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  • File : 1309752568.jpg-(986 KB, 1500x1768, WarriorofTzeentch.jpg)
    986 KB Warriors of the North Quest 8 The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)00:09 No.15466645  
    A new day dawns, Umhang.

    Sunlight breaks your rest. You groan, throwing the closest thing you have in your reach in vain towards the offensive source, only to hear a surprised yell coming from slave in her makeshift bed of sailcloth and ropes. As irritable as you are, the memories of the the past day invigorate you towards action.

    The day is yours for the taking, champion of the Raven God...

    (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered. Detailed rules to follow. REMEMBER TO LINKBACK.)
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)00:10 No.15466656
         File1309752647.jpg-(89 KB, 360x270, 2582_1_t.jpg)
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    (Sorry about the lateness of the threads. I'm actually on the road right now.)

    Rules: Warriors of the North uses 2d12 as a system.

    If you want to influence the story, you must link back to the action as told by the storyteller with a suggestion of an action.

    The first die is used to decide which action will be used to further the story. The first four rolls that are linked back to the most current piece of the story will be the rolls that will be considered.

    The second die is used to determine the effectiveness of your action.

    Double nines are the equivalent of rolling two natural twenties in a d20 system and higher than rolling a double twelve, as nines are the number of the patron god of this thread. However, only double nines carry this rule. If only the first or second die are nines, then it is treated numerically.

    You may attempt to reroll previous actions by linking back to the action and rolling 1d12. The most current reroll will take the precedence of the first die while replacing the second die with the number rolled. Rerolls will be considered until the fourth action roll is completed. Any rerolls after the fourth are null and void.

    In the case of two or more rolls having the same value of the first die, the storyteller assigns the actions values on an appropriately numbered die and rolls to see which happens.

    ALWAYS LINK BACK TO THE STORY OR THE ACTION YOU WANT TO REROLL. A lot of people forget to take the 2d12 out of their email field, and more than a few rolls just exclaiming or commenting on the story have been taken as a serious roll in the past.

    Have fun!

    Past sagas of Wargol Umhang
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:19 No.15466717
    rolled 7, 9 = 16


    Find those ungors from last night. Those fuckers are dead dead dead. Sacrifice them to Tzeentch in the interest of taking away stupidity from the world.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)00:22 No.15466743
    rolled 12, 5 = 17


    Can't find my idea from yesterday to copy paste so I will write it out again.

    We make sure everyone is aware that brother Doombull is our second in command, he has the brain power and mussel to back this up so no one should argue. Then we need to get the Bray Shaman and Doombull, whos name I have forgotten, to assist us in organizing this rabble of Beastmen and Spawn into a popper organised fighting force worthy of Tchar! We need to collect what weapons and armor we can, even if its scrap. With the help of our lieutenants we need to teach this rabble the merits of fighting as a team under the command of the smart(er) Beastmen in their group; teach the Beastmen how to handle the Spawn and unleash them into battle, how to use spears, swords and shields and bows; and make use of the Beastmens naturally high ability in ambush tactics. Make sure everyone has a weapon of some kind and are in organised ranks that can be used more efficiently in combat, e.g. spears, sword and board groups, collections of bowmen, outflanking groups of the aforementioned. Get some heavy armor on the best Gors of our heard so we can have an elite bodyguard/something worthy of the Doombull leading into combat. And get that slave of ours to teach everyone how to sail, she was a sailor once she can be so again.

    >Going to miss the first action but to hell with it ill copypasta and do it again.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)00:24 No.15466761
    rolled 7 = 7

    Typically I wouldn't re-roll shit but with a 12 on priority I really wanna see something better then a 5 in success. This will be less then 5 though I can feel it. Would love some support /tg/ community.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:29 No.15466794
    rolled 8, 3 = 11

    Pray to the Dark Gods, so you may receive their blessing.

    Also, if rolling doubles of our god's holy number is good, and we use 2d12, what if we chose the Horned Rat, who's holy number is 13?
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)00:33 No.15466827
    The Twelve plus the One?

    Also we wouldn't be Horned Rat unless we were Skraven.

    Hmmm Skraven quest.....
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:34 No.15466839
    rolled 6, 10 = 16

    can i roll to support this plan?
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)00:38 No.15466875

    Yup. Still need 2 more two more action rolls before the decision.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)00:41 No.15466906
    So worried someone will roll 9 9 with rape the elf.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:45 No.15466933
    rolled 11, 6 = 17

    Use the blacksmith to reforge old weapons and stuff into good new stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:47 No.15466955
    rolled 5, 2 = 7


    Retire and have babies with new elf waifu!

