize that you would hate for any harm to come to your master's... no, to your workshop. You place all of your potential items for experimentation into your bag, as well as your master's notes on Binding and Foci. On a whim, you pick up a few pages of his notes about Totems, as well. You're the Totemist, after all. It would probably behoove you to learn about those at some point.

    The journey to the fields is calm, and uninterrupted. You can see children playing the next street over, shouting about the Totemist and Rock Wardens. You smile. You're very popular among the young ones, at least. It occurs to you that you'll likely need to meet with the village elders sometime in the near future to discuss the future defense of the village, and their plans for it. For now, however, it's time to see what the extent of your Foci's powers truly are.

    The field you arrive in is little more than a barren, rocky flatland. There are a few farms further to the south, but you think that you're far enough away that you wouldn't be causing any danger to them. Laying your bag and your pack on the ground, and placing your stone on a nearby boulder, you decide what your first experiment will be.

    [[ For those of you just joining us, previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Totem ]]
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)02:56 No.15055906
    Attach the turtle Foci to some fruit.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)02:56 No.15055911
    Summon the spirit of the Bone Warden focus and ask her if she can tell you anything of her powers and capacities. It's time to see what we can do.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)02:57 No.15055921
    Let's start with something interesting, like the hand mirror.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)02:58 No.15055935
    Let's see what the bone warden foci does on a necklace.
    >> Tetanus 05/26/11(Thu)03:01 No.15055963
    Do not attach the Turtle focus to fruit, attach it to the buckler or a belt. I'd like to see the Bone Warden attached to a cloak.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)03:06 No.15056003
    [[ Hmm.. This will be something people have a hard time agreeing on. Why don't we have everyone roll a d100, and we go from highest roll to lowest, in order? Does that sound fair? ]]
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:06 No.15056015
    I'm all for attaching it to fruit. Should be an amusing break from rigorous experimentation.
    >> Tetanus 05/26/11(Thu)03:08 No.15056033
    rolled 89, 51 = 140

    First is for Turtle Buckler

    Second is for Bone Warden Cloak
    >> Perverted (and Paranoid) White Knight 05/26/11(Thu)03:09 No.15056038
    Can't we just test everything?
    Except the fruit. That's seems to be a one-use Focus item.

    Also, make totems of defense/toughness from rock turtle shells, haste totem from bone warden dust, and research what we can make a totem of from the drake parts we got.

    Remember, guys, totems and Foci are different.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:09 No.15056040
    rolled 2 = 2

    Yeah. I don't think there are any real disagreements aside from the fruit thing though, just priorities, we're all fairly curious.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)03:11 No.15056057
    rolled 70, 18 = 88

    my roll for:
    Bone warden on hand mirror
    Rock Turtle on buckler
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:13 No.15056070
    ...I don't see how attaching it to fruit would make the focus one use only. And if it did, that would have to be either pretty damn potent, or some kind of permanent alteration.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)03:17 No.15056106
    ...It's a FRUIT. You know, one of those things that you eat that dry up and begin to rot pretty fast if you don't eat it?
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)03:18 No.15056116
    rolled 54 = 54

    Say you throw the fruit to activate the focus.

    Or it rots or something.

    Anyway, I'm mainly interested in talking to the spirit in the bone warden focus first, then you guys throw together whatever combinations you like.

    I halfway want to just tell the OP to do them all and give us the highlights, but that'd be torturous.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:20 No.15056134
    Need a ruling from Op on this as it's my understanding that totems are tougher than normal and that breaking them is quite difficult.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:20 No.15056135
    Even if the fruit rotted, I don't see how that would somehow destroy the focus, which is a seperate item.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:22 No.15056149
    rolled 44 = 44

    bind both bone warden and turtle to boots
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)03:23 No.15056157
    I think the point we're trying to make is why in the fuck would you WANT to bind LIGHTNING TURTLE to a piece of fruit?
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)03:23 No.15056162
    Picking your Crystal Focus from your bag, you look over the assembled equipment and tools. You know that you've been sorely lacking in defensive capabilities, and though it wont be as potent as a shell Focus, you know that it can't hurt to try. You place your focus against the front of the buckler, quickly chanting the Rite of Binding. The stone sinks into the buckler, distorting it momentarily. There is a bright flash of light, and when you blink the spots from your eyes, you examine your new tool.

