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  • File : 1316034018.gif-(637 KB, 2443x2000, Jurassic Quest.gif)
    637 KB Jurassic Quest Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)17:00 No.16296195  

    Alright, the quest has been dead a long while, but people seem to still be interested.

    I'd love to run it some more, but first I need to know if there's enough people who are interested.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:07 No.16296264
    Count me in ECW!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:12 No.16296304
    I never followed JQ but I wish you luck!

    Hopefully you'll get more people to participate.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:14 No.16296325
    Also, maybe you should make a notification in that Quest Meta thread. It is quiet likely some people will notice it there.

    Make sure to make it visible (like posting a Jurassic Park logo as a picture with your post)
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)17:17 No.16296348

    I already posted a notification in that thread, but without a picture. Not sure if I should just make another post with one.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:21 No.16296377
    Oh, alright

    I didn't notice it.

    Anyway, you should start the thread and see where it goes. Don't be shy to bump it a few times.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)17:23 No.16296388

    That's what I'm doing with this. I figure I'll run a couple of threads over the next few days and see how many people I can find that are interested.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:23 No.16296391
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    I read this on suptg a couple of months ago. Was always slightly ticked off when it ended on a cliffhanger.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)17:25 No.16296402

    Yeah, I tried over a week to get interested parties but could never get enough, so it died.

    But it seems people are still interested, so I'm finding out how many.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:29 No.16296430
    Well count me in man!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)17:42 No.16296555
    Well, that's 2 people so far.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:46 No.16296585
    I think we can all learn from an old movie adage: If you post it, they will come. ie, start the quest now, and more people will join in as it goes.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:47 No.16296593
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    ohboy my boner can't be contained to see this quest again. Sadly as a eurofag I must sleep, but good luck and I hope that with this bump people will see this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:50 No.16296619
    you'll have to actually start the quest if you want this go somewhere.
    >> Jurassic Quest: Back with a Vengeance! Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:08 No.16296789
    Fuck why not?

    Thread Archive:

    Athletics [Basic]
    Mechanics [Basic]
    - [Maintenance]
    Computers [Basic]
    Survival [Basic]
    - [Willpower]
    Park Knowledge [Basic]
    Dinosaur Knowledge [Basic]
    First Aid [Basic]
    Firearms [Basic]
    - [Small Arms]

    - Yellow Level Security Card (Eric Watts)
    - Orange Level Security Card (Daniel Ryan)
    - Maintenance PDA
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Hard Hat (Floodhat)
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Coveralls
    - Chainmail x3
    - Utility Belt
    - Flashlight [Pwr: lllll]
    - Walkie-Talkie [Pwr: lllll]
    - Compressed Air Pistol x2
    - Tranq Rifle
    - x20 Tranquilizer Darts
    - Toolbox
    - 2 Rechargeable batteries (Flashlight/talkie compatible)
    - Recharging station (Battery)
    - .44 Magnum
    - x19 .44 Magnum rounds (HP)
    - M1911
    - x24 rounds
    - Jury-rigged Flamethrower (WD-40 and Lighter)
    - Gas Mask
    - Rocket Launcher (Explorer)
    - x6 Missiles (HE)
    - First Aid Kit
    - x30 7.62 rounds (HP)
    - x30 7.62 rounds (Incendiary)
    - Taser
    - Spanish/English Pocket Dictionary
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:21 No.16296923
    I forget, didn't we end up leaving the rocket launcher somewhere else?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:23 No.16296948

    We're well-armed, but what does the first aid kit contain? Bandages? We can't keep bandaging wounds with shirts.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:23 No.16296950

    Yeah, it's in the boat, I think. It's been a long time.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:25 No.16296978

    Bandages, needle/thread, surgical tape, adrenaline, AB ointment, alcohol pads...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:27 No.16296996
    Am I interested?

    Does a Tyrannosaurus break out of its pen?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:27 No.16297004
    So as I recall, we were leading around some newbies and teaching them the ropes. At first they didn't take us seriously about how dangerous shit was, but now they've wised up, yeah?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:28 No.16297013

    I'll need to reread the archived threads to have a good sense, but yes. That sounds correct.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.16297034
    IIRC that Brooklyn guy's still a moron, but so was Juan when we first met him.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:31 No.16297054
    So far people have proven to learn fast... or die.

