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10/25/11(Tue)14:44 No.16735373 File1319568259.jpg-(377 KB, 1500x1500, 1311541654365.jpg)
 When Squad Tertius burst from the heavy jungle into the small clearing, the first thing they saw were Hormagaunts. Their corpses littered the valley. Next, they noticed the bodies of the Scouts. Through out the valley, they lay surrounded by piles of corpses. It appeared that they were struck before they could group up in a concerted defense, and were taken out one by one. They heard the loud retort of a bolt pistol before they noticed the third and last remarkable detail of the valley. The squad's sergeant turned at the sound to see a lone surviving Tyranid burst from an internal explosion. Silhoutted by the mist of blood was another lone survivor. Scout Varen stood, wide-legged as if straddling an equine, breathing heavily. His eyes were wild in a face covered in blood. On the ground, the dead form of the scout sergeant lay between Varen's legs. There was a small circle just over a meter wide clear of Hormagaunts. Squad Tertius of the Third Company would have stood in awe at the sight, were they not Astartes. Instead, they commended him in their minds for proper behavior becoming of one of their own. Anything less would have been unacceptable. When they approached him, it took a moment for Varen's smoking pistol to waver and finaly dip, the wild look in his eyes slowly fading. Seeing the extensive injuries on the scout, and not wishing to waste the geneseed of the brave fallen, Tertius requested the urgent aid of an Apothecary through the vox. |