    The formerly circular design of the shield has now taken on a spiraling image, like a buzz-saw or a sun. Each prong extending outward from the shield has the general shape of a lightning bolt. Picking up the buckler, you are surprised to find that it weighs very little. Cautiously, you tap the front of the shield against a boulder. When nothing surfaces, you attempt to bash the rock a little harder. A long period of experimentation follows, from waving your arm around to punching with the weapon attached to your arm. Finally, in frustration, you pick the buckler from your arm and toss it back onto the pile.

    Results are immediate. As the shield spins, small arcs of electricity leap from its ends, scorching the ground around its landing point. You retrieve the buckler, eying it closely. Picking a rock a safe distance away, you grip the edge of the shield and throw it horizontally toward the rock. As it flies, arcs of electricity build between the pronged points of the weapon. When it hits the rock the prongs all discharge at once, sending a massive ball of sparks and electricity blasting against the surface of the rock. The boom that it makes is quite the din.

    > [[ Binding Complete: Stormcloud Buckler. Flying through the air builds a powerful electrical charge, which can then be discharged on landing. ]]
    >> Tetanus 05/26/11(Thu)03:25 No.15056172
    Do we have a Captain America Lightning Shield, I like this though it seems to be a one shot item unless retrieved.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)03:26 No.15056180

    You think it likely that if the host fruit were to rot, the focus's bindings would simply come loose. Only a decisive, powerful blow can truly break a focus when bound into a conduit.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:26 No.15056183
    Osyki evolved to Captain Amer-I mean, what is this continent called? Or our village for that matter?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:29 No.15056203
    rolled 3 = 3

    We really really should learn how to use ranged weapons, a crossbow preferably.
    Oh. that gives me an idea, bind anything to a rope.
    Turtle or bone in order of rolls
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:29 No.15056204
    Yeah, it's cool as fuck but unfeasible.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)03:31 No.15056229
    Lightning fruit sounds more useful than bone fruit, and I want to see what happens. If noone wants to try fruit next, I say bind the bone focus to the mirror.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:31 No.15056235
    Yeah we should try rope... we'll want to try most things from the list actually and some of them on both foci... this is gonna take awhile.

    The fruit thing is merely a joke to see just exactly what it would do.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)03:32 No.15056241
    rolled 80 = 80

    Not as useful as the lightning mace, unfortunately. I think it's time we tried it on a glove or gauntlet in order to ascertain whether it would give shocking capabilities to any weapon held in the gauntleted hand.

    Any takers?
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:34 No.15056252
    I think the important question in terms of time available is if we can preform the unbinding ritual on more than one item at once.
    >> Tetanus 05/26/11(Thu)03:34 No.15056257
    I'd like to, I've been an advocate of lightning gloves from the start but I didn't see them on the list of potential binding items we grabbed in the previous thread unless they are part of our clothes.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)03:39 No.15056295
    You leave the buckler where it is, quivering and embedded in the large boulder, for now. Retrieving your second Focus from your bag, you look at the skull. The crack running down its front is perfectly centered, and the edges feel smoothed. You glance around the pile of items you've assembled, then pick up the hand mirror. You wonder what sort of interesting artifact this combination will make. Maybe a portal to the underworld? You place the skull on the upturned surface of the mirror, speaking the words you've memorized to bring them together.

    The mirror's new form is strange. A single bone, some sort of leg-bone if you're not mistaken, forms the handle. The glass is cradled in a rib-cage of sorts, though the bone is laced through the edges of the mirror to leave the center untouched. Glancing into its surface, you freeze.

    Behind you, in the mirror, is Modi Magni. The unmistakable faceless Avatar floats, perfectly still, his metal monstrosity writhing on his back. Looking behind you, you see only your spear, carefully leaned up against a boulder. You begin to understand, angling the mirror so that it reflects the shield in the rock. A massive eye manifests in the reflection, pitch black and unblinking.

    > [[Binding Complete: The Mirror Of True Sight. Reveals spiritual possession and pierces through illusion.]]
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)03:40 No.15056300
    rolled 70 = 70

    A bracelet, then.
    >> Perverted (and Paranoid) White Knight 05/26/11(Thu)03:40 No.15056304
    Considering the trial and error needed to try out a bound Focus, It is entirely possible we destroy the fruit first instead of the Focus.

