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11/07/11(Mon)20:20 No.16875542 File1320715218.jpg-(814 KB, 3045x2300, from logic stems all.jpg)
 >>16875523 >The Fifth Layer, The King's Evening AKA Bagworld Abyss AKA The Far Realm: This is the eddge beyond reality, the point where sanity has gone so far into insanity that it has become sane again in full awareness of reality as it truly is. One cannot describe this place, for its definition is stable only where a sentient creature defines it. There are landmarks that are ancient, their existence empowered by the beings who remain entrapped within, primary of these is The Tessaract Eternal, where the King himself remains in banishment from reality as the progenitor of all paradoxes and impossibilities, removed from all logic but his own he remains here in the place that some call Limbus, that void outside of existence which forms the gap between universes and beyond. At this point the world will only appear and act as the DM declares it, but the players will have the advantage of being able to actively control their perceived reality, should their will be great enough and their sanity already remade in reflection of the King's image. Ultimate Win Condition: Find your way into the Eternal Tessaract, and find the Key to the beginning of existence, from there you can find your way to reality. Otherwise, you can sail the void to another realm, and should you be be able, you can break your way in as an unnoticed speck. |