    But yeah, Brooklyn kept on being a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:34 No.16297088
    >Save his ass from Velociraptors
    Advice Rex
    >Acquire devoted minion

    Hey, it worked before
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:40 No.16297135
    Alright, recap.

    You guys are in a storage building in the Raptor pens attempting to get a computer working.

    You, Marshall, and Aidan are all in the building with raptors attempting to break in.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:44 No.16297187

    Yeah, I posted a small recap just now, I'm reading up on the previous thread to get everything back in my head. Apologies, need to dust off the cobwebs.

    "*static* Alright, I think this is the right key to use. Are you in front of the computer?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:48 No.16297238
    Heaven or hell lets do this
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:49 No.16297267
    Assuming we are there...

    "Yeah, we're ready."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:50 No.16297273
    "yes I am...
    Now what?"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)18:52 No.16297304
    He rattles off a string of numbers and letters and you put them in.


    You hear Aidan curse and hear a roar as he stabs at something in front of the skylight.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:54 No.16297327
    "Says the key is invalid!" turn to Aidan, "You're doing great!"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:56 No.16297361
    Not the right one! Come on dispatch we need that code!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:58 No.16297382
    I fuck every raptor I can find.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:02 No.16297442
    "*static* Oh right, we upgraded the software, just let me look in the book for the key." You hear a heavy thud.

    Marshall is screaming. You look over and a raptor has managed to grab him with a claw and is trying to yank his arm to its mouth.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:05 No.16297469
    Shit shit shit! Tranque the raptor to let him get free.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:06 No.16297492
    Keep half an eye on Aidan's fight, ready to charge in the raptors look like they're going to break through, Aidan gets grabbed, or worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:08 No.16297508
    Derp too slow, are we holding a weapon?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:13 No.16297572
    Shoot the raptor that got Marshall, does not matter what, water we have in hand or can get furst
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:15 No.16297610
    You take aim with your tranq pistol at the raptor.

    Give me a Weapons check. d100.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:21 No.16297684
    First ever quest thread, how do I roll?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:23 No.16297710

    "dice+XdY" in email field
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:24 No.16297724
    rolled 35 = 35

    Rollan, let's see how this goes
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:24 No.16297726
    rolled 84 = 84

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:26 No.16297764
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:30 No.16297806

    You fire the gun and a dart sprouts from the raptor's chest. It releases Marshall and scratches the dart off with it's claw before running out of sight.

    "*static* Alright, I'm getting close. Just hold on a second and I'll have the key."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:35 No.16297871

    Scan the perimiter. Any sign of her raptor buddies lurking just out of range?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:35 No.16297881
    Is Marshall injured? If so, toss someone the medical kit so they can treat him, if not, wait for the code.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:38 No.16297897
    I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and I'm profoundly lazy. Can op (or anyone really) give a quick plot summery and explain how this works?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:38 No.16297909
    "Today would be great dispatch, hey Marshall you okay!"
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:40 No.16297933
    Marshall is sitting on the floor hyperventilating, but otherwise unharmed. Chainmail's good stuff.

    "*static* Alright, I got it. THIS should be the one." He rattles off another set of numbers and letters.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:41 No.16297950
    We are a MAINTENANCE WORKER at JURASSIC PARK. Out job is to go where DISPATCH sends us and FIX SHIT. So far, we have FIXED a METRIC TON of SHIT.WE are currently TRAINING several men after most of MAINTENANCE took a BOAT off the ISLAND, fleeing due to BAD PAY and HORRIBLE WORK CONDITIONS. IIRC, we are actually HEAD of MAINTENANCE. ECW will occasionally ask for ROLLS, when we do things that have RISK.
    >> Benign Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:45 No.16297983
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:45 No.16297989
    God please let this be it Marshall, back on your feet and cover that window
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:47 No.16298012

    Sorry dude, I thought people had lost interest in the quest.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:48 No.16298017
    Alright, let's put that key in!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:51 No.16298065
    Marshall shakily gets to his feet and grabs his rifle. His face looks like ivory.

