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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 08/30/11(Tue)06:29 No.16115635 File1314700199.jpg-(102 KB, 571x800, 1292298682983.jpg)
 You give a subtle nod to Valerius and step back slightly, putting your back to the door frame, observing both the hall and the room.
“Sorry, your... highness? I am-” you momentarily fear Val's pride will get the best of him, but he does not use his real name. Luckily, his common sense (or experience with such situations) overcomes his pride. “known as Kyrinov, bard extraordinaire. My comrade here is Tamiel, Sorcerer of the far east, and the old valkyrie there is Hera. We'd just like to ask you a few questions.” Valerius says diplomatically. He sheathes his sword- you'd say it's terribly incautious of him, especially since you are certain the girl is as evil as anything. In an oblivious and ignorant manner, though... Never taught there was a difference, not actively cruel or vile, but... was never taught better, and you can only assume has never stopped to examine things herself. Possibly your least favorite of such things- If you had to, you'd kill her, but you would regret it.
“Well, we're... investigating. Looking for information, if you will. Among other things- I apologize, but I must ask, your heritage looks positively unique. May I inquire as to your bloodline?” Valerius asks politely.
“I... my parents were sorcerers of significant power.” she says. A rehearsed line, you're almost certain. Valerius seems to agree.
“Aww, come on. I don't mean to press, but I- Well, I'm pretty sure that's just the official line, isn't it? 'pon my honor, I do not give a damn if your demon from the deepest pit or an angel from on high, I simply must know. You're the most beautiful princess I've ever laid eyes on.” You have to look away, out into the hall, to keep from letting the princess see you laugh. Not only is the the boldest lie you've ever heard from him (yet one of the most common,) but he uses it on anyone from captain's daughters, to barmaids. To princesses, apparently. It seems to thaw her out a little. |