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10/23/11(Sun)14:08 No.16715957 File1319393329.jpg-(75 KB, 762x324, DABOYZ.jpg)
 > Random DA sucessor Things are going pretty good, start on bitch'n agri-world that never shows any serious sign of mutation , heresy, xenos, etc. >Call of the Fallen, Ohboyherewego.avi Decide to send first company alone, giving my myrmidons the bossest gear I can afford to deck em out in.
The rest of the system seems ok, at cautious first probings. looks like we got some minor orks in the furthest planet, but they is feral. I would feel bad about killing them before they can waag, so I will wait for a warboss to show up. Couple of dead worlds, forgeworld, finish exploring the system just as I get field report, Fallen have fallen, everything seems ok... >All of the limes fall out of my hands Mech show up to demand the relic that I discovered back on forgeworld, but my only good ID "tag team" outside my main squad is in my raven wing. They have failed to ID the thing so far, having only passed it through the chaplain and apothecary. That guy has to get his useless thumbs in every pie, never identifies anything. I can't hand the artifact over because I just gave it to my librarian who I forgot to tell to bring back to ID. The Mechs begin indictment ...oh good. >][ >asshole clench Ordo Hereticus Officer of meaningless rank named O'Hare petitions for assistance...oh thank gawd. Send my 5th and 6th on some wild goose chase in a flood of relief, but then the jew in me kicks in and I have 7th and 8th follow and run ][ check on this CIA man. >Con't |