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07/25/11(Mon)08:56 No.15697553 File1311598561.jpg-(644 KB, 800x1500, Dream_Hunter_by_SID75.jpg)
 Make them fucking scary
Not in the wierd, fetishy way of the drow, but scary, almost incomprehensible fucks ruled by passion. A race of hair-trigger psychopaths who have hunted and killed and maybe even eaten man before the dawn of history.
Gradually they've been forced to cooperate with other races and nations as the eons have marched on and rivals have risen up and challenged them.
But they remember being on top, they have instincts more ingrained then you can imagine, and most of them struggle with not simply going crazy and killing the lot of you.
They dont look down their noses at you and snort, they stare you down creepily with their unreadable eyes, wordlessly assessing you, trying to determine if you're an ally, an enemy, or just prey.
In addition to all of this, they have some flaw that gimps them in some regard, forcing them to reluctantly rely on the strengths of others to make up for their own weaknesses.
Maybe they're somewhat like the nids, and grow more sentient in the presence of others, only in their case they grow more sentient in the presence of Any other sentient beings, passively invigorating themselves with the presence of your enlightened soul and allowing them you think and act more clearly, with the constant threat of turning into mindless berserker looming over their minds.
That whole idea probably just sucked... I just wrote down crap as it came to my mind |