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!!WT5kWiwTesn 10/09/11(Sun)09:21 No.16569543 File1318166490.png-(350 KB, 720x400, 1317867191786.png)
(There are probably a dozen mistakes in the comments below, but these will improve with time.)
Chapter Master: YOU Duties: project leader. This is for /tg/, so /tg/ is the primary source of design decisions.
Chapter Council - the Designmarines: Chapter role: the Designmarines try to hack together the structure of features that define and shape the game (creating features, and from them, program specifications) Company Champion: Frollo (Inquisitor Frollo on IRC) Specific duties: maintaining and writing feature notes, the SRD, and other relevant documents Ancient of Rites: Ash (Ash_Mantle on IRC) (that's me) Specific duties: general coordination, being up at all hours, writing information dumps, taking contact info things that don't have to do with actually sending or receiving email, participating in as many specifications discussions as possible, overseeing the editing of writefaggotry Master of the Astropathic Ciphers: Jared (Jareddm on IRC) Specific duties: Taking all your emails, keeping me from suggesting a structure that will weigh the project down so heavily as to suffocate it.
Council Aspirants: PauldronGuy, Anon_Scribe Note: this list is incomplete, if I forgot you, well...sorry, I haven't slept in a while.
Forge personnel - the Codemarines: Chapter role: the Codemarines are currently deployed in prototyping and testbed functions.
Visual Basic team (in order of recruitment): Forgefather Watcher (Watcher on IRC) Credited work - chapter randomizer, planet selection, relic generator Forgefather VB (VBcoder on IRC) Credited work - map feature specifications, map utility, dynamic map generator, anything with the GDI+ engine, probably the bulk of the graphics if he's up for it Forgefather Mansfield (Mansfield on IRC) Credited work - planet generator Forgefather Omni (Omni on IRC) |