    You put the key in...and it works!

    A progress bar appears and starts filling up.
    >> Benign Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:51 No.16298066
    Ya know what, I got JPQ back, I'll be fine.

    Why are we in the shed again? Its been a long time.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)19:56 No.16298103

    Activating security systems for the raptor paddock.
    >> Benign Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:01 No.16298142
    Ahh, a challenge worthy of our skills. Enter the code.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:02 No.16298147
    Sounds like a good thing to do, yeah. Are we needed at the computer right now while it loads, or can we help Marshall out defending against the raptors?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:04 No.16298164
    The bar fills up relatively quickly, coinciding in a lull with the attacks.

    The installation completes and the program opens up.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:04 No.16298168
    Why on earth do they have the maintainence shed for the raptor paddock security in the raptor enclosure?

    Its Imperial Star Destroyers all over again...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:11 No.16298184
    Alright, let's take a look at the program. What does it say we can do with it? Is more setup necessary?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:12 No.16298194
    The same reason that the Rebel shield generator was outside the shield on Hoth: Dramatic tension.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:15 No.16298217

    The program has options for slaving the local security systems to it, as well as receiving commands from outside sources, if it has connection to a network.

    Currently, nothing is slaved to the program.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:16 No.16298228
    The program has options for slaving the local security systems to it, as well as receiving commands from outside sources, if it has connection to a network.

    Currently, nothing is slaved to the program.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:20 No.16298263
    Okay, let's get the local security systems connected to it. See what we can do here.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:23 No.16298298
    Yeah, if the User Interface is simple enough that we can do it without badgering Dispatch, do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:23 No.16298303
    Let's try to get it connected to the network so that Dispatch can control it. He's got the manuals, we should make him do this.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:25 No.16298324

    You set the program to search for systems. It finds the electric fences, the security cameras, and the security systems for the control room.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:32 No.16298409
    Electric fences? Call the team, tell them to get away from fences, in fact, call everyone we can and give them the message, then turn those fences the fuck ON!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:36 No.16298452
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    Turn those machines back on!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:38 No.16298479
    Tell Marshall and Aidan to get away from the fencing, and turn the security for this control room back on. Then tell Dispatch we're bringing the fences and cameras back online, and if he can confirm.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:38 No.16298486
    You alert the workers over the radio about the fences, though it takes a little while to translate into Spanish.

    You turn the fences on, and the nodes come back hot. Velociraptor fences are all on.

    "Hey Boss, how's it coming? The raptors are getting eager about this skylight and the baton is running out of juice."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:43 No.16298530
    "We got it!" Toss him out tranque gun if we can so he can use that.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:43 No.16298532
    We done here? If so

    "Just finishing up now, believe me I can't wait to get out of here too."

    ...we did *have* an evac plan, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:49 No.16298561
    Wait, we were supposed to hook the system up to the network or not?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:49 No.16298564
    You turn on control room security and the mesh in the skylight spits out sparks. A shriek rends the air and the smell of burnt meat reaches you. Lights on the door and the closet flash on.

    The computer is now displaying security camera views across the raptor paddock. The one near you spots 4 raptors attempting to get in through the roof. Another two raptors are lying incapacitated nearby.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:52 No.16298589
    It never rains, does it? Get to shooting those Raptors. Give Marshall the magnum while we use the trangue gun.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)20:57 No.16298644
    You can see three of the raptors retreat from the roof, the fourth is sitting on the mesh, twitching.

    If you're quick you might nail some of them before they hit the foliage. Roll Firearms.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:58 No.16298650
    rolled 7 = 7

    Come on good dice!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:59 No.16298663
    rolled 22 = 22

    Mmm...fried raptor.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:00 No.16298676
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:12 No.16298740
    You fail to hit any of them and they retreat into the brush.

    Adrien comes on over the radio "*static* Hey, are you alive out*static* Good work Porter, the systems are running and we've got control down here. You're done there."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:14 No.16298781
    Get Marshal and head out to hook up with the others.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:14 No.16298784
         File1316049287.jpg-(532 KB, 675x900, 1304812866040.jpg)
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    ECW! You're back!

