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!!fzMkxxrtKt+ 06/19/11(Sun)23:50 No.15323437 File1308541833.jpg-(242 KB, 975x636, cat_vs_dog.jpg)
 This is pretty bitchin', because it's not something you get to see every day, even as a party of adventurers. The demons both get carved up, and she approaches us, not looking particularly happy. Rather angrily, she states that she's looking for a tower in the region that holds the secrets to golem-making; the gods have decreed that this knowledge should be lost to mortals, while all the demon lords and some evil deities want the potential power for themselves.
The paladin comes forth, introduces herself to the Solar, and points her in the correct direction of the tower- technically, she's not lying.
Remember how I said she's part demon? Yeah, Solars are going to know that as soon as they meet you, even if it isn't physically evident.
The DM rolls Sense Motive for the Solar against Bluff for the Paladin, which, being a paladin, had not put any points into. It was a huge disparity; the Solar *knew* she was being tricked somehow, and demands that we tell her the information we're so obviously withholding. Fucking with solars is a bad idea in general, and if you're level 8, you may as well just give up whatever you're planning if one comes up against you.
The paladin reluctantly informs her that we have the tomes that contain the knowledge she seeks, but refuses to give it up unless the Solar can prove she was sent directly by Pelor... which, fortunately, she wasn't. (or unfortunately, depending upon how you look at it)
It gets out its fucking +5 TWO-HANDED VORPAL BLADE, and pretty much threatens to kill us all in order to fulfill her duty, which the Paladin takes great offense to.
Pal: "...it wouldn't look all that great if you just slew a paladin of Pelor and her party, you know, even if you're carrying out your instructions." Sol: "My instructions supersede your position. Surrender the tomes, or I'll be forced to take them." Pal: "Try, then." |