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08/30/11(Tue)11:15 No.16117361 File1314717341.png-(394 KB, 580x602, Miyako Chun Li.png)
 I've been playing in a pretty long term Mutants and Masterminds game set in the Nanoha universe after the events of Strikers, the game premise being a class of girls attending a Saint Church Academy who have been specifically selected for a experimental unit based on the success of Riot Force 6, only instead of being run by the TSAB they answer to the Saint Church eventually aspiring to be Knights.
Basically, it's a magic girl game set in a religious all girls school run by Nuns of a sort.
Francesca is a fairly serious, short thirteen year old girl with long brown plaited hair and green eyes, her device is a pair of jade coloured crystalline arm bracers and her barrier jacker (magic girl costume) is a red Chinese style wide sleeved shirt and a pair of blue denim shorts for mobility.
Francesca is keenly interested in history coming from a background of following her archaeologist grandfather around and a practising martial artist, her magic is focused on physical boosts and high mobility.
Basically, she's a young martial artist magic girl Indiana Jones.
Pic semi related, because it's similar to the style top I'm thinking about. |