    . . . Buy a basket of fruit. Waste them all. Found out that it acts as a lightning bomb when eaten, as we lie on the ground, half of our jaw missing...

    My refresh rate is damned awful.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)03:41 No.15056315
    That's fucking bad ass. If only we had a pair of glasses or monocle to apply it to.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)03:42 No.15056319
    rolled 22 = 22

    Let's find out.

    Try to unbind both foci at once when you have a chance.
    >> Tetanus 05/26/11(Thu)03:43 No.15056334
    Useful and I'd like that on glasses when we have a spare Bone Warden lying around or when we're investigating something but we can't ignore the sheer combat potential of it on something else. Unbind both and try some of the other suggestions in this thread
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)03:45 No.15056347
    rolled 39 = 39

    Indeed, very badass. At the moment though we have only two free foci and need them for combat, definately something to keep in mind for the future though.

    Let's try the shard on the beak.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)03:48 No.15056375
    rolled 67 = 67

    A helm visor! Defensive, possibly regenerative, AND grants True Sight.

    Might not be the most unsettling thing ever, of course, so if it could be activated and deactivated at will that'd be for the best.
    >> Perverted (and Paranoid) White Knight 05/26/11(Thu)03:51 No.15056387
    It's awesome, yet...

    Diarca, can it be confirmed that Focus that is made from similar spirits make the same effect on similar items? Or does this effect come from Cordia's Focus in specific?
    Check Master's notes, if necessary.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)03:59 No.15056442

    Gathering your shield from the boulder with a fair amount of tugging, you finally manage to wrest it free. The edges of the disc don't seem to be dented at all, but the rock's inside is blackened and charred. You lay both items down beside one another, closing your eyes.

    "Your purpose complete, your task well served. Release your holds now, spirits, and find respite in your Foci once more. This conduit is no longer your home, and it will not keep you. In the name of Osyki, Link to the World Without, may this be done."

    The color drains from the bound item as you speak. When the last syllable passes you lips, the items dissolve into gray dust. Lying in the piles are the original forms of the hand mirror and the buckler. The shield looks slightly charred around the edges, however, and the mirror has a few nicks and scratches along its rim.

    You pick up a hefty copper bracelet from the pile of knicknacks, wrapping it around the Crystal focus. You can feel yourself tiring slightly as you speak the words of binding for the third time that day, watching as the dimensions of the focus shrink and warp to fit its new home.

    The bracelet is immediately engraved with stylistic designs of lightning bolts, and the inner side melds to take on a turtle-shell pattern. The crystal itself folds into the shape of the great turtle's eye, perched atop the bracelet. You slip the band onto your wrist, feeling it hum against your skin.

    You can feel your nails begin to heat, and then smoke as the bracelet hums faster and faster. You curse, beginning to tear the adornment from your wrist when a sudden burst of light halts you in your tracks.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)04:00 No.15056447
    An orb of blue light, intensely familiar to you, has formed in your palm. Acting partially in instinct and partially from past experience you thrust your palm forward, aiming for a nearby boulder. The sphere launches from your hand, splitting into several smaller marbles of lightning as it flies.

    The tiny, electric blue orbs detonate as they hit the ground, each sending out a small bubble of electrified force. The boulder and ground surrounding it have quickly come to resemble swiss cheese, and the skin of your palm feels slightly raw. As you watch, another orb begins to grow in the first's place.
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)04:02 No.15056460

    Confirmed. Amal reads to you as you experiment with the bomb bracelet, explaining that the particular type of essence each Focus has will create similar items. Two beast fang Foci would hold similar effects, while a fang and a claw might differ slightly. A fang and a pelt from the same beast, while sharing a theme, would very likely produce wildly different effects.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 05/26/11(Thu)04:04 No.15056475
    Ok, that's not working as planned, so can we take it off and finally decide on a bow, which won't singe our hand with ball lightning every time we use it?
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)04:05 No.15056477
    better, but I don't like the effect it has on us, we may do better with a glove later.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)04:07 No.15056496
    Nah, bows have their own weaknesses(reliance on ammo for one... unless it makes lightning arrows... but we can't bank on that) and we may yet be able to find a combination that produces something we can reliably.
    >> Perverted (and Paranoid) White Knight 05/26/11(Thu)04:10 No.15056513
    Guess that will be the item to Bind the Crystal Focus for the time being.

