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11/08/11(Tue)05:43 No.16881140 File1320749004.gif-(187 KB, 451x599, anatomy of a warboss.gif)
 >>16881098 Ghazkhull >The big guy is best kept for the big games. He's not bad, but he does take a lot of points in smaller games. That said, his 6" Waaagh! is great. Consider unsing him as a MAWB to free up points, though this is negotiable, particularly with footsloggaz. Bigmek with KFF, klaw, cybork body, attack squig, plates >plates? Also, he shouldn't be seeing combat, so the claw, cybork and squig is all wasted points. Cybork can be worth keeping, and maybe the klaw for "fine tuning" enemy vehicles, but there's almost definately better places to put the points. 10 Lootaz >Static firepower, ok. 9 nobs with different attire, a dok, banna, pole, two of them are klaws > A good unit. Cybork would be great here, and make sure the banna, pole and klaw are all on one ork - think of him as the boss of da nobz mob. That way you can get the bonus from the banna and pole right to the end. If you're going gorkamorka, get these boyz a ride. A taxiwagon would be a good investment. In fact, it very well may be a good investment regardless. 20 slugga boys >PK/BP nob I hope? If not, GET ONE. Take him from the nob mob if need be. 20 slugga boys with two rokkits >Same as above. 12 shoota boys in trukk with klaw nob >1 trukk is rarely a good idea. You'd be better off without it IMHO. If you're going footslogga, your fast units should be stormboyz and kommandoz. Otherwise, try getting the nobs a trukk, and putting the other sluggers in a few trukks. 11 shoota boys with big choppa nob >Mob is too small. Big choppas are only good when paired with a kombi-weapon/TLS in a nobs mob. If you want another scorer, grots would be better. Deff dread with 4 CCW >Proppa goffik. Ideally it should be backed up with more walkers. A mob of 3 kanz would be my pick. |