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11/06/11(Sun)00:30 No.16854196 File1320553846.jpg-(400 KB, 876x1200, 1298160999544.jpg)
 >>16854021 for a tight bond with my party based on mutual respect, shared adversity, and a mutual contempt for the other scum on the island.
challenge other islanders, offer the choice of feudal service or a clean death to the defeated. after the island is under my yoke, proceed to unearth lazarus and unravel his very essence.
this will take about 3-4 months, so after that, i guess in the 3 and a half years remaining i build a library in lazarus' horrific underground lair and fill it with arcane tomes and blasphemous relics.
maybe take some time off to go windsurfing, barbeque on the beach when the weather is nice, maybe court one of the comelier lasses in my service and raise a family.
mildred will be the godmother, it will mean a lot to her to be included. doldorf will probably be engrossed by running the dark library, but i'll bring junior down to see him with cookies from time to time, kid's got to learn the dark arts eventually, right?
the night of my child's 17th birthday, i'll kill his mother, and poison my two original companions, and disappear into the night. he'll have to rally my old subjects together into a ragtag army and mount an assault on the forsaken library beneath the island, and then the real story will begin... |