    You didn't run Jurassic Quest at the best time before. People were just getting off work. But I'm glad you're back.

    Picture related. Its how awesome this is.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:15 No.16298798
    Put gem in mouth
    Am I doin' it right?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:17 No.16298815

    Yeah, I had limited time after high school. Now I'm in college, so I have more time.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:19 No.16298833
         File1316049580.jpg-(33 KB, 500x399, tumblr_kzhoxpTJDH1qzn0kbo1_500.jpg)
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    Marines! We are leaving!

    Seriously though, round everyone up and make for the transport, watching each others backs as you go.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:20 No.16298844
    You open the door and the three of you cautiously walk out. You aren't immediately slaughtered and eaten. The moon is at its apex and fills the clearing with light.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:25 No.16298911
    Ah shit. Where are we headed again?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:26 No.16298926

    You have the yacht docked at a dock on the other end of the path to the building.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:28 No.16298948
    Get there, double time, and keep eyes out for raptors.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:29 No.16298951
         File1316050167.jpg-(105 KB, 1280x720, 1302673309771.jpg)
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    College? Good for you bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:30 No.16298974
    Is there brush between here and the yacht?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:32 No.16298992

    Yes, there's a small path through the jungle that's flanked by dense brush.

    Thanks, I'm shooting for a Ph.D in Entomology
    >> dice+2d100 Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:38 No.16299079
    So you're heading back to the yacht, I presume.

    Roll a Survival check.

    (M, Ai)
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:39 No.16299088
    rolled 3, 66 = 69


    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:43 No.16299120
    rolled 57, 76 = 133

    Survival checks!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:44 No.16299144
    rolled 42 = 42

    Here goes
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)21:53 No.16299265
    rolled 38, 73 = 111

    As you return to the yacht, the jungle goes quiet and you strain to hear anything. There, the rustle of leaves on either side of you. Aidan looks at you while Marshall keeps walking forward. Aiming at every shadow on the trail.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:58 No.16299338
    rolled 92 = 92

    "Aidan, watch the left, Marshall watch our rear."

    You watch the right.

    And keep moving.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:03 No.16299391
    Second. Stay alert for ambushes. We've seen how fond the raptors are of those.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:04 No.16299397
    rolled 57, 33 = 90

    They follow your orders and you continue. The sounds seem to be everywhere, at times right next to you, at others barely audible.

    Make another check.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:08 No.16299466
    rolled 29, 56 = 85

    Another check. 2 dice, right?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:09 No.16299480
    rolled 3, 29 = 32


    No, just the one. I'm rolling for the two NPCs.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:09 No.16299484
         File1316052579.jpg-(24 KB, 300x208, david_caruso_sunglasses.jpg)
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    rolled 22 = 22

    Things are starting to look....dicey
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:13 No.16299550
    rolled 39 = 39

    Oh, oops.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:14 No.16299565
    You notice a pair of reptilian eyes in front of you, then they're replaced by a raptor leaping at you from the brush. You manage to jump out of the way, as does Aidan.

    Marshall is tackled by a raptor, his arm is in it's mouth, but the mail prevents it from biting.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:16 No.16299593
    rolled 94 = 94

    Yell out to Aidan "There's gonna be another one, watch out!"
    Then shoot that raptor on Marshall with the tranq rifle.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:16 No.16299602
    rolled 45 = 45

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:17 No.16299606
    rolled 71 = 71

    Shoot that mother humper!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:20 No.16299646
    You hit in the neck, and you can see its eyes dilate in the light of your floodhat. It slumps over and drools on Marshall's face.

    Aidan is currently in a wrestling match with the 2nd raptor, his pistol shoved in its mouth; and the 3rd has disappeared.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:22 No.16299689
    Well, that's a decent place for the pistol to be. Now he just needs to pull the trigger. Let's jkeep an eye out for that third Raptor.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:26 No.16299746
    rolled 83 = 83

    Charge over to Aidan's aid, and shoot that raptor, too. Look for the third raptor, it must be waiting for an opening.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:27 No.16299755
    You keep watch until you hear the struggling subside. Aidan gets to his feet.

