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05/28/11(Sat)22:01 No.15086851 File1306634486.jpg-(519 KB, 1000x667, doug_jones_as_abe_sapien_hellb(...).jpg)
 I've got a 4E Ocean-Punk mini-setting brewing, but I'm not sure I'm up to doing decent concept illustrations.
So, here's a list of random ideas that could use cool pics:
Abe-sapien-esque fishman with fantasy wetsuit and googles, telekinetically wielding a serrated dagger. Think the TF2 Spy.
Alchemist (Wizard/Artificier Hybrid) human with a flintlock pistol
african-esque ship's witch, voodoo style. dreds, tophat, casterly paraphenalia.
Kenku Privateer (Hong-Kong Pirate style). Chinese weaponry and adornment. lots of adornment, scarves and whatnot. flashy.
Ju-Ju zombie fighter. Big, dark skin, jovial, cutlass sheathed in his torso.
Selkie Bard. Hale, pale skin, black seal eyes, dark grey hair. looks like Jewel Staite. old irish/scottish/norse/whatever style dress and weapons; lots of carved bone and hide clothing |