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09/15/11(Thu)04:04 No.16302483 File1316073858.jpg-(84 KB, 521x650, 1287879090620.jpg)
 >>16299623 I don't know.
From it's humble beginnings as a simple MS Paint doodle for /tg/, I always found that Broquest, as it's come to be called, was more about picking what kinds of party members you'd want to have in a game or campaign, rather than each of them being balanced.
Initially, the Catgirl was supposed to be there as the romantic interest. The buxom and just-enough-animalisms-to-seem-exotic character who was portrayed as friendly. It wasn't well drawn, but you knew that the character existed to be the type to wrench your nutbladder and make you want to white-knight over. It wasn't there to be a powerful or useful character, but a low-end jack-of-all-trades that you connect with emotionally throughout the game, rather than just another warm body to fill a role.
Now, I find that it's a far cry from it's original theme. The character looks to have gone from being Cuddly to being... Catty; Its' foreign-girl-next-door sex appeal reduced and others' sex appeals raised. At this point, it just doesn't seem like it's trying to be the same character it started as.
Some folks on /tg/ have said that it was dumb and needed changing because it was "Supposed to be an RPG, not a dating sim", but I saw the whole point of picking your party for some abstract game as also dictating what kind of game you wanted to play. Sure, if you wanted The Vengeful Viking, the Dickass thief, and the Drunken Dwarven Monk, you could play that more combat-and-subterfuge oriented game, but you shouldn't be refused the option to just have a lighthearted game with your bro, pet dog, and busty catgirl girlfriend. |