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07/24/11(Sun)13:11 No.15689514 File1311527517.jpg-(16 KB, 236x301, fasa2002-1box.jpg)
 FASA released a number of expansions, allowing PCs to play other factions In the Star Trek universe; Romulans, Orions, regular space pirates, you could play them all. They even gave you a whole system to play around in: The Triangle! And, of course, there were Klingons...
You remember what I said about the "fanon"?
Well, Roddenberry didn't like what FASA were doing with Klingons. They were explaining away stuff he didn't really want mentioning. There were other reasons, but the Klingon stuff is what people consider to be the main bone of contention.
FASA had the license long enough to publish two TNG books, considered by some as a last "up yours" to Paramount, who quickly pulled the license. |