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06/13/11(Mon)18:28 No.15256837 File1308004135.jpg-(214 KB, 900x1191, Djinn of the Ring.jpg)
 Some information on Djinn in Arabic folklore:
Djinn are passionate and mercurial. They have a firey spirit and an unpredictable nature. They can be as dangerous as they can be helpful, often one right after the other. All the same, djinn are not considered evil. Like humans they have free will, and can choose to be bad or good. There are even some Muslim djinn.
Djinn powers are not infinite. They can be great, but they are generally limited to shapeshifting, sizeschanging, invisibility, and possession, all to varying degrees. The most powerful of Marids can even change into inorganic or abstract ideas, like mountain ranges of storms or fires. Most djinn, however, are just a nuisance.
Djinn are everywhere. Islamic lore says they live in the world of the unseen, a place unknowable and mysterious, sometimes called Jinnistan. It may simply refer to the spirit world; the djinn may live all around us all the time, watching us, invisibly. It may also mean that they hail from an extradimensional region in a way similar to European faeries. This region is usually placed deep under the Earth. you never know when an invisible djinn is watching, if he lives down in that hole, or if she is that dog giving you a funny look, or if you just stepped on one who is now very angry. |