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07/06/11(Wed)14:57 No.15493549 File1309978659.jpg-(46 KB, 400x400, Reaction 385.jpg)
 I remember when I started an Unarmed specced character on normal. I wanted to go to Jacobstown asap because of the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit from newvegasnexus so the first thing I do... is head north. Fuck me sideways, Cazadores ERRYWHERE! Ok, time to man up, I can't be arsed to go around the whole Mojave to get to Jacobstown so I motherfucking charged!
I died.
Reload and up and at em, this time with some chems like buffout and psycho. CHARGE the three cazadords again! Ok, I learned from my mistake last time, backpedal, sidestep, sidestep, PUNCH, backpeda- STING, inventory, stim pack, PUNCH, sidestep. Yes, I killed the cazador with FIST! but I forgot the two younglings. Reload, repeat as above, but doesnt forget about the others. Finally kill three cazadors with my fists. Stumble upon three more just a few steps down the canyon, fffuuuuu-! A few reloads later and I killed them too. And a few more steps down the canyon I spot a few more and I remember I had a stealth boy. Use that bitch because Im out of chems and I cant deal with yet three more cazadors. A mixture of sneaking and running like a little bitch and I pass them safely. But hey, whats that town over there? Viper gang? Huh, can't be too hard after what I've been through. They were sort of a pain in the ass though. A few reloads later and they are dead and I loot the bodies. Named Unarmed weapon (Love and Hate)
>mfw |