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09/09/11(Fri)11:55 No.16237251 File1315583718.gif-(99 KB, 379x188, AWESOME.gif)
 I have two bros in my life. Bro 1: >At summer school >talking with girl I know from school >meet cool goth girl >she's crazy, stabs me with a pencil >this is just the kind of thing my teenage self desired at the time, because I was a tryhard edgy blooming metalhead >meet her boyfriend >we click on just some level >much time is spent together, by the end of summer school I'm asking the girl if her boyfriend is picking her up >get invited to his D&D game a year later >stay in his D&D games, run stuff with him >watch movies, go to club nights together >are now joking about sexual encounters between us >don't know if it's creating sexual tension between us >honestly would probably go with it if it ever happened >he's in the army now, I constantly feel like I'm less mature than him, due to my unemployment streaks
another bro >World of Warcraft: Vanilla >Western Plaguelands >Andorhal >playing a Human Paladin >I'm swamped by undead, about to die, it looks like. I activate my bubble, heal and seal with light, hunkering down for a long fight. >In a moment truly blessed by fate, a lone rider came for me that day. >He was clad in red and gold and black robes, and carried a large, two handed sword. >He rode upon a blue and golden barded horse, with spikes along the plated mane. >He lept from his horse, into a dive to sweep his great blade into the largest of the Undead, cutting it twain. >Releasing holy powers beyond mine, he burned and cut and smashed and broke the undead, including a great lich. >He turned to me and said "I understand your sense of duty, but this is not your day of vainglory" >four years later >he's getting married soon, and I'm to be the best man |