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!!fzMkxxrtKt+ 06/11/11(Sat)21:33 No.15235365 File1307842395.gif-(1.48 MB, 400x219, catposting.gif)
 In the middle of all this, the monk, ancient weretiger, and fire giant are having a royal shitfest, beating the living shit out of each other. The giant is the first one to really start hurting; the monk eventually plants his fist STRAIGHT THROUGH his skull with a leaping punch, and rips out a good chunk of brain matter.
Then, he's incapacitated by the Ancient Weretiger (-2 HP). The paladin runs up, and does a sizeable chunk of damage, but ancient lycanthropes regenerate at an ungodly rate. After leaving a small dent, she, too, is incapped. The Cleric is able to bloody him up real good, but is actually killed as the ancient lands a solid crit on him, slashing his throat clean open.
Now, after all this, the weretiger can't have more than 10 or so HP; regeneration can only get you so far. I sneak up behind him (only because of the incredible stealth my cat-form gives me), and call a shot directly for his head. It's a hit.
His cranium detonates outwards as my bolt passes into it, and he drops to the ground. Our mage had some healer's kits, and was able to save the paladin and monk after a few heal rolls.
The weretigers dispersed as their leader died, and the bandits were too few in number at this point to actually ransack the town. The local church was able to revive our cleric, and we got a nice cash reward.
Oh, and the fire giant? Yeah, he was actually the son of a rather important fire giant general in the southlands. Which we were in.
As we left the town the next day, we were attacked by a group of bounty hunters- two mages, a rogue and a fighter- who we managed to kill off. On one of the bodies, we found a letter. |