    "Goddammit, someone get this lizard off of me!"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:28 No.16299772
         File1316053693.jpg-(52 KB, 332x496, franky.jpg)
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    rolled 1 = 1

    You know what must be done
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:40 No.16299903
    Alright, help Marshall while Aidan keeps watch in case the third raptor feels lucky.

    "First thing I'm going to do when we get back to the bunker: every Maintenance guy gets chainmail, and fuck the budget."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:40 No.16299915
    You and Aidan grab the comatose raptor and toss it off the trail. After helping Marshall to his feet, you continue.

    You don't see the last raptor at all as you finish the hike. You clear the foliage and reach the dock, where the boat sits at anchor. The deck seems clear, and you can make out Adrien in the pilot's cabin.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:42 No.16299943
    rolled 33 = 33

    Nod to Aiden "keep watch" while you pull that lizard off of Marshall.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:42 No.16299944
    Damn posting lag.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:44 No.16299963
    This posting lag is really annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:44 No.16299968
    Say to Aidan "still want one of those things as a pet?" as you climb aboard.
    >> Taffer 09/14/11(Wed)22:47 No.16299987
    Shout out to Adrian. " We're coming aboard. Start the engine up, we're getting out of here."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:48 No.16299998
    Second these two.
    Want to make sure that Adrien is actually alive and not dead and propped up as bait by the last raptor.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:49 No.16300011
    The chainmail has been really useful at stopping our guys getting mauled badly, hasn't it.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:52 No.16300044
    Aidan doesn't say anything, he just goes belowdeck. Adrien revs up the motor and pulls away from the dock. You check your watch, it's 1 AM.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:53 No.16300049
    I wonder if we put in a bulk order with Muldoon's people, if we could get a bulk discount?

    Anyway, yeah, I know Dispatch told us when we got our promotion, that we gotta keep ourselves within budget, but I think chainmail for everyone is the way to go. And maybe surplus US Army goggles, so poison doesn't get in your eyes from the dilo's.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:55 No.16300075
    Alright, let's have Marshall go down, make sure weapons stay ready. We'll stay in the pilot's cabin with Adrien.

    Call up Dispatch: "Hey Dispatch, this is Porter. If there isn't anything that needs immediate attention, I'm having this team punch out for the night. I've got one seriously wounded, and we're all fucking tired."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:56 No.16300083
    Time to check on our injured teammate. We left him below decks, right? Let Marshall know he's on guard duty up top, and to shoot any raptors that fancy their chances in the water.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)22:59 No.16300130

    So who's going where?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:05 No.16300206
    Well, we seem to be in better mental condition than Marshall, so we should probably stay on guard duty. I mean, Marshall's been chewed on twice today; I think he could use a break.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:07 No.16300247
    Agreed, send him to check on Jacob and then stand down.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)23:11 No.16300290
    You stand with Adrien on deck, and then they day hits you. Damn, you're tired.

    Marshall comes over the radio to tell you that Jason seems fine, and is sleeping. Aidan is back to drinking.

    You radio in to Dispatch.

    "*static* Alright, good work Porter. We'll have this park back in shape in no time now. Get your men up ASAP, we're gonna need them."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:14 No.16300318
    Well I'm gonna have to blow Dispatch off, as it's 4:13am where I am. Thanks for this ECW, and good night!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:15 No.16300336
    Radio off. "You have GOT to be shitting me."
    Radio on. "Alright Dispatch, but I'm bringing my team in first. I got wounded that needs to be taken to the infirmary."
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)23:16 No.16300341

    No problem, night.

    Also, I'm wrapping it up here. I'm tired. Let's see, tomorrow I'm free from 4PM EST onward. We could run it then. That sounds good to everyone?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)23:18 No.16300361

    Shit, that's EDT, not EST. 4 PM EDT.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:20 No.16300393
    I'll likely miss a good chunk of that, since I'll be in mid-commute.
    I'll be on the lookout for the thread as soon as I'm home, though.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/14/11(Wed)23:21 No.16300395
    Could someone archive this? I'd do it but I need to get to bed.

    Glad I could bring this back, thanks everyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:33 No.16300526
    Archive complete.

    Don't forget to vote, everyone!

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