    But seriously. Summon the raven and discuss the merits of killing the bray shaman. He's a dick.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)00:52 No.15466997
         File1309755122.gif-(99 KB, 530x627, 101110.gif)
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    pic says it all
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)01:01 No.15467088
         File1309755674.jpg-(59 KB, 526x600, beastman.jpg)
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    >>15466839 (Wow, that's a lot.)

    The days following are hectic indeed, but productive. But still, progress is being made, and Tzeentch advocates nothing if not progress.

    Already it becomes apparent that you hold Tauresius in high esteem. Slowly, your orders funnel through his eloquent, though guttural, voice.

    It seems as though the beastmen are already adept at training, or at least pointing, the spawn against their enemies. All but the ninth sage-spawn is vicious and volatile in battle, but you feel as if the circular abomination is intended for other plans. Really, it pleases you greatly how well the beastmen function without your input, as the bestigors are already establishing a chain of command. The spoils of the ship is readily spread through the warband, and while there is little in the way of armor or ranged weaponry, the axes and swords find good masters in the feral beast hands.

    Perhaps the only true test is that of the slave's task of teaching the beastmen the finer points of seamanship. Hour after hour, you see her grimace and beat the hapless ungors and unfortunate gors that have been given her to train. While little progress is being made there, you haven't seen her this happy since you were being put under personal pain yourself.

    A full week has passed, and you are more prepared for whatever action you will take. What to do now? (2d12 and action, first four rolls considered)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:09 No.15467188
    rolled 12, 3 = 15


    If you won't kill the prick, talk to the bray shaman. I want to know more about why he's such an asshole.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:10 No.15467192
    rolled 3, 4 = 7

    I am known in quest threads for writing very intricate plans in detail. I know exactly what I want and what I must do to achieve as such.

    Now we have an organised fighting force I would like to take an interest in that circular 9-sage spawn. Can we do some magic and talk to the Raven about it and what it can do for us? I keep wanting to wear it as a sash or a belt but that is a little morbid.
    >> Taffer 07/04/11(Mon)01:12 No.15467222
    I actually was hoping that you put it on a prisoner's shoulders, give it a spin round their heads and see what Tchar cooks up
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:13 No.15467241
    rolled 7, 9 = 16


    How about subjugating some more beastmen tribes? Not the minotaurs, those guys can wait. Just the nearest other tribe. I get the feeling the ungors are getting thin in numbers.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:15 No.15467260
    rolled 1 = 1

    Ill reroll for this guy considering he got a 12 and I don't wanna see Bray Shaman be mad at us.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:16 No.15467265

    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)01:21 No.15467310
         File1309756880.jpg-(56 KB, 570x455, shaman_sml.jpg)
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    With everything going so well, it's left you a copious amount of time to pick apart what exactly can go wrong with the warband.

    You look past the obvious parts of the slave's futile quest of teaching beastmen the art of the sea, and the fact that these are beastmen and that they have very little respect for champions of Chaos that are not limited to the vocabulary of KILL MAIM BURN. Time and time again your thoughts wander back to the bray shaman.

    You know that he is a powerful wizard in his own right, though nowhere near as powerful as you, but he guards his secrets jealously. So far you have gone through instinct in your spellcraft, but the old goat seems to know much about manipulating the winds of magic, something that only the raven seems to know among your lists of acquaintances.

    You approach the shaman without fanfare or a negative comment, asking him what he thought of magic and wizardry. He just snorts and replies that he does not have time to help those who cannot help themselves and leaves to go back into the woods, no doubt to the herdstone. You find it a common occurance nowadays. It seems that he uses the dark forest as a way of setting up a barrier between you and his practices.

    Something that might be looked at later on, no doubt. But for now, what do you do? (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered.)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:24 No.15467339
    rolled 1, 10 = 11


    Rerolling for this >>15467241
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:25 No.15467350
    rolled 4, 8 = 12


    Fucking Bray Shaman asshole. Go talk to the doombull about the possibility of killing that guy without the herd turning on us.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:29 No.15467398
    rolled 10, 4 = 14

    He will betray us eventually. Either by going back to Chaos Undivided or embracing Tchar and attempting to change everything for him self. For now though we should keep him, another scourer is useful.

