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!!857o4GkKJgy 06/03/11(Fri)20:08 No.15149019 File1307146107.png-(37 KB, 256x256, Zolomon Ringo.png)
 >>15149011 On paper it should be an easy match. With the air filled with AB-Chaff, that Beam Rifle, a Gundam type model instead of the standard Command Model, is nothing more than a lump of metal. Supposedly. AB-Chaff is not magic however.
Zolomon Ringo throws his Beam Lance, he's done it before, he's done it hundreds of times before. Even though he can see, better than David what he's up against, even if he doesn't comprehend it as well, he still does this because he is the SiC of the Nachtmaren Unit, and if your CO hesitates then it's your job to pick up that slack. So the enemy retaliates first, as expected, with it's beam rifle. And Zolomon throws his lance. He's done it before, he's done it hundreds of times.
The bazooka shell impacts heavily against the shield, Zolomon loses it and much of the arm. He's taken worse. Besides, he's already thrown his lance. He's done this before. Hundreds of times.
This time however, at the last second, his target dodges, and Zolomon Ringo's lance, which he threw, misses.
That has never happened before.
Then the enemy pulls up his Beam Rifle, the barrell centered on the small channel of empty space, free of AB chaff that his lance has left and fires whilst Zolomon's suit struggles to cope with the initial impact of the bazooka, and pulls the trigger.
And Zolomon Ringo's world goes white.