    Not quite what I was asking, but that does give some more information regarding bindings.
    What I wanted to ask is whether Cordia's ghost inhabiting the Skull Focus would affect a Bound item differently from another Skull Focus (from another Bone Warden).

    Also, rats. I guess if we wanted speed boost, we should have made a focus out of the claws or the legs of the Bone Warden...
    >> Diarca !!rV8GTu4cyt+ 05/26/11(Thu)04:10 No.15056515
    [[ Alright, folks. It's 2 AM my time and that means that it's time to wrap up for the night. We can continue experimentation in the next edition, or you can suggest combos while I sleep and I can make an abbreviated list of results for the next time. Whichever you prefer. But remember: The more combos you try, the more of Osyki's time is spent.

    Please archive the thread, and have a wonderful night. I'll see you all Friday evening. ]]
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:11 No.15056521
    rolled 21 = 21

    First of all, pic related.

    Second, we should check what it does when we try to fire one of those off with a weapon in that hand.

    If THAT works as intended, you could wear a gauntlet with this focus attached OVER a nonconductive glove and be just fine.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:13 No.15056535
         File1306397581.jpg-(36 KB, 300x435, iron man.jpg)
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    Derp, forgot pic
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)04:13 No.15056538
    I guess we should try the skull foci again so that we can do both at once again.

    How about with the piece of wing from the drake?

    Also off the wall suggestion- shard with the boulder.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:14 No.15056545
    Good night, OP.

    We should try at least one weapon and one piece of armor with the Bone Warden focus, to see if we can establish a pattern with it.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)04:15 No.15056549
    rolled 99, 84 = 183

    derp, tired
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)04:16 No.15056554

    >or you can suggest combos while I sleep and I can make an abbreviated list of results for the next time

    most definitely. Way too many combos to try.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:17 No.15056564
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:19 No.15056580
    And we don't know how to use a bow. Possibly a sling - which is more accurate anyway - or possibly we can learn how to use one.

    Bear in mind that time is of the essence, both in-character for the quester and out of character because we get a limited number of updates per session, etc.

    This is why I'm kind of eager to meet our time-limited goals, like scouting and visiting the Behemoth's lair.
    >> Juraz !/mnJQs7QaU 05/26/11(Thu)04:20 No.15056581
    Yeah, I need to get to sleep aswell. On in quest time, we'll likely have to near constantly experiment, we don't have to try everything now and will likely have to do some more testing once we get our commissioned items. Let's set a time limit for him to stop at so that he gets the rest he needs. Sunset maybe?
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:23 No.15056599
    This system of rolling for which combos to try next is fair, but it doesn't use our knowledge well or prioritize time. Everyone wants a turn.

    I propose we dedicate a certain amount of the totemist's time per day to trying item combinations, and create a list of combinations to try. Say, five combinations a day or something, in the morning or evening so he can either rest for a bit and use his findings or immediately go to bed.

    Between a steady trial and error system and a capacity for pattern recognition, we should be able to make the most of things if we get no more than several new foci per day.
    >> Perverted (and Paranoid) White Knight 05/26/11(Thu)04:33 No.15056660
    Looks like try everything is not possible with the mention of exhaustion creeping in after each binding...

    Seconding Crystal Bracelet with non-conducting glove.
    Until Osyki learns to pull a bow correctly, at least.
    Skull Headband or other type of headgear... Gets possessed by Cordia!
    Skull... Amulet?

    You know what, why can't we make the type of Bound Foci similar to Tryd and Amal?
    They are practically the servant homunculi that we were talking about several threads ago, considering their abilities to actually interact with physical items.

    Also, make totems next thread?
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)04:36 No.15056674
    Try for totems next thread, sure.
    >> Karandras 05/26/11(Thu)14:15 No.15060546
         File1306433738.png-(43 KB, 150x154, paragon.png)
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    Good f'ternoon brethren.
    I believe a bump in the sake of keeping this alive untill OP's time is in order.
    >> Editorfag 05/26/11(Thu)14:43 No.15060736
    OP said he'd be back on friday because he'll be shooting for a thread every other day, since you seemed interested in keeping up to date.
    >> Karandras 05/26/11(Thu)15:19 No.15061028
    Ok then. Thanks for the update.

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