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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 06/01/11(Wed)01:32 No.15120937 File1306906363.jpg-(81 KB, 454x649, red3.jpg)
 “Very well... I will see what I can do. Stand by.” you reply, before 'switching off'. Hurried scrying ensues, having to deal with the same time limit as your protégé in this matter. The Blue you cannot identify, though it is a male, and he seems to have quite meager hoard and lair for his age- Either he's still in the process of moving, which you doubt, he is establishing a summer home, which you also doubt, or he may have left under poor circumstances, being forced to leave behind most of his gains. Or something you have not yet thought to consider... You sigh. He is quite nearly your size, and you place his age at around two or three hundred years.
The adventurers are different all together. Six of them, them fill the traditional roles of an adventuring group, and seem to have hired a lizardman as a guide of sorts. From a tribe nearer to the shore, you decide, primitive, superstitious, and not terribly bright. Even beyond that, though, the seem relatively able to protect and handle themselves, though, and one of the group seems to be on good terms and to have learned quite a bit from their guide. While a weakness, he is not a crucial one.
Regarding the rest, the group has the same weird cohesion that most groups of adventurers do- for a bunch of mercenary sociopaths who excel in various forms of destruction, the are usually bizarrely loyal to each other. The most significant friction seems to be between the party thief and leader- apparently a long-running feud that verges on open combat, but for that incomprehensible reason, stays subdued and peaceful.
Their mission, as far as you are able to discern (scrying on them makes you wonder just how Firelady got her information,) is to scout a passage through the jungle, ideally to the mountains, and over, into Tashz. Ambitious, to be sure, and ultimately futile, you suspect. Not that that limits the damage they can do on the way, particularly to an individual like Firelady. |