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11/15/11(Tue)14:28 No.16938890 File1321385294.png-(338 KB, 800x600, Fleet1.png)
 >>16937702 The guy who used to post the big updates is having some IRL problems.
What's going on at the moment is basically that we've discussed the shit out of what features we want, and now it comes down to the long slow part of making things that we can put together. For the time being, the coders are coding, the artists are arting (pic related), and so on.
I think we all agree that more discussion would be good, but we went over basically all the game features at least once and usually twice or more in our old all-night discussions, and I think from here on out, we mainly need to discuss what to do when someone is unsure just how to proceed. Now, this doesn't mean "stop logging into the IRC," it means, "feel free to tune out, but check every once in a while to make sure nobody has a question that requires input". For example, when I was getting ready to do this painting, I posted a list of all the segmentum battlefleet colors (I kind of didn't want to do classic blue) for people to pick from. They chose Tempestus (surprise, classic blue).
Vbcoder, that's amazing, holy shit. Pleeaase post it on the forums. The idea of having a sort of magnitude scale for Marine presence seems like it would be good. Maybe divide the rings down the middle, and have one half show enemy presence, and one half show chapter presence?
Anon_scribe, I lol'd. |