    I would like to attempt to find another smaller beastman tribe and get them to join our ranks, preferably with out bloodshed to avoid unnecessary losses.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:30 No.15467406
    rolled 2 = 2

    Yeah I am going to be a douche again and re roll that 4.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:33 No.15467440
    rolled 7, 11 = 18

    Ensure that that herdstone is protect, set about farming or gathering parties out to the woods of no less than 4 gor/ungor, and to send to here any beastmen they happen accross.

    Other norce tribes might not be pleased at who sacked a long ally, much less who'll accept any sort of trading deal now. But it needs to. Be done.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:34 No.15467454
    rolled 8, 6 = 14

    Any chance of summoning the raven? I get the feeling OP has some plans, but right now I'm kind of aimless....>>15467310
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:35 No.15467466
    rolled 6 = 6

    Might as well reroll that 7
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)01:39 No.15467514
         File1309757983.jpg-(1.68 MB, 1700x2338, gallery_art_beastman_ungor.jpg)
    1.68 MB

    While the quality of your current beastmen minions is increasing with each day, you do notice that there are less than a hundred of the gors in the herd, and though the ungors are still plentiful, you feel as if they only turn up ever hour instead of the half hour you had to jostle through them before.

    You think it prudent to replenish your numbers, or at least find a way to have the possibility of it rather than waiting years for the fatter ewes to spawn pups. First you ask Tauresius about his knowledge of the beastmen tribes of the area, but alas, his time spent as a mindless killing machine left little in the way of knowing exactly WHERE herds were rather than bullying them mercilessly when he did happen upon them.

    It seems that the Bray Shaman has turned the ear of the bestigor champion as well. When you ask him of other tribes, he becomes surprisingly vague and mentions that the migration routes are never truly set in stone.

    How frustrating... (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered.)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:41 No.15467529
    rolled 1, 1 = 2

    What say we arrange for an unfortunate accident to befall the bray shaman?
    Possibly involving him repeatedly falling on a knife. Backwards. Then falling overboard.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:42 No.15467538
    Nice roll. Though it's a good idea, so I'll roll for this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:43 No.15467549
    rolled 11, 10 = 21

    Piss from my ass.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)01:43 No.15467562
    rolled 3, 7 = 10

    I'm getting mad at my low rolls and these beastmen being snobby towards our ultimate power and shit.

    Time to use some magic on that head Beastigor to get some Tchar power up in his grill and remind him who is boss.Give him some bone hooks for hands or someshit, something he will like us for.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:44 No.15467567
    rolled 7, 8 = 15


    I want to examine the sage spawn. Seems like a plothook to me, though really, there are so many in this quest that I can barely keep up. And that's a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:45 No.15467577
    rolled 8, 11 = 19

    No killing the bray shaman.

    And we've plenty ungors, send them out to find those other beastmen and at least attempt shouting diplomacy with Norcemen.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:46 No.15467585
    rolled 3, 3 = 6


    Looks like we're in for some skewered goat meat...
    >> Taffer 07/04/11(Mon)01:46 No.15467587
    Ask our Dark elf slave if any other raids on any other towns were planned. If we get lucky, we can take both the dark elf slavers and the town while they are looting.
    >> Taffer 07/04/11(Mon)01:47 No.15467591
    rolled 2, 9 = 11

    rolling for this
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:49 No.15467611
    rolled 2, 6 = 8


    If the Bray-shaman would conspire against us, obviously it's time to Tzeentch it up. Begin to covertly convert the weaker elements of the herd, the dissatisfied who hope for a better future. Slowly work your way up through the tribe, subverting the followers of the other gods. This may take some time, but I would like to get it started now.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:51 No.15467632
    rolled 11, 2 = 13


    time for subversion times, start with the weakest promise them great power if they follow you

    also is there any towns nearby
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)01:55 No.15467677
         File1309758940.jpg-(29 KB, 220x224, Tzeentch_Icon_small.jpg)
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    >>15467549 (Taking this as a separate roll since you stated that the idea is sound)

    This affront cannot stand. You've razed a village for simple slights to your pride, and time and time again the bray shaman seems to think itself too important to be taken care of in the way the Chaos Gods decree suitable for those who do not know their station.

    Carefully at night, as Tauresius is again wistfully gazing at the stars, you introduce the chance of skulduggery against the bray shaman. A tense moment passes as the minotchar listens to your proposal, and you wonder if he is not so far removed from his old nature to defend his hoof brother. But once you see the crooked fangs split his face, you know that there is a chance to cause much strife...

