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11/30/11(Wed)04:07 No.17062845 File1322644028.png-(55 KB, 1109x631, 1318959696564.png)
 >local geedub store >have 2k worth of tyranids with a pretty decent list. Two regen primes, termagant/tervigon combo, hive guard, zoanthropes, warriors with swords everywhere, t-fex, ravaners and shrikes >3 wounds, 3 wounds everywhere >black autistic kid (no I'm not joking, he actually did have a degree of autism and it was noticable) challenges me with his mech BA >heard he's a power player, so I decide to honour him by giving him a damn good game >his list consists of something like two stormraven, some assault marines, techie and servitor, some land raider, baal predator, some terminators too, goes into detail about how his units can do this and that >I show interest but rush us to get the game started >spearhead, capture and control, 4 objectives, 1 on each corner >turn 1 is mine, warriors and shrikes jump to my objectives, ravaners skirmish around to wait for delicious terminators >hive guard explode a stormraven turn 1 >zoanthropes make sure his land raider can't do shit >suppress all his mech and take things apart piece by piece, warriors rushing forward and slaughtering all in their path >hold all objectives turn 3, he surrenders
Apparently he took it 'very well' because he shook my hand and didn't scream in my face. I heard the same kid got banned from all stores in my local area because he argued with a kid, kicked him in the shin, started full blown ragemode swearing at the store manager and refused to apologise.
Such is life in england. |