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Rule Clarifications Requested 1/2
09/15/11(Thu)09:33 No.16304371 File1316093635.png-(12 KB, 242x246, SCD_algebraic_notation.png)
 If you don't mind I"m going to establish some more terminology before going further: P = Past; R = pResent; F = Future; Rr = P resolution; Fr = F resolution (propagation of changes, annihilation, etc) Trade = a sequence of two moves. Notation T## Useful Unicode: ♔ ♚ ♕ ♛ ♖ ♜ ♗ ♝ ♘ ♞ ♙ ♟
>>16301482 Just to clarify this point, that is EACH PLAYER plays their turn on each board? So assuming first(white), then WP1 has W and B both make a move; then play shifts to BP1 where B, then W, makes a move? (Assuming a fairly "normal" round).
Also, in the case of moves in P or F, if after white's play on BP1 white decides to move on P, is black also bound by rule to similarly effect a change on the past state? (I'd argue against this as it makes for a more interesting game.)
EDIT: Never mind; I read back over and see that change propagation was covered. I'll leave the below here because I bothered to type it and maybe it'll be useful to someone else (houe-rules, tweaks, ideas, etc) Similarly, how are changes from past to present and present to future propagated? Is it immediate? Is there a delay? Is it instantaneous or timed. Example: T01 WR1- ♙E4 ♟F5 T02 BR1- ♟E4 ♙C5 T03 P- ♙D3 ♞C6
P♙D3 could: -Immediately propagate to the present -Propagate only after ♞C6 (one trade) -Propagate at the end of the round (I believe you may have mentioned something of this sort?) -Propagate after the subsequent trade (canonically, BR2)
Additionally, I'd like the exact nature of the propagation clarified further. A propagation from the past might be: -Only to the present (thus updating the state of the present without yet affecting the past) -Present AND Future -Present then future with delay (one move, trade, round, etc.) |