    "Assassination? How clandestine... truly, I was never one to appreciate the artisanship of a well laid plan, Chosen, but the cover of night... death in the shadows... killing another without retribution... it all sounds so... delightful..." the doombull says to himself as much as to you.

    You realize then that the beastmen herd is as petty and fractitious as any human tribe. Tauresius assures you that since the only exchange of power that the simple beastmen long for is the single combat or the wargors and beastlords, a shadowy attempt on the shaman's life would be seen as nothing more than an accident.

    But how to rid yourself of him without arousing suspicion? More magic from the Raven God? Poison? Perhaps sending the slave herself to take care of the beast? You know her kind are well known for it. A mishap with the spawn? The choices are staggering and you are enjoying such freedom... what next? (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered.)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:59 No.15467715
    rolled 11, 7 = 18


    I wanna go with the chaos spawn idea. Just an excuse to know more about the sage spawn, really, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:59 No.15467721
    rolled 9, 10 = 19


    Dohohoho. Time for some truly byzantine plots. Arrange for a spawn to be 'accidentaly' set free when the Bray Shaman is free. At the same time, sabotage one of the crytal houses so that it will fall over on him when the spawn is tearing into him. If that don't work, just send the slave.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:59 No.15467725
    rolled 4, 12 = 16

    Send the slave with a poisoned blade.
    >> DaQuestOrk !!zLTJPOVdr4t 07/04/11(Mon)02:01 No.15467740
    rolled 3, 4 = 7

    I like the idea of a Spawn accidently biting his head off. "It appears Tchar was not pleased with his service"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:01 No.15467744
    rolled 3, 10 = 13

    He has an accident with his spells and dies horribly.
    Read: magic.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:02 No.15467749
    rolled 2 = 2


    Re-rolling priority.
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)02:08 No.15467817
         File1309759715.jpg-(104 KB, 700x503, Tzeentch_Spawn.jpg)
    104 KB

    From what you know, the bray shaman only returns after escaping your queries in twilight, right when the beastmen horde begins the nightly rituals of feasting and desecration. The thought of having the insolent wizard torn to shreds by a being so at one with Chaos is quite appealing, and you set off to the crumbling watch tower to see to the spawn chained within. Inside, you dismiss the ungor attendant with a wave of your hand and look to the spawn contained within. Most slaver and bite in your direction, but the looplike spawn cowers and wails loudly with it's many mouths as you near.

    A shade of memory in the madness... how delicious. (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered.)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:10 No.15467842
    rolled 3, 8 = 11


    See if the spawn reacts to a command, something simple to start, like, 'spit fire'.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:11 No.15467856
    rolled 11, 7 = 18

    Construct a reason for him to be near the pen, then have one "break out" in his direction.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:12 No.15467867
    rolled 5 = 5


    Re-rolling priority.

    (That's allowed, right?)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:12 No.15467878
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)02:13 No.15467881

    No, only effectiveness gets rerolled. Priority never changes.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:15 No.15467910
    rolled 5, 12 = 17

    Hmmm. Investigate the looplike one. See what it can do.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:18 No.15467939
    rolled 2, 11 = 13

    walk towards the looplike one, and command it to shut up
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)02:18 No.15467944
    Just need one last action and then I'll be wrapping up for the night. Wish I had more time, but I have an early morning.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:22 No.15467986
    rolled 7, 1 = 8

    ill support this. Perhaps suggest the face-ring spawn is demonstrating interesting magics, then have tauresias let one loose on him as we exit.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:23 No.15468004
    Well, at least I didnt roll to replace.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:24 No.15468017
    rolled 5, 9 = 14


    Feed the sage spawn a magic feather from the cloak.
    >> The Will of the Gods !EabccEYuUs 07/04/11(Mon)02:27 No.15468047
         File1309760877.jpg-(74 KB, 510x640, abb13a55d2e3e39f.jpg)
    74 KB

    Testing the chains of the spawn, you see that it would be a simple matter to loosen one of the eyelets and have the brute "extricate" itself accidentally. That much would be simple, but how, perhaps, to avoid the creature being rent by the old goat's own magic?

    The solution comes simple enough to you. Tauresias will no doubt wish to play a part in this scheme, and the machinations in your head start to whir.

    All will be as planned...

    (See you all the next time!)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:30 No.15468066
    rolled 2, 12 = 14


    Great seeing you again, OP, this quest is the highlight of my day.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)02:37 No.15468130
    Thread archived yet?

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